2015-09-23 09:59:34 -05:00

3498 lines
89 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: TW Blue 0.50\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-04 08:51+Hora de verano central (Mxico)\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-08 16:15+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Manuel Cortéz <manuel@manuelcortez.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Sukil Etxenike Arizaleta <sukiletxe@yahoo.es>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.2\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;gettext;gettext_noop\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:89
msgid "This action is not supported for this buffer"
msgstr "Eragiketa hau ez da buffer honetarako onargarria"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:128
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:957 ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:24
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\events.py:14 ../src\wxUI\buffers\trends.py:17
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:251 ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:33
msgid "Tweet"
msgstr "Txio"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:129
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:958
msgid "Write the tweet here"
msgstr "Idatzi txioa hemen"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:312
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:753
msgid "%s items retrieved"
msgstr "%s elementu jasota"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:332
msgid "This buffer is not a timeline; it can't be deleted."
msgstr "buffer hau ez da denbora lerro bat, ezin da ezabatu."
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:448
msgid "Reply to %s"
msgstr "%s(r)i erantzun"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:448
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:11 ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:26
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "erantzun"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:475
msgid "Direct message to %s"
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezua %s(r)i"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:475
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1125
msgid "New direct message"
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezu bat"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:496
msgid "Add your comment to the tweet"
msgstr "Txioari iruzkin bat erantsi"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:496
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:12 ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:25
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:9 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:126
msgid "Retweet"
msgstr "Bertxiotu"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:567
msgid "Opening URL..."
msgstr "URLa irekitzen..."
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:602
msgid "User details"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen Xehetasunak"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:651
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Hutsa"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:712
msgid "Mention to %s"
msgstr "Aipamena %s-(r)i"
#: ../src\controller\buffersController.py:712 ../src\wxUI\buffers\people.py:15
msgid "Mention"
msgstr "Aipamena"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:254
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Prest"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:286
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Hasiera"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:290
msgid "Mentions"
msgstr "Aipamenak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:294
msgid "Direct messages"
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezuak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:298
msgid "Sent direct messages"
msgstr "Bidalitako zuzeneko mezuak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:302
msgid "Sent tweets"
msgstr "Bidalitako txioak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:307
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1248
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:20
msgid "Favourites"
msgstr "Gogokoak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:311
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1253
msgid "Followers"
msgstr "Jarraitzaileak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:315
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1258
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "Lagunak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:319
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1263
msgid "Blocked users"
msgstr "Blokeatutako erabiltzaileak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:323
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1268
msgid "Muted users"
msgstr "Isildutako erabiltzaileak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:327
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1273
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Gertaerak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:330
msgid "Timelines"
msgstr "Denbora lerroak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:334
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:756
msgid "Timeline for {}"
msgstr "{}(r)en denbora lerroa"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:337
msgid "Favourites timelines"
msgstr "Gogokoen denbora lerroa"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:341
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:771
msgid "Favourites timeline for {}"
msgstr "{}(r)en gogokoen denbora lerroa"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:346 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:12
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Zerrendak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:351
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1284
msgid "List for {}"
msgstr "{}(r)en zerrrenda"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:354
msgid "Searches"
msgstr "Bilaketak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:358
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:416
msgid "Search for {}"
msgstr "{} bilatu"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:368
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:817
msgid "Trending topics for %s"
msgstr "%s(e)rako tendentziak"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:435
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:912
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:931
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:950
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:969
msgid ""
"No session is currently in focus. Focus a session with the next or previous "
"session shortcut."
msgstr ""
"z daago fokatutako sesiorik. Lehenik, fokatu sesio bat aurreko eta hurrengo "
"sesiora joateko lasterbideekin."
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:439
msgid "Empty buffer."
msgstr "Bufferraren osagaiak ezabatu"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:446
msgid "{0} not found."
msgstr "Ez da {0} aurkitu"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:482
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:509
msgid "Select the user"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea aukeratu"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:790
msgid "Conversation with {0}"
msgstr "{0}(r)ekin elkarrizketa"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:834
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:853
msgid "There are no coordinates in this tweet"
msgstr "Txio honetan ez dago koordenaturik"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:836
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:855
msgid "There are no results for the coordinates in this tweet"
msgstr "Ez dago emaitzarik txio honen koordenatuetarako"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:838
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:857
msgid "Error decoding coordinates. Try again later."
msgstr "Errorea koordenatuak dekodetzean. Mesedez, saiatu berriro beranduago"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:960
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:979
msgid "%s, %s of %s"
msgstr "%s, %s %s(e)tik"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:962
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:981
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1002
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1023
msgid "%s. Empty"
msgstr "%s. Hutsa"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:994
msgid "{0}: This account is not logged into Twitter."
msgstr "{0}: kontu hau ez dago Twitterren sartuta."
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1000
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1021
msgid "%s. %s, %s of %s"
msgstr "%s. %s, %s %s(e)tik"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1015
msgid "{0}: This account is not logged into twitter."
msgstr "{0}: kontu hau ez dago Twitterren sartuta."
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1116
msgid "One mention from %s "
msgstr "%s(r)en aipamen bat"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1205
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1214
msgid "One tweet from %s"
msgstr "%s(r)en Txio bat"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1278
msgid "This list is already opened"
msgstr "Zerrenda hau jada irekita dago."
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1337
msgid "The auto-reading of new tweets is enabled for this buffer"
msgstr "Tweet berrien irakurketa automatikoa aktibatua dago buffer honetarako "
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1340
msgid "The auto-reading of new tweets is disabled for this buffer"
msgstr ""
"Tweet berrien irakurketa automatikoa desaktibatua dago buffer honetarako "
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1346
msgid "Session mute on"
msgstr "Sesioa isildu aktibatua"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1349
msgid "Session mute off"
msgstr "Sesioaren isiltzea desaktibatua dago."
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1356
msgid "Buffer mute on"
msgstr "Bufferra isildu aktibatua"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1359
msgid "Buffer mute off"
msgstr "Bufferra isildu desaktibatua"
#: ../src\controller\mainController.py:1372
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Kopiatua"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:44
msgid "Translated"
msgstr "Itzulia"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:51
msgid "There's no URL to be shortened"
msgstr "Ez dago laburtzeko URLrik "
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:55 ../src\controller\messages.py:62
msgid "URL shortened"
msgstr "URLa laburtua"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:68
msgid "There's no URL to be expanded"
msgstr "Ez dago zabaltzeko URLrik"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:72 ../src\controller\messages.py:79
msgid "URL expanded"
msgstr "URLa zabalduta"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:90
msgid "%s - %s of %d characters"
msgstr "%s - %s %d karakteretik"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s - %s characters"
msgstr "%s - %s %d karakteretik"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:111
msgid "Unable to upload the audio"
msgstr "Ezinezkoa izan da audioa igotzea"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:127 ../src\controller\messages.py:135
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:77
msgid "Discard image"
msgstr "Irudia baztertu"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:130 ../src\controller\user.py:53
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:127
msgid "Discarded"
msgstr "Baztertua"
#: ../src\controller\messages.py:131 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:133
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:32
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:75
msgid "Upload a picture"
msgstr "Argazki bat igo"
#: ../src\controller\settings.py:121 ../src\controller\settings.py:180
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:100
msgid "Ask"
msgstr "Galdetu"
#: ../src\controller\settings.py:123 ../src\controller\settings.py:182
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:100
msgid "Retweet without comments"
msgstr "Iruzkindu gabe bertxiotu"
#: ../src\controller\settings.py:125 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:100
msgid "Retweet with comments"
msgstr "Iruzkinekin bertxiotu"
#: ../src\controller\settings.py:157
msgid "Account settings for %s"
msgstr "%s(r)en kontu-ezarpenak"
#: ../src\controller\settings.py:265 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:291
msgid "Connect your Pocket account"
msgstr "Zure Pocket kontua elkartu"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:25
msgid "Information for %s"
msgstr "%s(r)en xehetasunak"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:82
msgid "Username: @%s\n"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile izena: @%s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:83
msgid "Name: %s\n"
msgstr "Izena: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:85
msgid "Location: %s\n"
msgstr "Kokapena: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:87
msgid "URL: %s\n"
msgstr "URLa: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:89
msgid "Bio: %s\n"
msgstr "Bio: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:90 ../src\controller\user.py:94
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Bai"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:91 ../src\controller\user.py:95
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ez"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:92
msgid "Protected: %s\n"
msgstr "Babestua: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:93
msgid ""
"Followers: %s\n"
" Friends: %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Jarraitzaileak: %s\n"
" Lagunak: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:96
msgid "Verified: %s\n"
msgstr "Egiaztatuta: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:97
msgid "Tweets: %s\n"
msgstr "Txioak: %s\n"
#: ../src\controller\user.py:98
msgid "Favourites: %s"
msgstr "Gogokoak: %s"
#: ../src\controller\userActionsController.py:75
msgid "You can't ignore direct messages"
msgstr "Ezin dituzu zuzeneko mezuak ezikusi"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:53
msgid "Attaching..."
msgstr "Atxikitzen..."
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:75
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:80
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:107
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:36
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Pausatu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:77
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:78
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Jarraitu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:95
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:140
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Gelditu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:96
msgid "Recording"
msgstr "Grabatzen"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:101
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:151
msgid "Stopped"
msgstr "Gelditua"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:103
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:38
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Grabatu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:136 ../src\sound.py:120
msgid "Playing..."
msgstr "Erreproduzitzen..."
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:144
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:154
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:34
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Erreproduzitu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\audioUploader.py:159
msgid "Recoding audio..."
msgstr "Audioa errekodifikatzen..."
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:27 ../src\update\utils.py:27
msgid "%d day, "
msgstr "Egun %d, "
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:29 ../src\update\utils.py:29
msgid "%d days, "
msgstr "%d egun, "
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:31 ../src\update\utils.py:31
msgid "%d hour, "
msgstr "Ordu %d, "
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:33 ../src\update\utils.py:33
msgid "%d hours, "
msgstr "%d ordu, "
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:35 ../src\update\utils.py:35
msgid "%d minute, "
msgstr "Minutu %d, "
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:37 ../src\update\utils.py:37
msgid "%d minutes, "
msgstr "%d minutu, "
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:39 ../src\update\utils.py:39
msgid "%s second"
msgstr "Segundu %s"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\utils.py:41 ../src\update\utils.py:41
msgid "%s seconds"
msgstr "%s segundu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_transfer_dialogs.py:13
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fitxategia"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_transfer_dialogs.py:19
msgid "Transferred"
msgstr "Bidalia"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_transfer_dialogs.py:24
msgid "Total file size"
msgstr "Artxibuaren neurria"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_transfer_dialogs.py:29
msgid "Transfer rate"
msgstr "Bidalketaren abiadura"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_transfer_dialogs.py:34
msgid "Time left"
msgstr "Gelditzen den denbora"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:28 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:135
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:196
msgid "Attach audio"
msgstr "Audioa atxiki"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:40
msgid "Add an existing file"
msgstr "Fitxategi bat gehitu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:41
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Baztertu"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:43
msgid "Upload to"
msgstr "Nora igo:"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:48
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Atxiki"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:50 ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:74
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\find.py:20
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:75
msgid "Audio Files (*.mp3, *.ogg, *.wav)|*.mp3; *.ogg; *.wav"
msgstr "Audio fitxategiak (*.mp3, *.ogg, *.wav)|*.mp3; *.ogg; *.wav"
#: ../src\extra\AudioUploader\wx_ui.py:75
msgid "Select the audio file to be uploaded"
msgstr "Igo nahi duzun audio fitxategia hautatu"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:4
msgid "Audio tweet."
msgstr "Audiotxioa."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:5
msgid "User timeline buffer created."
msgstr "Denbora lerro bat sortu da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:6
msgid "Buffer destroied."
msgstr "Buffer bat ezabatu da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:7
msgid "Direct message received."
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezua jaso da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:8
msgid "Direct message sent."
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezua bidali da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:9
msgid "Error."
msgstr "Errorea."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:10
msgid "Tweet favourited."
msgstr "Txio bat gogoko bezala markatu duzu."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:11
msgid "Favourites buffer updated."
msgstr "Gogokoen bufferra eguneratu da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:12
msgid "Geotweet."
msgstr "Geotxioa."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:13
msgid "Boundary reached."
msgstr "Bufferraren mugara iritsi zara"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:14
msgid "List updated."
msgstr "Zerrenda eguneratu da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:15
msgid "Too many characters."
msgstr "Karaktere gehiegi."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:16
msgid "Mention received."
msgstr "Aipamen bat jaso da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:17
msgid "New event."
msgstr "Gertaera bat gertatu da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:18
msgid "{0} is ready."
msgstr "{0} prest dago"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:19
msgid "Mention sent."
msgstr "Aipamena bidali da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:20
msgid "Tweet retweeted."
msgstr "Bertxiotu duzu."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:21
msgid "Search buffer updated."
msgstr "Bilaketa bat eguneratu da"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:22
msgid "Tweet received."
msgstr "Txio bat jaso da"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:23
msgid "Tweet sent."
msgstr "Txio bat bidali da."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:24
msgid "Trending topics buffer updated."
msgstr "Tendentzien buffer bat eguneratu da"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:25
msgid "New tweet in user timeline buffer."
msgstr "Txio berri bat dago denbora lerro batean"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:26
msgid "New follower."
msgstr "Jarraitzaile berria."
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\soundsTutorial_constants.py:27
msgid "Volume changed."
msgstr "Bolumena aldatu da"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\wx_ui.py:8
msgid "Sounds tutorial"
msgstr "Soinuen tutoriala"
#: ../src\extra\SoundsTutorial\wx_ui.py:11
msgid "Press enter to listen to the sound for the selected event"
msgstr "Sakatu enter aukeratutako gertaeraren soinua entzuteko"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\spellchecker.py:45
msgid "Misspelled word: %s"
msgstr "Gaizki idatzitako hitza: %s"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:26
msgid "Misspelled word"
msgstr "Gaizki idatzitako hitza"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:31
msgid "Context"
msgstr "Kontestua"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:36
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Iradokizunak"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:41
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Ezikusi"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:42
msgid "Ignore all"
msgstr "Guztiak ezikusi"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:43
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Aldatu"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:44
msgid "Replace all"
msgstr "Guztiak aldatu"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:76
msgid ""
"An error has occurred. There are no dictionaries available for the selected "
"language in {0}"
msgstr ""
"Bug bat gertatu da. Ez dago hiztegirik {0}-n aukeratutako hizkuntzarentzat"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:76 ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:83
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:86 ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:38
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:50
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:57
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:60
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errorea"
#: ../src\extra\SpellChecker\wx_ui.py:79
msgid "Spell check complete."
msgstr "Ortografiaren egiaztatzea bukatu da."
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\completion.py:20
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\completion.py:38
msgid "You have to start writing"
msgstr "Idazten hasi behar zara"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\completion.py:30
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\completion.py:47
msgid "There are no results in your users database"
msgstr "Ez dago emaitzarik zure erabiltzaileen datu basean."
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\completion.py:32
msgid "Autocompletion only works for users."
msgstr ""
"Automatikoki osatzeko funtzioak erabiltzaileekin soilik funtzionatzen du."
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\settings.py:25
msgid ""
"Updating database... You can close this window now. A message will tell you "
"when the process finishes."
msgstr ""
"Datu basea eguneratzen ari da. Leiho hau itxi dezakezu. Mezu bat agertuko da "
"prozesua bukatzean."
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:8
msgid "Manage Autocompletion database"
msgstr "Administratu automatikoki osatzeko datu-basea"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:11
msgid "Editing {0} users database"
msgstr "{0}-ren erabiltzaileen datu-basea editatzen"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:12
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:12
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:15
msgid "Add user"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea gehitu"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:16
msgid "Remove user"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea kendu"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:37
msgid "Add user to database"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea datu-basera gehitu"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:37
msgid "Twitter username"
msgstr "Twitterreko erabiltzaile-izena"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:43
msgid "The user does not exist"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea ez da existitzen"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_manage.py:43
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:44
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:297
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Errorea!"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_settings.py:8
msgid "Autocomplete users' settings"
msgstr "Automatikoki osatzeko erabiltzaileen aukerak"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_settings.py:11
msgid "Add users from followers buffer"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak jarraitzaileen bufferretik gehitu"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_settings.py:12
msgid "Add users from friends buffer"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak lagunen bufferretik gehitu"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_settings.py:15
msgid "Manage database..."
msgstr "Datu basea administratu..."
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_settings.py:27
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Egina"
#: ../src\extra\autocompletionUsers\wx_settings.py:27
msgid "{0}'s database of users has been updated."
msgstr "{0}-ren erabiltzaileen datu-basea eguneratua izan da."
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:9
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "Africaans"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:10
msgid "Albanian"
msgstr "Albaniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:11
msgid "Amharic"
msgstr "amharera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:12
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Arabiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:13
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr "Armeniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:14
msgid "Azerbaijani"
msgstr "Azerbaijanera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:15
msgid "Basque"
msgstr "Euskara"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:16
msgid "Belarusian"
msgstr "Bielorrusiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:17
msgid "Bengali"
msgstr "Bengalera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:18
msgid "Bihari"
msgstr "Bihari"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:19
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "Bulgariera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:20
msgid "Burmese"
msgstr "Birmaniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:21
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Katalana"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:22
msgid "Cherokee"
msgstr "Cherokee"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:23
msgid "Chinese"
msgstr "Txinera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:24
msgid "Chinese_simplified"
msgstr "Txinera sinplifikatua"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:25
msgid "Chinese_traditional"
msgstr "Txinera tradizionala"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:26
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Kroaziera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:27
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Txekiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:28
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Daniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:29
msgid "Dhivehi"
msgstr "Maldivera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:30
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Neerlandera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:31
msgid "English"
msgstr "Ingelesa"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:32
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "Esperantoa"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:33
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Estoniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:34
msgid "Filipino"
msgstr "Filipinera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:35
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Suomiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:36
msgid "French"
msgstr "Frantsesa"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:37
msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Galiziera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:38
msgid "Georgian"
msgstr "Georgiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:39
msgid "German"
msgstr "Alemana"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:40
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Greziera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:41
msgid "Guarani"
msgstr "Guaraniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:42
msgid "Gujarati"
msgstr "Gujaratera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:43
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Hebreera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:44
msgid "Hindi"
msgstr "Hindi"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:45
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Hungariera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:46
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Islandiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:47
msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "Indonesiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:48
msgid "Inuktitut"
msgstr "Inuktitutera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:49
msgid "Irish"
msgstr "Irlandera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:50
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:51
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japoniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:52
msgid "Kannada"
msgstr "Kannada"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:53
msgid "Kazakh"
msgstr "Kazakera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:54
msgid "Khmer"
msgstr "Khmerera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:55
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Koreera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:56
msgid "Kurdish"
msgstr "Kurduera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:57
msgid "Kyrgyz"
msgstr "Kirjizera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:58
msgid "Laothian"
msgstr "Laosera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:59
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "Letoniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:60
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Lituaniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:61
msgid "Macedonian"
msgstr "Mazedoniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:62
msgid "Malay"
msgstr "Malaisiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:63
msgid "Malayalam"
msgstr "Malabarera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:64
msgid "Maltese"
msgstr "Maltera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:65
msgid "Marathi"
msgstr "Maratera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:66
msgid "Mongolian"
msgstr "Mongoliera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:67
msgid "Nepali"
msgstr "Nepalera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:68
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr "Norbegiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:69
msgid "Oriya"
msgstr "Oriya"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:70
msgid "Pashto"
msgstr "Paxtuera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:71
msgid "Persian"
msgstr "Persiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:72
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Poloniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:73
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portugesa"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:74
msgid "Punjabi"
msgstr "Punjabera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:75
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Errumaniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:76
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Errusiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:77
msgid "Sanskrit"
msgstr "Sanskrito"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:78
msgid "Serbian"
msgstr "Serbiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:79
msgid "Sindhi"
msgstr "Sindi"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:80
msgid "Sinhalese"
msgstr "Sinhala"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:81
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "Eslobakiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:82
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Eslobeniera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:83
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Gaztelera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:84
msgid "Swahili"
msgstr "Swahili"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:85
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "Suediera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:86
msgid "Tajik"
msgstr "Tajikera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:87
msgid "Tamil"
msgstr "Tamilera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:88
msgid "Tagalog"
msgstr "Taglo"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:89
msgid "Telugu"
msgstr "Telugu"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:90
msgid "Thai"
msgstr "Tailandiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:91
msgid "Tibetan"
msgstr "Tibetera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:92
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Turkiera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:93
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "Ukrainera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:94
msgid "Urdu"
msgstr "Urdu"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:95
msgid "Uzbek"
msgstr "Uzbekera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:96
msgid "Uighur"
msgstr "Uigurrera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:97
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vietnamera"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:98
msgid "Welsh"
msgstr "Gales"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:99
msgid "Yiddish"
msgstr "Yiddisha"
#: ../src\extra\translator\translator.py:106
msgid "autodetect"
msgstr "Hauteman automatikoki"
#: ../src\extra\translator\wx_ui.py:25 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:140
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:201 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:280
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:335
msgid "Translate message"
msgstr "Mezua itzuli"
#: ../src\extra\translator\wx_ui.py:28
msgid "Source language"
msgstr "Jatorrizko hizkuntza"
#: ../src\extra\translator\wx_ui.py:31
msgid "Target language"
msgstr "Helburu hizkuntza"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:30
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:316
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:325
msgid "General"
msgstr "Orokorra"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:31
msgid "always"
msgstr "Beti"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:31
msgid "have not tried"
msgstr "Ez naiz saiatu"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:31
msgid "random"
msgstr "Ausaz"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:31
msgid "sometimes"
msgstr "Batzutan"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:31
msgid "unable to duplicate"
msgstr "Ezin izan da "
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "block"
msgstr "Blokeoa"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "crash"
msgstr "Errorea"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "feature"
msgstr "Ezaugarria"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "major"
msgstr "Handia"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "minor"
msgstr "Txikia"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "text"
msgstr "Testua"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "trivial"
msgstr "Tribiala"
#: ../src\issueReporter\issueReporter.py:32
msgid "tweak"
msgstr "Aldaketa"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:25
msgid "Report an error"
msgstr "Errore bati buruz berri eman"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:28
msgid "Select a category"
msgstr "Kategoria bat aukeratu"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:36
msgid ""
"Briefly describe what happened. You will be able to thoroughly explain it "
msgstr ""
"Deskribatu laburki zer gertatu den. Gero gehiago zehazteko aukera edukiko "
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:45
msgid "Here, you can describe the bug in detail"
msgstr "Hemen, errorea deskriba dezakezu"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:55
msgid "how often does this bug happen?"
msgstr "Zenbat aldiz gertatzen da errore hau?"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:62
msgid "Select the importance that you think this bug has"
msgstr "Aukeratu zure ustez errore honek duen garrantzia:"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:69
msgid ""
"I know that the {0} bug system will get my Twitter username to contact me "
"and fix the bug quickly"
msgstr ""
"Badakit {0}-ren errore sistemak nire Twitter erabiltzailea hartuko duela, "
"nirekin kontaktuan jartzeko eta ahal den azkarren errorea konpontzeko"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:72
msgid "Send report"
msgstr "Informazioa bidali"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:83
msgid "You must fill out both fields"
msgstr "Bi koadroak bete behar dituzu"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:86
msgid ""
"You need to mark the checkbox to provide us your twitter username to contact "
"you if it is necessary."
msgstr ""
"Kontrol-laukia markatu behar duzu zure Twitterreko erabiltzaile izena "
"emateko. Horrela, beharrezkoa baldin bada zurekin kontaktuan jarriko gara."
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:89
msgid ""
"Thanks for reporting this bug! In future versions, you may be able to find "
"it in the changes list. You've reported the bug number %i"
msgstr ""
"Mila esker errore honi buruz berri emateagatik! Agian hurrengo bertsioko "
"aldaketa zerrendan ikusiko duzu. %i zenbakidun erroreari buruz eman duzu "
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:89
msgid "reported"
msgstr "Berri emanda"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:93
msgid "Error while reporting"
msgstr "Errorea berri ematean"
#: ../src\issueReporter\wx_ui.py:93
msgid ""
"Something unexpected occurred while trying to report the bug. Please, try "
"again later"
msgstr ""
"Ustekabeko zerbait gertatu da erroreari buruz berri ematean. Mesedez, saiatu "
"berriro beranduago."
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:3
msgid "Go up in the current buffer"
msgstr "Gora joan bufferrean"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:4
msgid "Go down in the current buffer"
msgstr "Behera joan bufferrean"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:5
msgid "Go to the previous buffer"
msgstr "Aurreko bufferrera joan"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:6
msgid "Go to the next buffer"
msgstr "Hurrengo bufferrera joan"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:7
msgid "Focus the next session"
msgstr "Hurrengo sesiora joan"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:8
msgid "Focus the previous session"
msgstr "Aurreko sesiora joan"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:9
msgid "Show or hide the GUI"
msgstr "Interfaze grafikoa erakutsi / ezkutatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:10
msgid "New tweet"
msgstr "Txio berri bat"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:13
msgid "Send direct message"
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezua bidali"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:14
msgid "Mark as favourite"
msgstr "Gogokoetara gehitu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:15
msgid "Remove from favourites"
msgstr "Gogokoetatik kendu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:16
msgid "Open the user actions dialogue"
msgstr "Ekintzen dialogoa ireki"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:17
msgid "See user details"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen Xehetasunak ikusi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:18
msgid "Show tweet"
msgstr "Txioa ikusi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:19
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Irten"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:20
msgid "Open user timeline"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen denbora lerroa ireki"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:21
msgid "Destroy buffer"
msgstr "Bufferra ezabatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:22
msgid "Interact with the currently focused tweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:23
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "Ireki URLa"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:24
msgid "Increase volume by 5%"
msgstr "Bolumena %5 igo"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:25
msgid "Decrease volume by 5%"
msgstr "Bolumena %5 jaitsi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:26
msgid "Jump to the first element of a buffer"
msgstr "Buferraren lehen osagaira joan"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:27
msgid "Jump to the last element of the current buffer"
msgstr "Buferraren azken osagaira joan"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:28
msgid "Jump 20 elements up in the current buffer"
msgstr "Buferrean 20 osagai igo"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:29
msgid "Jump 20 elements down in the current buffer"
msgstr "Buferrean 20 osagai jaitsi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:30
msgid "Edit profile"
msgstr "Profila aldatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:31
msgid "Delete a tweet or direct message"
msgstr "Txio edo zuzeneko mezu bat ezabatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:32
msgid "Empty the current buffer"
msgstr "Bufferraren osagaiak ezabatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:33
msgid "Repeat last item"
msgstr "Azken osagaia errepikatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:34
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:35
msgid "Add to list"
msgstr "Zerrendara gehitu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:36
msgid "Remove from list"
msgstr "Zerrendatik kendu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:37
msgid "Mute/unmute the active buffer"
msgstr "Buffer hau isildu edo isiltzeari utzi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:38
msgid "Mute/unmute the current session"
msgstr "Sesio hau isildu / isiltzeari utzi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:39
msgid "toggle the automatic reading of incoming tweets in the active buffer"
msgstr "Buffer honen tweeten irakurketa automatikoa aktibatu edo desaktibatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:40
msgid "Search on twitter"
msgstr "Bilatu Twitterren"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:41
msgid "Find a string in the currently focused buffer"
msgstr "Bufferrean bilatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:42
msgid "Show the keystroke editor"
msgstr "Teklatu lasterbideen editorea erakutsi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:43
msgid "Show lists for a specified user"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile baten zerrendak ikusi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:44
msgid "load previous items"
msgstr "Aurreko osagaiak kargatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:45
msgid "Get geolocation"
msgstr "Kokapena lortu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:46
msgid "Display the tweet's geolocation in a dialog"
msgstr "Txio baten kokalekua elkarrizketa koadro batean erakutsi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:47
msgid "Create a trending topics buffer"
msgstr "Tendentzien buffer bat sortu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\constants.py:48
msgid "View conversation"
msgstr "Elkarrizketa ikusi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:8
msgid "Keystroke editor"
msgstr "Teklatu lastrbideen editorea"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:12
msgid "Select a keystroke to edit"
msgstr "Aukeratu konbinazio bat aldatzeko"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:13
msgid "Keystroke"
msgstr "Lasterbidea"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:13 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:9
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:18
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Eragiketa"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:18 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:19
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Aldatu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:20
msgid "Execute action"
msgstr ""
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:21 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:349
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:84 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:144
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:204 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:281
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:336 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\search.py:26
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\show_user.py:17 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\trends.py:28
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:35
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:42
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:30 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\utils.py:37
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Itxi"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:45
msgid "Editing keystroke"
msgstr "Konbinazioa aldatzen"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:48
msgid "Control"
msgstr "KTRL"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:49
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "Alt"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:50
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Shift"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:51
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Windows"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:57
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Tekla"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:62 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\find.py:18
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\search.py:24 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\trends.py:26
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:40
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:28 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\utils.py:34
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Onartu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:75
msgid "You need to use the Windows key"
msgstr "Windows tekla erabili behar duzu"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:75 ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:78
msgid "Invalid keystroke"
msgstr "Baliogabeko lasterbidea"
#: ../src\keystrokeEditor\wx_ui.py:78
msgid "You must provide a character for the keystroke"
msgstr "Konbinazioak karaktere bat eduki behar du"
#: ../src\languageHandler.py:95
msgid "User default"
msgstr "Lehenetsia"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\session.py:186
msgid "%s failed. Reason: %s"
msgstr "%s eragiketak ez du arrakasta izan. Arrazoia: %s"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\session.py:192
msgid "%s succeeded."
msgstr "%s eragiketak arrakasta izan du."
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:10
msgid "Accounts list"
msgstr "Kontuen zerrenda"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:12
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Kontua"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:16
msgid "New account"
msgstr "Kontu berria"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:17 ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:63
msgid "Remove account"
msgstr "Kontua kendu"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:18
msgid "Global Settings"
msgstr "Konfigurazio &orokorra"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:41
msgid "Account Error"
msgstr "Errorea kontuarekin"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:41
msgid "You need to configure an account."
msgstr "Kontu bat konfiguratuta izan behar duzu"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:47
msgid "Authorization"
msgstr "Baimena"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:47
msgid ""
"The request to authorize your Twitter account will be opened in your "
"browser. You only need to do this once. Would you like to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Zure Twitter kontua erabiltzeko baimen-eskaera nabigatzailean irekiko da. "
"Soilik behin egin behar duzu hau. Jarraitu nahi duzu?"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:51
msgid "Authorized account %d"
msgstr "Baimendutako %d kontua"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:57
msgid "Invalid user token"
msgstr "Baliogabeko egiaztapen kodea"
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:57
msgid ""
"Your access token is invalid or the authorization has failed. Please try "
msgstr ""
"Zure saribde-kodea baliogabea da edo baimentzean errore bat egon da. "
"Mesedez, saiatu berriro beranduago."
#: ../src\sessionmanager\wxUI.py:63
msgid "Do you really want to delete this account?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude kontu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
#: ../src\sound.py:153
msgid "Stopped."
msgstr "Gelditua."
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:41 ../src\twitter\compose.py:74
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:83
msgid "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY H:m:s"
msgstr "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY H:m:s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:47
msgid "Dm to %s "
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezua %s(r)i"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:85 ../src\twitter\compose.py:87
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Ez dago erabilgarri"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:88
msgid ""
"%s (@%s). %s followers, %s friends, %s tweets. Last tweeted %s. Joined "
"Twitter %s"
msgstr ""
"%s (@%s). %s jarraitzaile, %s lagun, %s txio. Azken txioa %s, Twitterren "
"erregistratu zen %s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:92
msgid "You've blocked %s"
msgstr "%s blokeatu duzu."
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:94
msgid "You've unblocked %s"
msgstr "%s desblokeatu duzu"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:97
msgid "%s(@%s) has followed you"
msgstr "Orain %s(e)k (@%s) jarraitzen zaitu"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:99
msgid "You've followed %s(@%s)"
msgstr "Orain %s (@%s) jarraitzen duzu"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:101
msgid "You've unfollowed %s (@%s)"
msgstr "Orain ez duzu %s (@%s) jarraitzen"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:104
msgid "You've added to favourites: %s, %s"
msgstr "Gogokoetara gehitu duzu: %s, %s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:106
msgid "%s(@%s) has marked as favourite: %s"
msgstr "%s(e)k (@%s) gogokoetara gehitu du: %s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:108
msgid "You've removed from favourites: %s, %s"
msgstr "Gogokoetatik kendu duzu: %s, %s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:109
msgid "%s(@%s) has removed from favourites: %s"
msgstr "%s(e)k (@%s) gogokoetatik kendu du: %s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:111
msgid "You've created the list %s"
msgstr "%s zerrenda egin duzu"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:113
msgid "You've deleted the list %s"
msgstr "%s zerrenda ezabatu duzu"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:115
msgid "You've updated the list %s"
msgstr "%s zerrenda eguneratu duzu"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:117
msgid "You've added %s(@%s) to the list %s"
msgstr "%s(@%s) %s zerrendara gehitu duzu."
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:118
msgid "%s(@%s) has added you to the list %s"
msgstr "%s(e)k (@%s) %s zerrendara gehitu zaitu"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:120
msgid "You'be removed %s(@%s) from the list %s"
msgstr "%s(@%s) %s zerrendatik kendu duzu."
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:121
msgid "%s(@%s) has removed you from the list %s"
msgstr "%s(e)k (@%s) %s zerrendatik kendu zaitu."
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:123
msgid "You've subscribed to the list %s, which is owned by %s(@%s)"
msgstr "%s zerrendara harpidetu zara. Zerrenda honen jabea %s(@%s) da."
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:124
msgid "%s(@%s) has suscribed you to the list %s"
msgstr "%s(e)k (@%s) %s zerrendara harpidetu zaitu."
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:126
msgid "You've unsubscribed from the list %s, which is owned by %s(@%s)"
msgstr "%s zerrenda harpidetzeari utzi diozu. Zerrenda honen jabea %s(@%s) da"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:127
msgid "You've been unsubscribed from the list %s, which is owned by %s(@%s)"
msgstr ""
"%s zerrendaren harpidetu bezala kendua izan zara. Zerrenda honen jabea %s(@"
"%s) da"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:129
msgid "You have retweeted a retweet from %s(@%s): %s"
msgstr "%s(r)en (@%s) bertxio bat bertxiotu duzu: %s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:130
msgid "%s(@%s) has retweeted your retweet: %s"
msgstr "%s(e)k (@%s) zure bertxioa bertxiotu du: %s"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:132
msgid "@{0} quoted your tweet: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:134
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "ezezaguna"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:140
msgid "No description available"
msgstr "Ez dago deskripziorik"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:144
msgid "private"
msgstr "Pribatua"
#: ../src\twitter\compose.py:145
msgid "public"
msgstr "Publikoa"
#: ../src\twitter\utils.py:124
msgid "Sorry, you are not authorised to see this status."
msgstr "Barkatu, ez duzu egoera hau ikusteko baimenik"
#: ../src\twitter\utils.py:126
msgid "No status found with that ID"
msgstr "Ez da egoerarik aurkitu ID horrekin"
#: ../src\twitter\utils.py:128
msgid "Error code {0}"
msgstr "Errorea. Kodea {0}"
#: ../src\update\wxUpdater.py:9
msgid "New version for %s"
msgstr "%s-ren bertsio berri bat"
#: ../src\update\wxUpdater.py:9
msgid ""
"There's a new %s version available. Would you like to download it now?\n"
" %s version: %s\n"
msgstr ""
"%s bertsio berri bat eskuragarri dago. Orain jaitsi nahi duzu?\n"
" %s Bertsioa: %s\n"
#: ../src\update\wxUpdater.py:17
msgid "Download in Progress"
msgstr "Deskargatzen..."
#: ../src\update\wxUpdater.py:17
msgid "Downloading the new version..."
msgstr "Bertsio berria jaisten..."
#: ../src\update\wxUpdater.py:27
msgid "Updating... %s of %s"
msgstr "Eguneratzen... %s %s(e)tik"
#: ../src\update\wxUpdater.py:30
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Egina!"
#: ../src\update\wxUpdater.py:30
msgid ""
"The update has been downloaded and installed successfully. Press OK to "
msgstr ""
"Bertsio berria jaitsia eta instalatua izan da. Sakatu OK aplikazioa "
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:11
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Aplikazioa"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:11
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testua"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:11 ../src\wxUI\buffers\events.py:13
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:11 ../src\wxUI\buffers\people.py:10
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\user_searches.py:9
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:10
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:10 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\utils.py:30
msgid "User"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\base.py:27
msgid "Direct message"
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezua"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\events.py:13
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Gertaera"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\events.py:15
msgid "Remove event"
msgstr "Gertaera ezabatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\panels.py:11 ../src\wxUI\buffers\panels.py:19
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Saioa hasi"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\panels.py:13
msgid "Log in automatically"
msgstr "Saioa automatikoki hasi"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\panels.py:21
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Saioa amaitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\trends.py:8
msgid "Trending topic"
msgstr "&Tendentziak"
#: ../src\wxUI\buffers\trends.py:18
msgid "Tweet about this trend"
msgstr "Tendentzia honi buruz txiokatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:6
msgid ""
"This retweet is over 140 characters. Would you like to post it as a mention "
"to the poster with your comments and a link to the original tweet?"
msgstr ""
"Bertxio honek 140 karaktere baino pgehiago ditu. Egileari aipamen bezala "
"bidali nahi diozu, zure iruzkinarekin eta jatorrizko txiorako urlarekin?"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:9
msgid "Would you like to add a comment to this tweet?"
msgstr "Txio honi iruzkin bat gehitu nahi al zenioke?"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:12
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Do you really want to delete this tweet? It will be deleted from Twitter as "
msgstr "Mezu hau ezabatu nahi duzu? Twitterretik ere ezabatuko da."
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:12 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:134
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ezabatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:15
msgid "Do you really want to close {0}?"
msgstr "{0} itxi nahi duzu?"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:15
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Irten"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:19
msgid " {0} must be restarted for these changes to take effect."
msgstr "{0} berrabiazi behar da aldaketak gordetzeko."
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:19
msgid "Restart {0} "
msgstr "{0} berrabiazi"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:22
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete this user from the database? This user will "
"not appear in autocomplete results anymore."
msgstr "Ziur zaude erabiltzaile hau datu-basetik kendu nahi duzula?"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:22
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Baieztatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the name of the client : "
msgstr "Sartu aplikazioaren izena hemen"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:25
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:209
msgid "Add client"
msgstr "Aplikazioa gehitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:31
msgid ""
"Do you really want to empty this buffer? It's items will be removed from "
"the list but not from Twitter"
msgstr ""
"Ziur zaude buffer honen osagaiak ezabatu nahi dituzula? Txioak bufferretik "
"kenduko dira, baina ez twitterretik."
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:31
msgid "Empty buffer"
msgstr "Bufferraren osagaiak ezabatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:35
msgid "Attention"
msgstr "Atentzioa"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to destroy this buffer?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude buffer hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:38
#, fuzzy
msgid "That user does not exist"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea ez da existitzen"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "A timeline for this user already exists. You can't open another"
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile honetarako jada denbora lerro bat dago. Ezin da beste bat ireki."
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:41
msgid "Existing timeline"
msgstr "Denbora lerro hau existitzen da"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "This user has no tweets, so you can't open a timeline for them."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile honek ez du Txiorik. Ezin duzu denbora lerro bat ireki."
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:47
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is a protected Twitter user, which means you can't open a timeline "
"using the Streaming API. The user's tweets will not update due to a twitter "
"policy. Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Hau babestutako erabiltzaile bat da. Ezin duzu erabiltzaile honen denbora "
"lerro bat ireki Streaming APIa erabilita. Erabiltzailearen txioak ez dira "
"eguneratuko Twitterren politikarengatik. Jarraitu nahi duzu?"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:47
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Abisua"
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:50
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is a protected user account, you need to follow this user to view their "
"tweets or favorites."
msgstr ""
"Kontu hau babestutako erabiltzaile batena da. Kontua jarraitu behar duzu "
"bere txioak eta gogokoak ikusteko."
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:53
msgid ""
"If you like {0} we need your help to keep it going. Help us by donating to "
"the project. This will help us pay for the server, the domain and some other "
"things to ensure that {0} will be actively maintained. Your donation will "
"give us the means to continue the development of {0}, and to keep {0} free. "
"Would you like to donate now?"
msgstr ""
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:53
msgid "We need your help"
msgstr ""
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "This user has no tweets. {0} can't create a timeline."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile honek ez du Txiorik. Ezin duzu denbora lerro bat ireki."
#: ../src\wxUI\commonMessageDialogs.py:60
#, fuzzy
msgid "This user has no favorited tweets. {0} can't create a timeline."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile honek ez du Txiorik. Ezin duzu denbora lerro bat ireki."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:14
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:21
msgid "ask before exiting {0}"
msgstr "Galdetu {0}-tik irten aurretik"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:23
msgid "Play a sound when {0} launches"
msgstr "Soinu bat erreproduzitu {0} hastean"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:25
msgid "Speak a message when {0} launches"
msgstr "Mezu bat esan {0} hastean"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:27
msgid "Use invisible interface's keyboard shortcuts while GUI is visible"
msgstr ""
"Erabili interfaze ikusezinaren teklatu lasterbideak interfaze grafikoan"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:29
msgid "Activate Sapi5 when any other screen reader is not being run"
msgstr "Aktibatu SAPI 5 beste pantaila irakurgailu bat piztua ez dagoenean"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:31
msgid "Hide GUI on launch"
msgstr "Ezkutatu interfaze grafikoa aplikazioa hasieratzean"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:33
msgid "Use Codeofdusk's longtweet handlers (may decrease client performance)"
msgstr ""
"Erabili Codeofdusken tweet luzeen detekzioa (aplikazioaren abiadura txiki "
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:36
msgid "Keymap"
msgstr "Teklatu mapa"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:49
msgid "Proxy server: "
msgstr "Proxi zerbitzaria:"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:55
msgid "Port: "
msgstr "Ataka:"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:61
msgid "User: "
msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:67
msgid "Password: "
msgstr "Pasahitza:"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:79
msgid "Autocompletion settings..."
msgstr "Automatikoki osatzeko aukerak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:81
msgid "Relative timestamps"
msgstr "Denbora erlatiboa"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:84
msgid "API calls (One API call = 200 tweets, two API calls = 400 tweets, etc):"
msgstr ""
"APIari deiak Streama hastean (dei bat = 200 txio, 2 dei = 400 txio, etab.):"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:91
msgid "Items on each API call"
msgstr "item kopurua APIari dei bakoitzean "
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:97
msgid ""
"Inverted buffers: The newest tweets will be shown at the beginning while the "
"oldest at the end"
msgstr ""
"Buffer alderantzizkatuak: Txio berriak zerrenden hasieran agertuko dira, "
"zaharrenak bukaeran"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:99
msgid "Retweet mode"
msgstr "Bertxiotze modua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:105
msgid ""
"Number of items per buffer to cache in database (0 to disable caching, blank "
"for unlimited)"
msgstr ""
"Bufferreko elementu kopurua datu basean gordetzeko (utzi hutsik mugagabea "
"egiteko, jarri 0 bat gordetzea desaktibatzeko)"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:115
msgid "Buffer"
msgstr "Bufferra"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:115
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Egoera"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:118
msgid "Show/hide"
msgstr "Erakutsi "
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:119
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Gora mugitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:120
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Behera mugitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:130
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:187
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:190
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:195
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Erakutsi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:132
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:142
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:162
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:188
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Ezkutatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:140
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:160
msgid "Select a buffer first."
msgstr "Lehenik buffer bat aukeratu."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:143
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:163
msgid "The buffer is hidden, show it first."
msgstr "Bufferra ezkutatuta dago, lehenbizi erakutsi behar duzu."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:146
msgid "The buffer is already at the top of the list."
msgstr "Bufferra jada zerrendaren goialdean dago."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:166
msgid "The buffer is already at the bottom of the list."
msgstr "Bufferra jada zerrendaren behealdean dago."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:203
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:334
msgid "Ignored clients"
msgstr "Aplikazio ezikusiak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:210
msgid "Remove client"
msgstr "Aplikazioa kendu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:234
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Bolumena"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:242
msgid "Session mute"
msgstr "Sesioa isildu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:244
msgid "Output device"
msgstr "Irteera dispositiboa"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:251
msgid "Input device"
msgstr "Sarrera dispositiboa"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:259
msgid "Sound pack"
msgstr "Soinu packa"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:274
msgid ""
"If you have a SndUp account, enter your API Key here. If your API Key is "
"invalid, {0} will fail to upload. If there is no API Key here, {0} will "
"upload annonymously."
msgstr ""
"SndUpen kontua baduzu, idatzi zure API kodea hemen. API kodea okerra bada, "
"{0}-k ezingo du ezer zerbitzura igo. Ez baduzu API koderik idazten, [0]-"
"kigorlerik gabe igoko ditu audioak."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:289
msgid "Disconnect your Pocket account"
msgstr "Zure Pocket kontua deskonektatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:294
msgid "Pocket Authorization"
msgstr "Pocket erabiltzeko baimena"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:294
msgid ""
"The authorization request will be opened in your browser. You only need to "
"do this once. Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Baimen-eskaera zure nabigatzailean irekiko da. Behin soilik egin behar duzu "
"hau. Jarraitu nahi duzu?"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:297
msgid "Error during authorization. Try again later."
msgstr "Errorea baimentzean. Mesedez, saiatu beranduago."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:310
msgid "{0} preferences"
msgstr "{0}-ren hobespenak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:321
msgid "Proxy"
msgstr "Proxia"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:330
msgid "Buffers"
msgstr "Bufferrak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:338
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Soinua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:342
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Zerbitzua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\configuration.py:347
msgid "Save"
msgstr "gorde"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\find.py:10
msgid "Find in current buffer"
msgstr "Bufferrean bilatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\find.py:11
msgid "String"
msgstr "Testua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:10
msgid "Lists manager"
msgstr "Zerrenden kudeatzailea"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:13
msgid "List"
msgstr "Zerrenda"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:13
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Kideak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:13
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Jabea"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:13
msgid "mode"
msgstr "Modua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:13 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:69
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Deskribapena"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:18 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:61
msgid "Create a new list"
msgstr "Zerrenda berri bat sortu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:20 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:124
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Ezabatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:21
msgid "Open in buffer"
msgstr "Buffer batean ireki"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:51
msgid "Viewing lists for %s"
msgstr "%s(r)en zerrendak ikusten"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:52
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Harpidetu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:53
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Harpidetzeari utzi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:64
msgid "Name (20 characters maximun)"
msgstr "Izena (gehienez 20 karaktere)"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:74
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Modua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:75
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Publikoa"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:76
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privatua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:96
msgid "Editing the list %s"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:107
msgid "Select a list to add the user"
msgstr "Hautatu zerrenda bat erabiltzailea bertan gehitzeko"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:108
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Gehitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:123
msgid "Select a list to remove the user"
msgstr "Hautatu zerrenda bat erabiltzailea bertatik kentzeko"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\lists.py:134
msgid "Do you really want to delete this list?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude zerrenda hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "Long tweet"
msgstr "Txioa ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:73
msgid "Upload image..."
msgstr "Irudi bat igo..."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:74
msgid "Check spelling..."
msgstr "Ortografia egiaztatu..."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:75
msgid "Attach audio..."
msgstr "Audioa atxiki..."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:76 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:136
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:197
msgid "Shorten URL"
msgstr "URLa laburtu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:77 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:137
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:198 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:278
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:333
msgid "Expand URL"
msgstr "URLa zabaldu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:80
msgid "Translate..."
msgstr "Itzuli..."
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:81 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:141
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:186 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:13
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:13 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\utils.py:29
msgid "&Autocomplete users"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileaak &automatikoki osatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:82 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:142
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:202
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Bidali"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:116 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:175
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:80
msgid "Image files (*.png, *.jpg, *.gif)|*.png; *.jpg; *.gif"
msgstr "Irudiak (*.png, *.jpg, *.gif)|*.png; *.jpg; *.gif"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:116 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:175
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:80
msgid "Select the picture to be uploaded"
msgstr "Aukeratu igo nahi duzun irudia"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:134 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:195
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:277 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:332
msgid "Spelling correction"
msgstr "Ortografiaren egiaztapena "
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:184
msgid "Recipient"
msgstr "hartzailea"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:237
msgid "Men&tion to all"
msgstr "Aipamena guz&tiei"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:246
msgid "Tweet - %i characters "
msgstr "Txioa - %i karaktere"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:263
msgid "Retweets: "
msgstr "Bertxioak:"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:268
msgid "Favourites: "
msgstr "Gogokoak:"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:318
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\message.py:320
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Elementua"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\search.py:10
msgid "Search on Twitter"
msgstr "Bilatu Twitterren"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\search.py:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Bilatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\search.py:18 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:19
msgid "Tweets"
msgstr "Txioak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\search.py:19
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\show_user.py:10
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Xehetasunak"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\show_user.py:15
msgid "Go to URL"
msgstr "URLera joan"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\trends.py:10
msgid "View trending topics"
msgstr "Tendentziak ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\trends.py:11
msgid "Trending topics by"
msgstr "Tendentziak honen arabera"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\trends.py:13
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Herrialdea"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\trends.py:14
msgid "City"
msgstr "Hiria"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\trends.py:20 ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:16
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Kokapena"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:8
msgid "Update your profile"
msgstr "Zure profila eguneratu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:10
msgid "Name (20 characters maximum)"
msgstr "Izena (gehienez 20 karaktere)"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:21
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Webgunea"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:26
msgid "Bio (160 characters maximum)"
msgstr "Bioa (gehienez 160 karaktere)"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\update_profile.py:33
msgid "Update profile"
msgstr "Profila eguneratu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\urlList.py:6
msgid "Select URL"
msgstr "URLa aukeratu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:19
msgid "Follow"
msgstr "Jarraitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:20
msgid "Unfollow"
msgstr "Jarraitzeari utzi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:21
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "Isildu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:22
msgid "Unmute"
msgstr "Isiltzeari utzi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:23
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Blokeatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:24
msgid "Unblock"
msgstr "Desblokeatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:25
msgid "Report as spam"
msgstr "Spam bezala salatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userActions.py:26
msgid "Ignore tweets from this client"
msgstr "Aplikazio honetako txioak ezikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:9
msgid "Timeline for %s"
msgstr "%s(r)en denbora lerroa"
#: ../src\wxUI\dialogs\userSelection.py:18
msgid "Buffer type"
msgstr "Buffer mota"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:7 ../src\wxUI\view.py:29
msgid "&Retweet"
msgstr "Bert&xiotu"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:9 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:31 ../src\wxUI\view.py:28
msgid "Re&ply"
msgstr "E&rantzun"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:11 ../src\wxUI\view.py:30
msgid "Add to &favourites"
msgstr "Gogokoetara &gehitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:13 ../src\wxUI\view.py:31
msgid "Remove from favo&urites"
msgstr "Gogokoetatik &kendu"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:15 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:33 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:49
msgid "&Open URL"
msgstr "URLa &ireki"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:17 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:35 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:51
msgid "&Play audio"
msgstr "Audioa e&rreproduzitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:19 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:53 ../src\wxUI\view.py:32
msgid "&Show tweet"
msgstr "Txioa &ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:21 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:39 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:55
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:65 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:82 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:94
msgid "&Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "&Kopiatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:23 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:41 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:57
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:67 ../src\wxUI\view.py:35
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "&Ezabatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:25 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:43 ../src\wxUI\menus.py:84
msgid "&User actions..."
msgstr "E&rabiltzailearen ekintzak"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:37
msgid "&Show direct message"
msgstr "ç&Zuzeneko mezua erakutsi"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:63
msgid "&Show event"
msgstr "&Gertaera erakutsi"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "Direct &message"
msgstr "Zuzeneko mezua"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:75 ../src\wxUI\view.py:44
msgid "&View lists"
msgstr "&Zerrendak ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:78 ../src\wxUI\view.py:46
msgid "Show user &profile"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen &profila ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:80
msgid "&Show user"
msgstr "&Erabiltzailea erakutsi"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:90
msgid "&Tweet about this trend"
msgstr "Tendentzia honetaz &txiokatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\menus.py:92
msgid "&Show item"
msgstr "Osagaia e&rakutsi"
#: ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:34 ../src\wxUI\view.py:22
msgid "&Global settings"
msgstr "Konfigurazio &orokorra"
#: ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:35 ../src\wxUI\view.py:21
msgid "Account se&ttings"
msgstr "Kontuaren &aukerak"
#: ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:36
msgid "Update &profile"
msgstr "Profila &eguneratu"
#: ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:37
msgid "&Show / hide"
msgstr "&Erakutsi / ezkutatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:38 ../src\wxUI\view.py:62
msgid "&Documentation"
msgstr "&Dokumentazioa"
#: ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:40
msgid "Check for &updates"
msgstr "E&guneratzeak bilatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\sysTrayIcon.py:41
msgid "&Exit"
msgstr "&Irten"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:15
msgid "&Manage accounts"
msgstr "&Kontuak administratu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:16
msgid "&Update profile"
msgstr "&Profila eguneratu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:17
msgid "&Hide window"
msgstr "Leihoa &ezkutatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:18
msgid "&Search"
msgstr "&Bilatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:19
msgid "&Lists manager"
msgstr "&Zerrenden kudeatzailea"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:20
msgid "&Edit keystrokes"
msgstr "Teklatu lasterbidea&k aldatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:23
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "&Irten"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:27 ../src\wxUI\view.py:73
msgid "&Tweet"
msgstr "&Txio"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:33
msgid "View &address"
msgstr "&Helbidea ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:34
msgid "View conversa&tion"
msgstr "&Elkarrizketa ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:39
msgid "&Actions..."
msgstr "&Ekintzak..."
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:40
msgid "&View timeline..."
msgstr "Ikusi &denbora lerroa..."
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:41
msgid "Direct me&ssage"
msgstr "Zuzeneko &mezua"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:42
msgid "&Add to list"
msgstr "Zerrendara &gehitu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:43
msgid "R&emove from list"
msgstr "Zerrendatik &kendu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:47
msgid "V&iew favourites"
msgstr "Go&gokoak ikusi"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:51
msgid "New &trending topics buffer..."
msgstr "tenden&tzien buffer berria..."
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:52
msgid "Find a string in the currently focused buffer..."
msgstr "Bufferrean bilatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:53
msgid "&Load previous items"
msgstr "Aurreko elementuak &kargatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:55
msgid "&Mute"
msgstr "&Isildu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:56
msgid "&Autoread"
msgstr "&Automatikoki irakurri"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:57
msgid "&Clear buffer"
msgstr "Bufferraren osa&gaiak ezabatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:58
msgid "&Destroy"
msgstr "&Ezabatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:63
msgid "Sounds &tutorial"
msgstr "Soinuen &tutoriala"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:64
msgid "&What's new in this version?"
msgstr "&Zer da berri bertsio honetan?"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:66
msgid "&Check for updates"
msgstr "E&guneratzeak bilatu"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:67
msgid "&Report an error"
msgstr "E&rrore bati buruz berri eman"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:68
msgid "{0}'s &website"
msgstr "{0}-ren &webgunea"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:69
msgid "About &{0}"
msgstr "&{0}-ri buruz"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:72
msgid "&Application"
msgstr "&Aplikazioa"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:74
msgid "&User"
msgstr "&Erabiltzailea"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:75
msgid "&Buffer"
msgstr "&Bufferra"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:76
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Laguntza"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:159
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Helbidea"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:182
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Eguneratzea"
#: ../src\wxUI\view.py:182
msgid "Your {0} version is up to date"
msgstr "Zure {0} bertsioa eguneratuta dago"
#~ msgid "Opening media..."
#~ msgstr "Irekitzen..."
#~ msgid "Add a new ignored client"
#~ msgstr "Aplikazio ezikusi bat gehitu"
#~ msgid "Do you really want to delete this timeline?"
#~ msgstr "Ziur zaude denbora lerro hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
#~ msgid "Autocomplete users\\342\\200\\231 settings"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzaileak automatikoki osatzeko aukerak"
#~ msgid "Set the autocomplete function"
#~ msgstr "Automatikoki osatzeko funtzioa konfiguratu"
#~ msgid "Relative times"
#~ msgstr "Denbora erlatiboa"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "API calls when the stream is started (One API call equals to 200 tweetts, "
#~ "two API calls equals 400 tweets, etc):"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "APIari deiak Streama hastean (dei bat = 200 txio, 2 dei = 400 txio, "
#~ "etab.):"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Inverted buffers: The newest tweets will be shown at the beginning of the "
#~ "lists while the oldest at the end"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Buffer alderantzizkatuak: Txio berriak zerrenden hasieran agertuko dira, "
#~ "zaharrenak bukaeran"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The authorization request will be opened in your browser. Copy the code "
#~ "from Dropbox and paste it into the text box which will appear. You only "
#~ "need to do this once."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Baimen-eskaera zure nabigatzailean irekiko da. Dropboxeko kodea kopiatu "
#~ "eta itsatsi agertuko den testu koadroan. Behin bakarrik egin behar duzu "
#~ "hau."
#~ msgid "Enter the code here."
#~ msgstr "Sartu kodea hemen"
#~ msgid "Verification code"
#~ msgstr "Baimentzeko kodea"
#~ msgid "Error during authorisation. Try again later."
#~ msgstr "Errorea baimentzean. Mesedez, saiatu beranduago."
#~ msgid "TW Blue preferences"
#~ msgstr "TW Blueren hobespenak"
#~ msgid "Show other buffers"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi beste bufferrak"
#~ msgid "JPG images"
#~ msgstr "JPG Irudiak"
#~ msgid "GIF images"
#~ msgstr "GIF Irudiak"
#~ msgid "PNG Images"
#~ msgstr "PNG irudiak"
#~ msgid "Select an URL"
#~ msgstr "Aukeratu URL bat"
#~ msgid "Manage accounts"
#~ msgstr "Kontuak administratu"
#~ msgid "This account is not logged in twitter."
#~ msgstr "Ez da ontu honekin Twitterren saioa hasi"
#~ msgid "{0}: This account is not logged in twitter."
#~ msgstr "{0}: Ez da kontu honekin Twitterren saioa hasi."
#~ msgid "Global mute off"
#~ msgstr "Isiltasun globala desaktibatua"
#~ msgid "User-defined buffer created."
#~ msgstr "Buffer bat sortu da"
#~ msgid "User-defined buffer destroied."
#~ msgstr "Buffer bat ezabatu duzu"
#~ msgid "Someone's favourites have been updated."
#~ msgstr "Norbaiten gogokoak eguneratuak izan dira."
#~ msgid "Mension received."
#~ msgstr "Aipamen bat jaso da"
#~ msgid "A search buffer has been updated."
#~ msgstr "Bilaketa baten bufferra eguneratu da."
#~ msgid "A trending topic buffer has been updated."
#~ msgstr "Tendentzia bat eguneratu da."
#~ msgid "New tweet in user-defined buffer."
#~ msgstr "Txio bat dago zuk sortutako buffer batean."
#~ msgid "Mis-spelled word: %s"
#~ msgstr "Gaizki idatzitako hitza: %s"
#~ msgid "Mis-spelled word"
#~ msgstr "Gaizki idatzitako hitza"
#~ msgid "Finished"
#~ msgstr "Bukatua"
#~ msgid "The spelling review has finished."
#~ msgstr "Ortografiaren egiaztapena bukatu da"
#~ msgid "Start account automatically"
#~ msgstr "Kontu hau automatikoki hasi"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Do you really want to delete this message? It will be eliminated from "
#~ "Twitter as well."
#~ msgstr "Mezu hau ezabatu nahi duzu? Twitterretik ere ezabatuko da."
#~ msgid "Show followers"
#~ msgstr "Jarraitzaileak erakutsi"
#~ msgid "Show friends"
#~ msgstr "Lagunak erakutsi"
#~ msgid "Show favourites"
#~ msgstr "Gogokoak erakutsi"
#~ msgid "Show blocked users"
#~ msgstr "Blokeatutako erabiltzaileak erakutsi"
#~ msgid "Show muted users"
#~ msgstr "Isildutako erabiltzaileak ikusi"
#~ msgid "Show events"
#~ msgstr "Gertaerak erakutsi"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The authorisation request will be shown on your browser. Copy the code "
#~ "tat Dropbox will provide and, in the text box that will appear on TW "
#~ "Blue, paste it. This code is necessary to continue. You only need to do "
#~ "it once."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jarraitzeko beharrezkoa den baimenaren eskaria irekiko da nabigatzailean. "
#~ "Kopiatu eta itsasi koadroan Dropboxek emango dizun kodea. Behin soilik "
#~ "egin behar da hau."
#~ msgid "Authorisation"
#~ msgstr "Baimena"
#~ msgid "Change to the next account"
#~ msgstr "Hurrengo kontura aldatu"
#~ msgid "Change to the previous account"
#~ msgstr "Aurreko kontura aldatu"
#~ msgid "Remove buffer"
#~ msgstr "Bufferra kendu"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Open URL on the current tweet, or further information for a friend or "
#~ "follower"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ireki URL bat txio honetan, edo ikusi informazio gehiago jarraitzaile edo "
#~ "lagun bati buruz"
#~ msgid "Attempt to play audio"
#~ msgstr "Audioa erreproduzitzen saiatu"
#~ msgid "Go to the first element on the list"
#~ msgstr "Joan zerrendaren lehen osagaira"
#~ msgid "Go to the last element on the list"
#~ msgstr "Joan zerrendaren azken osagaira"
#~ msgid "Move 20 elements up on the current list"
#~ msgstr "Mugitu 20 osagai gora zerrenda honetan"
#~ msgid "Move 20 elements down on the current list"
#~ msgstr "Mugitu 20 osagai behera zerrenda honetan"
#~ msgid "Remove a tweet or direct message"
#~ msgstr "Tweet bat edo zuzeneko mezu bat ezabatu"
#~ msgid "Globally mute/unmute the current account"
#~ msgstr "Kontu hau globalki isildu edo isiltzeari utzi"
#~ msgid "load previous items to any buffer"
#~ msgstr "Aurreko elementuak kargatu edozein bufferretan"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The request for the required Twitter authorisation to continue will be "
#~ "opened on your browser. You only need to do it once. Would you like to "
#~ "autorhise a new account now?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jarraitzeko beharrezkoa den Twiterren baimenaren eskaria irekiko da "
#~ "nabigatzailean. Behin soilik egin behar da hau. Kontu berria orain "
#~ "baimendu nahi duzu?"
#~ msgid "Authorised account %d"
#~ msgstr "Baimendutako kontua %d"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your access token is invalid or the authorisation has failed. Please try "
#~ "again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zure egiaztapen kodea okerra da edo autorizazioak akats bat izan du. "
#~ "Mesedez, saiatu berriro."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s (@%s). %s followers, %s friends, %s tweets. Last tweet on %s. Joined "
#~ "Twitter on %s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s (@%s). %s jarraitzaile, %s lagun, %s txio. Azken txioa %s(e)an. "
#~ "%s(e)an Twitterrera elkartu zen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The application requires to be restarted to save these changes. Press OK "
#~ "to do it now."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aplikazioa berrabiazi behar da aldaketa hauek gertatzeko. Sakatu OK orain "
#~ "egiteko."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Dropbox will open in your browser. After you log into Dropbox, an "
#~ "authorization code will be generated. Please paste it into the field "
#~ "which will appear. You only need to do this once."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dropbox zure nabigatzailean irekiko da. Bertan sartu ondoren, baimen-kode "
#~ "bat sortuko da. Mesedez, itsatsi kode hori agertuko den eremuan. Behin "
#~ "bakarrik egin behar duzu hau."
#~ msgid "View &trending topics"
#~ msgstr "Erakutsi &tendentziak"
#~ msgid "&Follow"
#~ msgstr "&Jarraitu"
#~ msgid "&Unfollow"
#~ msgstr "Jarrai&tzeari utzi"
#~ msgid "U&nmute"
#~ msgstr "Isiltzeari &utzi"
#~ msgid "&Report as spam"
#~ msgstr "&Spam bezala salatu"
#~ msgid "&Block"
#~ msgstr "&Blokeatu"
#~ msgid "Unb&lock"
#~ msgstr "&Desblokeatu"
#~ msgid "&Timeline"
#~ msgstr "Denbora &lerroa"
#~ msgid "&Autoread tweets for this buffer"
#~ msgstr "Buffer honetako txioak &automatikoki irakurri"
#~ msgid "&Remove buffer"
#~ msgstr "Bufferra &kendu"
#~ msgid "Stop recording"
#~ msgstr "Grabazioa gelditu"
#~ msgid "The tweet may contain a playable audio"
#~ msgstr "Txioak audio bat eduki dezake"
#~ msgid "A timeline has been created"
#~ msgstr "Denbora lerro bat egin da"
#~ msgid "A timeline has been deleted"
#~ msgstr "Denbora lerro bat ezabatu da"
#~ msgid "You've received a direct message"
#~ msgstr "Zuzeneko mezu bat jaso duzu"
#~ msgid "You've sent a direct message"
#~ msgstr "Zuzeneko mezu bat bidali duzu"
#~ msgid "A bug has happened"
#~ msgstr "Bug bat gertatu da"
#~ msgid "You've added a tweet to your favourites"
#~ msgstr "Txio bat gogokoetara gehitu duzu"
#~ msgid "The tweet has coordinates to determine its location"
#~ msgstr "Txioak bidalketa tokia identifikatzeko koordinatuak ditu "
#~ msgid "There are no more tweets to read"
#~ msgstr "Ez dago txio gehiago"
#~ msgid "A list has a new tweet"
#~ msgstr "Txio berri bat dago zerrenda batean"
#~ msgid "You can't add any more characters on the tweet"
#~ msgstr "You can't add any more characters on the tweet"
#~ msgid "You've been mentioned "
#~ msgstr "Aipatua izan zara"
#~ msgid "A new event has happened"
#~ msgstr "Gertaera bat gertatu da"
#~ msgid "You've replied"
#~ msgstr "Erantzun duzu"
#~ msgid "You've sent a tweet"
#~ msgstr "Txio bat bidali duzu"
#~ msgid "There's a new tweet in a timeline"
#~ msgstr "Denbora lerro batean txio bat dago"
#~ msgid "You have a new follower"
#~ msgstr "Jarraitzaile berri bat duzu"
#~ msgid "You've turned the volume up or down"
#~ msgstr "Bolumena jaitsi edo igo duzu"
#~ msgid "See the users list"
#~ msgstr "Ikusi erabiltzaileeen zerrenda"
#~ msgid "Move up one tweet in the conversation"
#~ msgstr "Elkarrizketan gora joan"
#~ msgid "Move down one tweet in the conversation"
#~ msgstr "Elkarrizketan behera joan"
#~ msgid "Show the graphical interface"
#~ msgstr "nterfaze grafikoa erakutsi"
#~ msgid "Reply to a tweet"
#~ msgstr "Txio bati erantzun"
#~ msgid "Empty the buffer removing all the elements"
#~ msgstr "Hustu bufferra, osagai guztiak ezabatuz"
#~ msgid "Listen the current message"
#~ msgstr "Mezu hau entzun"
#~ msgid "Get location of any tweet"
#~ msgstr "Edozein txioren kokalekua jakin"
#~ msgid "Creates a buffer for displaying trends for a desired place"
#~ msgstr "Leku bateko tendentziak erakusten dituen buffer bat egiten du"
#~ msgid "Do you really want to close TW Blue?"
#~ msgstr "TW Bluetik irten nahi duzu?"
#~ msgid "ask before exiting TwBlue?"
#~ msgstr "TWBluetik atera aurretik galdetu?"
#~ msgid "Activate the auto-start of the invisible interface"
#~ msgstr "Interfaze ikusezinaren hasiera automatikoa aktibatu"
#~ msgid "About &TW Blue"
#~ msgstr "TW Blueri &buruz"
#~ msgid "Your TW Blue version is up to date"
#~ msgstr "Zure TW Blueren bertsioa eguneratuta dago."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It seems as though the currently used sound pack needs an update. %i "
#~ "fails are still be required to use this function. Make sure to obtain the "
#~ "needed lacking sounds or to contact with the sound pack developer."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabiltzen ari zaren soinu pakak eguneratze bat behar duela ematen du. %y "
#~ "fitxategi falta dira funtzio hau erabiltzeko. Jaitsi behar diren soinuak "
#~ "edo jarri harremanetan garatzailearekin."
#~ msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
#~ msgstr "Ziur zaude mezu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
#~ msgid "Unable to play audio."
#~ msgstr "Ezin izan da audioa erreproduzitu"
#~ msgid "Do you really want to delete this favourites timeline?"
#~ msgstr "Ziur zaude gogokoen denbora lerro hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
#~ msgid "&Mention"
#~ msgstr "&Aipatu"
#~ msgid "Announce"
#~ msgstr "Berriak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Do you really want to empty this buffer? It's items will be removed from "
#~ "the list"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ziur zaude buffer honen osagaiak ezabatu nahi dituzula? Txioak "
#~ "bufferretik kenduko dira, baina ez twitterretik."
#~ msgid "Do you really want to delete this search term?"
#~ msgstr "Ziur zaude bilaketa hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
#~ msgid "Global mute"
#~ msgstr "Isiltze orokorra"
#~ msgid "friends"
#~ msgstr "Lagunak"
#~ msgid "Favorites"
#~ msgstr "Gogokoak"
#~ msgid "You've muted to %s"
#~ msgstr "%s isildu duzu"
#~ msgid "You've unmuted to %s"
#~ msgstr "%s isiltzeari utzi duzu"
#~ msgid "This list is arready opened."
#~ msgstr "Zerrenda hau jada irekita dago"
#~ msgid "List for %s"
#~ msgstr "%s zerrenda"
#~ msgid "Uploading..."
#~ msgstr "Igotzen..."
#~ msgid "Men&tion all"
#~ msgstr "Aipatu &guztiak"
#~ msgid "This user does not exist on Twitter"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzaile hau ez da twitterren existitzen"
#~ msgid "S&witch account"
#~ msgstr "Kontua &aldatu"
#~ msgid "&Preferences"
#~ msgstr "&Hobespenak"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "An error occurred while looking for an update. It may be due to any "
#~ "problem either on our server or on your DNS servers. Please, try again "
#~ "later."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Errore bat egon da eguneratzea bilatzean. Gure zerbitzarien errore bat "
#~ "izan daiteke, edo zure DNS zerbitzariena."
#~ msgid "Sent"
#~ msgstr "Bidaliak"
#~ msgid "%s favourites from %s"
#~ msgstr "%s gogoko %s(r)enak"
#~ msgid "Streams disconnected. TW Blue will try to reconnect in a minute."
#~ msgstr "Streamak deskonektatuak. TW Blue berriz konektatzen saiatuko da."
#~ msgid "Reconnecting streams..."
#~ msgstr "Streamak konektatzen"
#~ msgid "search users for %s"
#~ msgstr "%s bilatu erabiltzaileetan"
#~ msgid "Exiting..."
#~ msgstr "Irteten..."
#~ msgid "Error while adding to favourites."
#~ msgstr "Errorea gogokoetara gehitzean."
#~ msgid "Error while removing from favourites."
#~ msgstr "Errorea gogokoetatik kentzean."
#~ msgid "Individual timeline"
#~ msgstr "Denbora lerro indibiduala"
#~ msgid "List of favourites"
#~ msgstr "Gogokoen zerrenda"
#~ msgid "Existing list"
#~ msgstr "Zerrenda hau existitzen da"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There's already a list of favourites for this user. You can't create "
#~ "another."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabiltzaile honetarako jada gogokoen buffer bat dago. Ezin da beste bat "
#~ "ireki."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has no favourites. You can't create a list of favourites for "
#~ "this user."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erabiltzaile honek ez du gogokorik. Ezin duzu gogokoen zerrenda bat ireki."
#~ msgid "%s"
#~ msgstr "%s"
#~ msgid "Documentation"
#~ msgstr "Laguntza"
#~ msgid "Translation"
#~ msgstr "Itzulpena"
#~ msgid "Select a twitter account to start TW Blue"
#~ msgstr "Aukeratu Twitter kontu bat TW Blue hasteko"
#~ msgid "Remove session"
#~ msgstr "Sesioa ezabatu"
#~ msgid "One tweet from %s in the list %s"
#~ msgstr "%s(r)en txio bat %s zerrendan"
#~ msgid "One direct message"
#~ msgstr "Zuzeneko mezu bat"
#~ msgid "About a week ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela aste bat"
#~ msgid "About {} weeks ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela {} aste"
#~ msgid "A month ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela hilabete bat"
#~ msgid "About {} months ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela {} hilabet"
#~ msgid "About a year ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela urte bat"
#~ msgid "About {} years ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela {} urte"
#~ msgid "About 1 day ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela egun bat"
#~ msgid "About {} days ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela {} egun"
#~ msgid "just now"
#~ msgstr "Orain"
#~ msgid "{} seconds ago"
#~ msgstr "duela {} segundu"
#~ msgid "1 minute ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela minutu bat"
#~ msgid "{} minutes ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela {} minutu"
#~ msgid "About 1 hour ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela ordu bat"
#~ msgid "About {} hours ago"
#~ msgstr "Duela {} ordu"
#~ msgid "January"
#~ msgstr "Urtarrilak"
#~ msgid "February"
#~ msgstr "Otsailak"
#~ msgid "March"
#~ msgstr "Martxoak"
#~ msgid "April"
#~ msgstr "Apirilak"
#~ msgid "May"
#~ msgstr "Maiatzak"
#~ msgid "June"
#~ msgstr "Ekainak"
#~ msgid "July"
#~ msgstr "Uztailak"
#~ msgid "August"
#~ msgstr "Abuztuak"
#~ msgid "September"
#~ msgstr "Irailak"
#~ msgid "October"
#~ msgstr "Urriak"
#~ msgid "November"
#~ msgstr "Azaroak"
#~ msgid "December"
#~ msgstr "Abenduak"
#~ msgid "Sunday"
#~ msgstr "Igandea"
#~ msgid "Monday"
#~ msgstr "Asteleehna"
#~ msgid "Tuesday"
#~ msgstr "Asteartea"
#~ msgid "Wednesday"
#~ msgstr "Asteazkena"
#~ msgid "Thursday"
#~ msgstr "Osteguna"
#~ msgid "Friday"
#~ msgstr "Ostirala"
#~ msgid "Saturday"
#~ msgstr "Larunbata"
#~ msgid "sun"
#~ msgstr "ig"
#~ msgid "mon"
#~ msgstr "al"
#~ msgid "tue"
#~ msgstr "ar"
#~ msgid "wed"
#~ msgstr "az"
#~ msgid "thu"
#~ msgstr "og"
#~ msgid "fri"
#~ msgstr "ol"
#~ msgid "sat"
#~ msgstr "lr"
#~ msgid "jan"
#~ msgstr "urt"
#~ msgid "feb"
#~ msgstr "ots"
#~ msgid "mar"
#~ msgstr "mar"
#~ msgid "apr"
#~ msgstr "api"
#~ msgid "may"
#~ msgstr "mai"
#~ msgid "jun"
#~ msgstr "eka"
#~ msgid "jul"
#~ msgstr "uzt"
#~ msgid "aug"
#~ msgstr "abu"
#~ msgid "sep"
#~ msgstr "ira"
#~ msgid "oct"
#~ msgstr "urr"
#~ msgid "nov"
#~ msgstr "aza"
#~ msgid "dec"
#~ msgstr "abe"
#~ msgid "%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p"
#~ msgstr "%A, %Y-ko %B %d, %I:%M:%S %p"
#~ msgid "Connection error. Try again later."
#~ msgstr "Errorea konektatzean. Mesedez, saiatu beranduago."
#~ msgid "View members"
#~ msgstr "Kideak ikusi"
#~ msgid "View subscribers"
#~ msgstr "Harpidetuak ikusi"
#~ msgid "Ouner"
#~ msgstr "Jabea"
#~ msgid "Successfully following %s"
#~ msgstr "Arrakasta %s jarraitzen"
#~ msgid "%s has been reported as spam"
#~ msgstr "%s spam bezala salatu da"
#~ msgid "%s has been blocked"
#~ msgstr "%s blokeatua izan da"
#~ msgid "User's information"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzailearen xehetasunak"
#~ msgid "You've unblock %s"
#~ msgstr "%s desblokeatu duzu."
#~ msgid "Clear"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar"