
A desktop application for handling in an easy way.


This source code is completely experimental. The current functionality in this application is not very useful. If you are not a developer, or you don't know how to deal with Python code and some network Rest API'S, probably you should not clone this repository and run the application. If you decide to do so, take into account that this doesn't work as an application yet.

I have started this effort as an open source project on Feb 13, 2016. Pull requests and bug reports are welcome. Socializer is not a definitive name for this project, it could be changed in future.



Just open the file with the python interpreter. This file is located in the src directory. If you haven't configured your VK account, you will see a dialogue, just press yes and a new dialogue will prompt for an user email and the password for your account. Take into account that the provided information will be saved in a config file as plain text. This application will need your email and password for renegotiating the access token when it expires.

Main interface

If you have used TWBlue before, the socializer's interface is quite similar. Once you have authorised your account, you will see a window with the following elements:

  • A tree view at the left of the window, where you will see the list of buffers (at the moment, there are only three of these: news feed, my wall and my audios).
  • A button for making a post to your wall.
  • A list where you will see the posts for the currently selected buffer.
  • A status bar where the program will put some useful information about what it's doing at the moment.
  • And a menu bar, that is not used yet.

When socializer starts, it will try to load your news items, wall and audios. At the moment there are only a few supported actions for these items:

  • Audio files: You can play the currently selected song, view the song's details (including lyrics, if available), add or remove from your library, and download it to a desired place in your hard drive. You can find audio files in your news feed or in your own audios buffer.
  • News feed's post: In your news feed buffer, you can press return in any post and socializer will open a new dialogue which can be different, depending in the kind of post you are when the return key was pressed.
  • At the moment you can't open your wall posts.

Making a post

When you press the post button, a new dialogue will show up. This dialogue allows you to post something in your wall. In this dialogue you have to write a message. You can translate your message and fix your spelling mistakes. Also you can post an URL address, socializer will try to add it as an attachment, so you will not have to worry about this. When you're ready, just press the send button and it'll be done.

Working with posts in news feed

You can press the return key in any post in your news feed for opening a new dialogue with some information. The information and dialogue will be different if you are viewing a friendship's notification (when someone has added some friends), an audio file, or a regular post. At the moment, there are no more actions for these kind of posts, you can read the full text for a post, view the new added friends in a list and there are some kind of posts that aren't handled. It should be improved.

Working with songs

If you want to play or view your audio's details, you'll have to navigate to the tree view, and, using the down arrow, look for "my audios". You will see two more buttons, play and play all. The play button will play the currently selected audio, and the play all button is not implemented yet. You can go to the song's list, look for a desired song and press the play button, or Ctrl+return, which is a keyboard shorcut.

You can play audio from any buffer, just press ctrl+return for making the audio playback possible.

If someone has added multiple audios at once to his library, you will see something like this in your newsfeed: "(friend) has added 4 audios: audio 1, audio2, audio3 and audio4". You can press return in the post for opening the audio's details dialogue, where you will be able to see a list with these audios. By default the first detected song is selected, which means that you could read its details by pressing tab, download or add it to your library. If you change the audio in the list, the information will be updated and you will see details and actions will take effect in the new selected audio.

When an audio file is playing, you can press f5 and f6 for decreasing and increasing volume, respectively, or control+shift+return for play/pause.

If you want to see some details for the selected audio file, you can do it by pressing the return key. You will be able to read some useful information (title, artist, duration and the lyric, if available). Also you will be able to download the song to your hard drive, you have to press the download button in the details' dialogue.

When the download starts, you can close the details dialogue and check the status bar in the main window for seeing the current progress.


If you are interested in this project, you can help it by translating this program into your native language and give more people the possibility of using it. Thank you in advance!


If you have questions, don't esitate to contact me in Twitter, or sending me an email to manuel(at)manuelcortez(dot)net. Just replace the words in parentheses with the original signs.

A desktop application for handling in an easy way.
Python 99.3%
NSIS 0.6%
Batchfile 0.1%