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# Changelog
## changes in this version
* Added experimental support to "subscribers" buffer, inside frienship requests. This shows friend requests that have been declined by the current user.
* Fixed an error in Socializer that was making it unable to detect unread messages properly.
## Changes in version 0.18 (21.01.2019)
* Changed authentication tokens in Socializer. It is mandatory to download a fresh copy of socializer and start a new configuration for your account.
* Stable versions of Socializer are built with Python 3. Previous versions are built with Python 2, however support for Python 2 will be dropped very soon.
* There is an installer file for Socializer, available in our downloads page. Installed version of Socializer will be more confortable for some people.
* For users from countries where VK is not allowed, Socializer includes a proxy to bypass country restrictions. The first time you start socializer, it will ask you whether you need a proxy or not. It is suggested to use a proxy only if you need it.
* Now it is possible to post in someone else's wall. When viewing a timeline of an user, the "post" button will post in his/her wall. To post in your own wall, you'll need to go to the newsfeed or your own wall and press the post button.
* If you are not allowed to post in someone's wall, the post button will not be visible.
* A new option for deleting wall posts has been added to the context menu in newsfeed and walls (current user's wall and timelines). This option will be visible only if the current user is allowed to delete the focused post.
* Socializer will be able to handle all users correctly. Before, if an user that was not present in the local storage system was needed, the program was displaying "no specified user". ([#17,](
* It is possible to use user domains (short names for users) to create timelines. Just write @username and the program will create the needed timeline, regardless if the user is present in your friend list. ([#18,](
* When displaying someone's profile, the dialog should be loaded dramatically faster than before. A message will be spoken when all data of the profile is loaded.
* When opening a timeline, if the current user is not allowed to do it, an error message should be displayed and the buffer will not be created. Before the buffer was partially created in the main window. ([#22.](
* Added basic support to handle group chats. At the current moment it is possible to receive and reply to chat messages only. Chat groups will be placed inside the conversations section. ([#23.](
* It is possible to delete a conversation buffer from the buffer menu. Deleting a conversation will only dismiss the buffer, no data is deleted at VK.
* During the first start of Socializer, an invitation will be shown to join the Socializer's group in case the current user is not already a member.
* It is possible to see how many people has read a wall post when showing it in the dialog. ([#28.](
* A new tab has been added to the preferences dialog. From the new section, it is possible to control whether socializer should create buffers for the first 1000 audio albums, video albums and communities when starting.
* Added functionality regarding comments in wall posts:
* when reading a post, you can press enter in any comment to display a dialog from where it is possible to view attachments, translate, check spelling or reply to the thread. If there are replies made to this comment, these will be visible in a section called replies. Pressing enter in a reply will also open the same dialog.
* A new "replies" field has been added to the comments' list.
* When writing a comment, it is possible to do the same actions available for a post (translate, spell checking and adding attachments).
## Changes in version 0.17 (01.01.2019)
* Added support for Two factor authentication (2FA). ([#13,](
* Added update channels in socializer. You can subscribe to the "stable" or "alpha" channel from the preferences dialog and you will receive updates published for those:
* The stable channel will have releases every month, approximately, and is the channel where the code will be more tested and with less bugs. All support and help will be provided for the stable versions only.
* The alpha channel will have releases every time a change is added to socializer, it may even include several releases in the same day, but we will try to release only a new version every day. Support will not be provided for alpha versions, as they will be used to test the latest code in the application.
* Now it is possible to send voice messages from socializer. Voice messages are available from the "add" button in any conversation buffer.
* tokens generated by socializer will never expire. ([#3,](
* In order to use all methods available in VK, socializer will use tokens of kate mobile for Android. It means you may receive an email by saying that you've authorised Kate for accessing your account from an Android device.
* Audio albums are loaded correctly.
* It is possible to play audios added by friends appearing in the news feed.
* Adding and removing an audio file to your library works.
* Unread messages will play a sound when focused.
* Unread messages will be marked as read when user focuses them.
* Socializer will handle restricted audio tracks. Restricted songs are not allowed to be played in the user's country. Before, playing a restricted track was generating an exception and playback could not resume. Now, playing an audio track will display an error notification.
* Fixed an error when people were trying to open a post in an empty buffer, or accessing the menu when there are no posts in the buffer.
* Now Socializer will not send a notification every 5 minutes.
* the chat widget now is a multiline text control. It means it is possible to add a new line by pressing shift+Enter, and send the message by pressing enter.
* Socializer should handle connection errors when loading items in buffers and retry in 2 minutes. Also, connection errors in the chat server are handled and chat should be able to reconnect by itself.
* When trying to add an audio or video to an album, if the current user does not have any album, it will display an error instead of a traceback.
* Added popular and suggested songs. This will not work when using alternative tokens.
* Now it is possible to update the status message, located in your profile.
* Now it is possible to upload an audio from your computer when adding attachments in a wall post. When adding attachments to a post or message in a conversation, you will have two options: upload from your computer and add a file from your VK profile.
* Updated Russian translation: thanks to Дарья Ратникова.
* Fixed some conditions, especially when rendering items in feeds, that were making the client to crash.
* new versions will include documentation and changelog.
* A new option for reporting issues directly from the help menu has been added. Issues will be publicly available in the [Project Issues page](
## Changes in version 0.16 (13.12.2018)
* Added two more buffers: "Pending requests" and "I follow", located in the people buffer, under "friendship requests".
* Added an experimental photo viewer. Will show options for displaying the next and previous photo if the current post contains multiple images. Fullscreen button still doesn't work.
* Improved the chat features present in the application. Read documentation to get a full understanding about how it works now.
* Added video management (my videos, video albums and video search). For playing videos, you will be redirected to a website in your browser due to the VK'S policy.
* Added a setting that allows you to specify if you want socializer to load images when you are opening posts. It could be useful for slow connections or those who don't want images to be loaded.
* Added basic tagging for users in posts and comments. You can tag only people in your friends buffer.
* Added a basic user profile viewer.
* Added support for listening voice messages in chats. Currently it is not possible to send them.
* Fixed an error that was making Socializer unable to display chat history properly. It was showing the first 200 items in a conversation instead the last 200 items. Now chat will be displayed accordingly.
* Changed the chat history widget from list of items to a read only text box, similar to how it was displayed in skype. Now the widget should be fully visible and messages will work in the same way.
* It is possible to play songs sent in a chat message by opening them from the attachments panel.
* Reimplemented most of the audio playback methods (audio albums buffer still not working).
* Added some notifications and chat notifications when friends are online and offline. Most notifications can be configured from settings.
## Changes in build 2016.07.08 (08/07/2016)
* Removed platform from "last seen" column in the friends list as it could cause some problems and it was being not so exact.
* Now deleted audios are not parsed and displayed as "audio removed from library". They are silently ignored.
* It's possible to open a friends timeline for others.
* Fixed some strange bugs in the built version.
* Deactivated accounts will not cause problems in friends lists. They will be displayed as deactivated, wich means that it'll be impossible to interact with those accounts.
* When opened, the client will set online for the user account, it'll inform VK that this user is currently online. This parameter will be updated every 15 minutes, as stated in the API documentation.
* When opened, socializer will try to create chat buffers for all unread messages.
* Update some information on certain posts when an item is selected. For example, update the date of a post.
* Read messages will be marked as read in the social network, so it'll cause that your friends could see that you have read the message and socializer will not load chat buffers with read messages at startup.
* Included a brief manual in the help menu. Currently available only in English.
* Included a context menu in list items. Currently there are functions not available. Menu for chat buffers is not implemented yet.
* Implemented audio album load (in the music buffer), creation (in the application menu) and deletion (in the application menu, too).
* audios can be moved to albums by pressing the menu key or doing a right click in the item, and selecting "move to album". Audios will be added to the album in the next update (there is a programmed update every 3 minutes), or you can update the buffer manually (from the buffer menu in the menu bar). This option will be available in audio buffers (searches, popular and recommended audio buffers, and audio timelines).
* Albums will be empty at startup. In order to get the album's audios, you'll have to navigate to the album and press the button "load". It'll load the needed information for displaying and playing the added songs
* If the config is invalid (for example you changed email or phone in the VK site and didn't changed that in Socializer, or just entered invalid credentials), the program will display an error with instructions for fixing the problem.
* Now is possible to press enter in the password or email/phone field and it'll do the action of the OK button.
* If you have set russian as the main language in the VK site, you'll see names in genitive and instrumental cases in certain phrases.
* Updated russian and spanish translations.
## Changes on build 2016.05.25
* Added grouped controls in the audio searches dialogue. It will be more accessible so screen readers could detect and read the label for radio buttons.
* Added documents to the list of supported attachments in the post viewer. The action for this kind of attachments is to open the default web browser, pointing to the URL address of that file.
* Now It's possible to add photos to the wall, by uploading files to the VK servers. Check the attachments button in the new post dialogue for this. Basically it is possible to add some photos and when the post is sent, photos will start to be uploaded before. At the moment it is not possible to add descriptions to photos. Take in to account that photos will be uploaded when the send button is pressed and the post could take some time before being posted.
* Added a new option to the menu bar: new timeline. It allows to create a special buffer for a selected user. This buffer could be an audio or wall buffer, when created, the buffer will be updated with items for the specified user or community.
* Added an user selection control. In dialogues where an user must be selected, there will be an edit box with a selected name. You need to start writing for changing this name, or just press the down arrow for looking in the users' database. You can start writing and then press the down arrow, so you will see the closest result to the name you was writing. For example if you want to write manuel, you could write m, a, n, u, and press the down arrow, and you will see the full name in the edit box. Take in to account that you have to make sure that you write a valid user name in the box, otherwise you will see an error.
* Posts from twitter are displayed in a better way (newline characters (\n) are handled properly instead being displayed).
* In the play all function, everything should be cleaned before start the new playback.
* Now links included in text of a comment are included as attachments (links are "untitled" because it isn't possible to retrieve information for every link without performance issues). This is especially useful when someone posts a link from Twitter.
* Chat support: There is a new kind of buffer, named chat buffer, wich allows you to have a conversation with someone of your friends. If you receive a message while socializer is opened it will create a chat buffer under chats with the last 200 messages between you and your friend. You can send a message by writing in the edit box and pressing send or enter. At the moment chats buffers can't be removed. Will be added this possibility in the near future.
* Added your friendlist as a buffer. You can create chats from there by using the send message button.
## Changes for build 2016.04.5 (5/04/2016)
* Updated russian and spanish translations.
* Fixed minor bugs in the likes button for posts.
* Now it's possible to open wall posts by pressing enter, as newsfeeds' posts.
* It's possible to see reposts in the news and wall buffers, and the post displayer (when you press enter in a post) shows the full post story.
* Added "load previous items" in the main menu. It should work for wall and news feed. This feature is not available in audio buffers due to API limits.
* Added more options in the search audio dialog. Now users could use more parameters and searches will be more precise.
* Added a new attachments' list. When a post is opened, this list will show up if there are attachments in the current post (attachments are audio, photos, video and links). You will be able to interact with the supported data (at the moment only photos, videos, audio and links are supported, more will be added in future).
* Added a changelog file which could be opened from the help menu.
* Added a preferences dialogue and a new application menu in the menu bar. From this dialogue you can change the number of items to be loaded for every buffer.