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synced 2025-03-14 09:28:03 -06:00
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182 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import arrow
import languageHandler
from string import Template
from . import utils, compose
# Define variables that would be available for all template objects.
# This will be used for the edit template dialog.
# Available variables for post objects.
# safe_text will be the content warning in case a post contains one, text will always be the full text, no matter if has a content warning or not.
post_variables = ["date", "display_name", "screen_name", "source", "lang", "safe_text", "text", "image_descriptions", "visibility"]
person_variables = ["display_name", "screen_name", "description", "followers", "following", "favorites", "posts", "created_at"]
conversation_variables = ["users", "last_post"]
notification_variables = ["display_name", "screen_name", "text", "date"]
# Default, translatable templates.
post_default_template = _("$display_name, $text $image_descriptions $date. $source")
dm_sent_default_template = _("Dm to $recipient_display_name, $text $date")
person_default_template = _("$display_name (@$screen_name). $followers followers, $following following, $posts posts. Joined $created_at.")
notification_default_template = _("$display_name $text, $date")
def process_date(field, relative_times=True, offset_hours=0):
original_date = arrow.get(field)
if relative_times == True:
ts = original_date.humanize(locale=languageHandler.curLang[:2])
ts = original_date.shift(hours=offset_hours).format(_("dddd, MMMM D, YYYY H:m:s"), locale=languageHandler.curLang[:2])
return ts
def process_text(post, safe=True):
# text = utils.clean_mentions(utils.StripChars(text))
if safe == True and post.sensitive == True and post.spoiler_text != "":
return _("Content warning: {}").format(post.spoiler_text)
return utils.html_filter(post.content)
def process_image_descriptions(media_attachments):
""" Attempt to extract information for image descriptions. """
image_descriptions = []
for media in media_attachments:
if media.get("description") != None and media.get("description") != "":
idescriptions = ""
for image in image_descriptions:
idescriptions = idescriptions + _("Image description: {}").format(image) + "\n"
return idescriptions
def remove_unneeded_variables(template, variables):
for variable in variables:
template = re.sub("\$"+variable, "", template)
return template
def render_post(post, template, relative_times=False, offset_hours=0):
""" Renders any given post according to the passed template.
Available data for posts will be stored in the following variables:
$date: Creation date.
$display_name: User profile name.
$screen_name: User screen name, this is the same name used to reference the user in Twitter.
$ source: Source client from where the current tweet was sent.
$lang: Two letter code for the automatically detected language for the tweet. This detection is performed by Twitter.
$safe_text: Safe text to display. If a content warning is applied in posts, display those instead of the whole post.
$text: Toot text. This always displays the full text, even if there is a content warning present.
$image_descriptions: Information regarding image descriptions added by twitter users.
$visibility: post's visibility: public, not listed, followers only or direct.
global post_variables
available_data = dict()
created_at = process_date(post.created_at, relative_times, offset_hours)
# user.
display_name = post.account.display_name
if display_name == "":
display_name = post.account.username
available_data.update(display_name=display_name, screen_name=post.account.acct)
# Source client from where tweet was originated.
source = ""
if hasattr(post, "application") and post.application != None:
if post.reblog != None:
text = _("Boosted from @{}: {}").format(post.reblog.account.acct, process_text(post.reblog, safe=False), )
safe_text = _("Boosted from @{}: {}").format(post.reblog.account.acct, process_text(post.reblog), )
text = process_text(post, safe=False)
safe_text = process_text(post)
visibility_settings = dict(public=_("Public"), unlisted=_("Not listed"), private=_("Followers only"), direct=_("Direct"))
visibility = visibility_settings.get(post.visibility)
available_data.update(lang=post.language, text=text, safe_text=safe_text, visibility=visibility)
# process image descriptions
image_descriptions = ""
if post.reblog != None:
image_descriptions = process_image_descriptions(post.reblog.media_attachments)
image_descriptions = process_image_descriptions(post.media_attachments)
if image_descriptions != "":
result = Template(_(template)).safe_substitute(**available_data)
result = remove_unneeded_variables(result, post_variables)
return result
def render_user(user, template, relative_times=True, offset_hours=0):
""" Renders persons by using the provided template.
Available data will be stored in the following variables:
$display_name: The name of the user, as they’ve defined it. Not necessarily a person’s name. Typically capped at 50 characters, but subject to change.
$screen_name: The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with.
$description: The user-defined UTF-8 string describing their account.
$followers: The number of followers this account currently has. This value might be inaccurate.
$following: The number of users this account is following (AKA their “followings”). This value might be inaccurate.
$posts: The number of Tweets (including retweets) issued by the user. This value might be inaccurate.
$created_at: The date and time that the user account was created on Twitter.
global person_variables
display_name = user.display_name
if display_name == "":
display_name = user.username
available_data = dict(display_name=display_name, screen_name=user.acct, followers=user.followers_count, following=user.following_count, posts=user.statuses_count)
# Nullable values.
nullables = ["description"]
for nullable in nullables:
if hasattr(user, nullable) and getattr(user, nullable) != None:
available_data[nullable] = getattr(user, nullable)
created_at = process_date(user.created_at, relative_times=relative_times, offset_hours=offset_hours)
result = Template(_(template)).safe_substitute(**available_data)
result = remove_unneeded_variables(result, person_variables)
return result
def render_conversation(conversation, template, post_template, relative_times=False, offset_hours=0):
users = []
for account in conversation.accounts:
if account.display_name != "":
users = ", ".join(users)
last_post = render_post(conversation.last_status, post_template, relative_times=relative_times, offset_hours=offset_hours)
available_data = dict(users=users, last_post=last_post)
result = Template(_(template)).safe_substitute(**available_data)
result = remove_unneeded_variables(result, conversation_variables)
return result
def render_notification(notification, template, post_template, relative_times=False, offset_hours=0):
""" Renders any given notification according to the passed template.
Available data for notifications will be stored in the following variables:
$date: Creation date.
$display_name: User profile name.
$screen_name: User screen name, this is the same name used to reference the user in Twitter.
$text: Notification text, describing the action.
global notification_variables
available_data = dict()
created_at = process_date(notification.created_at, relative_times, offset_hours)
# user.
display_name = notification.account.display_name
if display_name == "":
display_name = notification.account.username
available_data.update(display_name=display_name, screen_name=notification.account.acct)
text = "Unknown: %r" % (notification)
# Remove date from status, so it won't be rendered twice.
post_template = post_template.replace("$date", "")
if notification.type == "status":
text = _("has posted: {status}").format(status=render_post(notification.status, post_template, relative_times, offset_hours))
elif notification.type == "mention":
text = _("has mentionned you: {status}").format(status=render_post(notification.status, post_template, relative_times, offset_hours))
elif notification.type == "reblog":
text = _("has boosted: {status}").format(status=render_post(notification.status, post_template, relative_times, offset_hours))
elif notification.type == "favourite":
text = _("has added to favorites: {status}").format(status=render_post(notification.status, post_template, relative_times, offset_hours))
elif notification.type == "update":
text = _("has updated a status: {status}").format(status=render_post(notification.status, post_template, relative_times, offset_hours))
elif notification.type == "follow":
text = _("has followed you.")
elif notification.type == "poll":
text = _("A poll in which you have voted has expired: {status}").format(status=render_post(notification.status, post_template, relative_times, offset_hours))
elif notification.type == "follow_request":
text = _("wants to follow you.")
result = Template(_(template)).safe_substitute(**available_data)
result = remove_unneeded_variables(result, post_variables)
result = result.replace(" . ", "")
return result