
1545 lines
47 KiB

# Translations template for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2022 MCV software
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-20 17:18-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n"
#: ../doc/
msgid "Documentation for TWBlue"
msgstr ""
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msgid "## Table of contents"
msgstr ""
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msgid "[TOC]"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## Warning!"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"You are reading documentation produced for a program still in "
"development. The object of this manual is to explain some details of the "
"operation of the program. Bear in mind that as the software is in the "
"process of active development, parts of this user guide may change in the"
" near future, so it is advisable to keep checking from time to time to "
"avoid missing important information."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"If you want to see what has changed from the previous version, [read the "
"list of updates here.](changes.html)"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## Introduction"
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"TWBlue is an application to make Twitter simple and fast, while using as "
"few resources as possible. With TWBlue, you can do things like the "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Tweet, reply to, retweet and delete tweets,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Like and unlike a tweet,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Send and delete direct messages,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* See your friends and followers,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Follow, unfollow, report and block a user,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Open a user's timeline to see their tweets separately,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Open URLs from a tweet or direct message,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Play several types of audio files from addresses,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* And more."
msgstr ""
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msgid "## Usage"
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"Twitter is a social networking or micro-blogging tool which allows you to"
" compose short status updates of your activities in 280 characters or "
"less. Twitter is a way for friends, family and co-workers to communicate "
"and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. You "
"can restrict delivery of updates to those in your circle of friends or, "
"by default, allow anyone to access them."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"You can monitor the status of updates from your friends, family or co-"
"workers (known as following), and they in turn can read any updates you "
"create, (known as followers). The updates are referred to as Tweets. The "
"Tweets are posted to your Twitter profile or Blog and are searchable "
"using Twitter Search."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"In order to use TWBlue, you must first have created an account on the "
"Twitter website. The process for signing up for a Twitter account is very"
" accessible. During the account registration, you will need to choose a "
"Twitter username. This serves two purposes. This is the method through "
"which people will comunicate with you, but most importantly, your "
"username and password will be required to connect TWBlue to your Twitter "
"account. We suggest you choose a username which is memorable both to you "
"and the people you hope will follow you."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"We'll start from the premise that you have a Twitter account with its "
"corresponding username and password."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### Authorising the application"
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"First of all, it's necessary to authorise the program so it can access "
"your Twitter account and act on your behalf. The authorisation process is"
" quite simple, and the program never retains data such as your password. "
"In order to authorise the application, you just need to run the main "
"executable file, called TWBlue.exe (on some computers it may appear "
"simply as TWBlue if Windows Explorer is not set to display file "
"extensions). We suggest you may like to place a Windows shortcut on your "
"Desktop pointing to this executable file for quick and easy location."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"You can log into several Twitter accounts simultaneously. The program "
"refers to each Twitter account you have configured as a \"Session\". If "
"this is the first time you have launched TWBlue, and if no Twitter "
"session exists, you will see the Session Manager. This dialogue box "
"allows you to authorise as many accounts as you wish. If you press the "
"Tab key to reach the \"new account\" button and activate it by pressing "
"the Space Bar, a dialogue box will advise you that your default internet "
"browser will be opened in order to authorise the application and you will"
" be asked if you would like to continue. Activate the \"yes\" Button by "
"pressing the letter \"Y\" so the process may start."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"Your default browser will open on the Twitter page to request "
"authorisation. Enter your username and password into the appropriate edit"
" fields if you're not already logged in, select the authorise button, and"
" press it."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"Once you've authorised your twitter account, the website will redirect "
"you to a page which will notify you that TWBlue has been authorised "
"successfully. On this page, you will be shown a code composed of several "
"numbers that you must paste in the TWBlue authorization dialogue in order"
" to allow the application to access your account. Once you have pasted "
"the code in the corresponding text field, press enter to finish the "
"account setup and go back to the session manager. On the session list, "
"you will see a new item temporarily called \"Authorised account x\" "
"-where x is a number. The session name will change once you open that "
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"To start running TWBlue, press the Ok button in the Session Manager "
"dialogue. By default, the program starts all the configured sessions "
"automatically, however, you can change this behavior."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"If all went well, the application will start playing sounds, indicating "
"your data is being updated."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"When the process is finished, by default the program will play another "
"sound, and the screen reader will say \"ready\" (this behaviour can be "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## General concepts"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"Before starting to describe TWBlue's usage, we'll explain some concepts "
"that will be used extensively throughout this manual."
msgstr ""
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msgid "### Buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"A buffer is a list of items to manage the data which arrives from "
"Twitter, after being processed by the application. When you configure a "
"new session on TWBlue and start it, many buffers are created. Each of "
"them may contain some of the items which this program works with: Tweets,"
" direct messages, users, trends or. According to the buffer you are "
"focusing, you will be able to do different actions with these items."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"The following is a description for every one of TWBlue's buffers and the "
"kind of items they work with."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"* Home: this shows all the tweets on the main timeline. These are the "
"tweets by users you follow."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"* Mentions: if a user, whether you follow them or not, mentions you on "
"Twitter, you will find it in this list."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Direct messages: here you will find the private direct messages you "
"exchange with users who follow you , or with any user, if you allow "
"direct messages from everyone (this setting is configurable from "
"Twitter). This list only shows received messages."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Sent direct messages: this buffer shows all the direct messages sent "
"from your account."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Sent tweets: this shows all the tweets sent from your account."
msgstr ""
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msgid "* Likes: here you will see all the tweets you have liked."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Followers: when users follow you, you'll be able to see them on this "
"buffer, with some of their account details."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"* Friends: the same as the previous buffer, but these are the users you "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* User timelines: these are buffers you may create. They contain only the"
" tweets by a specific user. They're used so you can see the tweets by a "
"single person and you don't want to look all over your timeline. You may "
"create as many as you like."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"* Lists: A list is similar to a user timeline, except that you can "
"configure it to contain tweets from multiple users."
msgstr ""
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msgid "* Search: A search buffer contains the results of a search operation."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* User likes: You can have the program create a buffer containing tweets "
"liked by a particular user."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Followers or following timeline: You can have TWBlue create a buffer "
"containing all users who follow, or are followed by a specific user."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"* Trending Topics: a trend buffer shows the top ten most used terms in a "
"geographical region. This region may be a country or a city. Trends are "
"updated every five minutes."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"If a tweet contains a URL, you can press enter in the GUI or Control + "
"Windows + Enter in the invisible interface to open it. If it contains "
"video or audio, including live stream content, you can press Control + "
"Enter or Control + Windows + Alt + Enter to play it, respectively. TWBlue"
" will play a sound if the tweet contains video metadata or the \\#audio "
"hashtag, but there may be tweets which contain media without this. "
"Finally, if a tweet contains geographical information, you can press "
"Control + Windows + G in the invisible interface to retrieve it."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### Username fields"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"These fields accept a Twitter username (without the at sign) as the "
"input. They are present in the send direct message, the user actions "
"dialogue and the user alias dialogue boxes, to name a few examples. Those"
" dialogues will be discussed later. The initial value of these fields "
"depends on where they were opened from. They are prepopulated with the "
"username of the sender of the focused tweet (if they were opened from the"
" home and sent timelines, from users' timelines or from lists), the "
"sender of the focused direct message (if from the received or sent direct"
" message buffers) or in the focused user (if from the followers' or "
"friends' buffer). If one of those dialogue boxes is opened from a tweet, "
"and if there are more users mentioned in it, you can use the arrow keys "
"to switch between them. Alternatively, you can also type a username."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## The program's interfaces"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### The graphical user interface (GUI)"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "The graphical user interface of TWBlue consists of a window containing:"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* a menu bar accomodating six menus (application, tweet, user, buffer, "
"audio and help);"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* One tree view,"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* One list of items"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Four buttons in most dialogs: Tweet, retweet , reply and direct message."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "The actions that are available for every item will be described later."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"In summary, the GUI contains two core components. These are the controls "
"you will find while pressing the Tab key within the program's interface, "
"and the different elements present on the menu bar."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### Buttons in the application"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Tweet: this button opens up a dialogue box to write your tweet. Normal "
"tweets must not exceed 280 characters. However you can press the long "
"tweet checkbox and your tweet will be posted throught Twishort, wich will"
" allow you to write longer tweets (10000 characters). If you write past "
"this limit, a sound will play to warn you. Note that the character count "
"is displayed in the title bar. You can upload a picture, check spelling, "
"attach audio or translate your message by selecting one of the available "
"buttons in the dialogue box. In addition, you can autocomplete the "
"entering of users by pressing Alt + C or the button for that purpose if "
"you have the database of users configured. Press enter to send the tweet."
" If all goes well, you'll hear a sound confirming it. Otherwise, the "
"screen reader will speak an error message in English describing the "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Retweet: this button retweets the message you're reading. After you "
"press it, if you haven't configured the application not to do so, you'll "
"be asked if you want to add a comment or simply send it as written. If "
"you choose to add a comment, it will post a quoted tweet, that is, the "
"comment with a link to the originating tweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Reply: when you're viewing a tweet, you can reply to the user who sent "
"it by pressing this button. A dialogue will open up similar to the one "
"for tweeting. If there are more users referred to in the tweet, you can "
"press tab and activate the mention to all checkbox, or enabling checkbox "
"for the users you want to mention separately. Note, however, that "
"sometimes -especially when replying to a retweet or quoted tweet, the "
"user who made the retweet or quote may also be mentioned. This is done by"
" Twitter automatically. When you're on the friends or followers lists, "
"the button will be called mention instead."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Direct message: exactly like sending a tweet, but it's a private "
"message which can only be read by the user you send it to. Press shift-"
"tab twice to see the recipient. If there were other users mentioned in "
"the tweet you were reading, you can arrow up or down to choose which one "
"to send it to, or write the username yourself without the at sign. In "
"addition, you can autocomplete the entering of users by pressing Alt + C "
"or the button for that purpose if you have the database of users "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"Bear in mind that buttons will appear according to which actions are "
"possible on the list you are browsing. For example, on the home timeline,"
" mentions, sent, likes and user timelines you will see the four buttons, "
"while on the direct messages list you'll only get the direct message and "
"tweet buttons, and on friends and followers lists the direct message, "
"tweet, and mention buttons will be available."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### Menus"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"Visually, Towards the top of the main application window, can be found a "
"menu bar which contains many of the same functions as listed in the "
"previous section, together with some additional items. To access the menu"
" bar, press the alt key. You will find six menus listed: application, "
"tweet, user, buffer, audio and help. This section describes the items on "
"each one of them."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "##### Application menu"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Manage accounts: Opens a window with all the sessions configured in "
"TWBlue, where you can add new sessions or delete the ones you've already "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Update profile: opens a dialogue where you can update your information "
"on Twitter: name, location, website and bio. If you have already set this"
" up the fields will be prefilled with the existing information. Also, you"
" can upload a photo to your profile."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Hide window: turns off the Graphical User Interface. Read the section "
"on the invisible interface for further details."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Search: shows a dialogue box where you can search for tweets or users "
"on Twitter."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Lists Manager: This dialogue box allows you to manage your Twitter "
"lists. In order to use them, you must first create them. Here, you can "
"view, edit, create, delete or, optionally, open them in buffers similar "
"to user timelines."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Manage user aliases: Opens up a dialogue where you can manage user "
"aliases for the active session. In this dialog you can add new aliases, "
"as well as edit and delete existing ones."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Edit keystrokes: this opens a dialogue where you can see and edit the "
"shortcuts used in the invisible interface."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Account settings: Opens a dialogue box which lets you customize "
"settings for the current account."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Global settings: Opens a dialogue which lets you configure settings for"
" the entire application."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Exit: asks whether you want to exit the program. If the answer is yes, "
"it closes the application. If you do not want to be asked for "
"confirmation before exiting, uncheck the checkbox from the global "
"settings dialogue box."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "##### Tweet menu"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* You will first find the items to tweet, reply and retweet, which are "
"equivalent to the buttons with the same name."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Like: Adds the tweet you're viewing to your likes list."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Unlike: removes the tweet from your likes, but not from Twitter."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Show tweet: opens up a dialogue box where you can read the tweet, "
"direct message, friend or follower which has focus. You can read the text"
" with the arrow keys. It's a similar dialog box as used for composing "
"tweets, without the ability to send the tweet, file attachment and "
"autocompleting capabilities. It does however include a retweets and likes"
" count. If you are in the followers or the friends list, it will only "
"contain a read-only edit box with the information in the focused item and"
" a close button."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* View address: If the selected tweet has geographical information, "
"TWBlue may display a dialogue box where you can read the tweet address. "
"This address is retrieved by sending the geographical coordinates of the "
"tweet to Google maps."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* View conversation: If you are focusing a tweet with a mention, it opens"
" a buffer where you can view the whole conversation."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Read text in pictures: Attempt to apply OCR technology to the image "
"attached to the tweet. The result will be displayed in another dialog."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Delete: permanently removes the tweet or direct message which has focus"
" from Twitter and from your lists. Bear in mind that Twitter only allows "
"you to delete tweets you have posted yourself."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "##### User menu"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Actions: Opens a dialogue where you can interact with a user. This "
"dialogue box will be populated with the user who sent the tweet or direct"
" message in focus or the selected user in the friends or followers "
"buffer. You can edit it or leave it as is and choose one of the following"
" actions:"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
" * Follow: Follows a user. This means you'll see his/her tweets on your "
"home timeline, and if he/she also follows you, you'll be able to exchange"
" direct messages. You may also send / receive direct messages from each "
"other if you have configured the option to allow direct messages from "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
" * Unfollow: Stops following a user, which causes you not being able to "
"see his/her tweets on your main timeline neither exchanging direct "
"messages, unless they have enabled receiving direct messages from anyone."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
" * Mute: While muting someone, TWBlue won't show you nor his/her tweets "
"on your main timeline; neither will you see that person's mentions. But "
"you both will be able to exchange direct messages. The muted user is not "
"informed of this action."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
" * Unmute: this option allows TWBlue to display the user's tweets and "
"mentions again."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid " * Block: Blocks a user. This forces the user to unfollow you ."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid " * Unblock: Stops blocking a user."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
" * Report as spam: this option sends a message to Twitter suggesting the "
"user is performing prohibited practices on the social network."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
" * Ignore tweets from this client: Adds the client from which the focused"
" tweet was sent to the ignored clients list."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* View timeline: Lets you open a user's timeline by choosing the user in "
"a dialog box. It is created when you press enter. If you invoke this "
"option relative to a user that has no tweets, the operation will fail. If"
" you try creating an existing timeline the program will warn you and will"
" not create it again."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Direct message: same action as the button."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Add Alias: An user alias allows you to rename user's display names on "
"Twitter, so the next time you'll read an user it will be announced as you"
" configured. This feature works only if you have set display screen names"
" unchecked, in account settings."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Add to List: In order to see someone's tweets in one or more of your "
"lists, you must add them first. In the dialogue box that opens after "
"selecting the user, you will be asked to select the list you wish to add "
"the user to. Thereafter, the list will contain a new member and their "
"tweets will be displayed there."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Remove from list: lets you remove a user from a list."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* View lists: Shows the lists created by a specified user."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Show user profile: opens a dialogue with the profile of the specified "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* View likes: Opens a buffer where you can see the tweets which have been"
" liked by a particular user."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "##### Buffer menu"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Update buffer: Retrieves the newest items for the focused buffer. "
"Normally, every buffer gets updated every couple of minutes, however you "
"can force a specific buffer to be updated inmediately. Take into account,"
" however, that the usage of this option repeatedly might exceed your "
"allowed Twitter's API usage, in which case you would have to wait until "
"it gets reset, tipycally within the next 15 minutes."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* New trending topics buffer: This opens a buffer to get the worlwide "
"trending topics or those of a country or a city. You'll be able to select"
" from a dialogue box if you wish to retrieve countries' trends, cities' "
"trends or worldwide trends (this option is in the cities' list) and "
"choose one from the selected list. The trending topics buffer will be "
"created once the \"OK\" button has been activated within the dialogue "
"box. Remember this kind of buffer will be updated every five minutes."
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"* Load previous items: This allows more items to be loaded for the "
"specified buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Create filter: Creates a filter in the current buffer. Filters allow "
"loading or ignoring tweets that meet certain conditions into a buffer. "
"You can, for example, set a filter in the \"home\" buffer that loads "
"tweets that are in English language only. By default, the filter creation"
" dialog will place the focus on the field to name the filter. Currently, "
"you can filter by word, by language, or both. In the filter by word, you "
"can make TWBlue allow or ignore tweets with the desired word. In the "
"filter by language, you can make the program load tweets in the languages"
" you want, or ignore tweets written in certain languages. Once created, "
"every filter will be saved in the session config and will be kept across "
"application restarts."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Manage filters: Opens up a dialogue which allows you to delete filters "
"for the current session."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Find a string in the currently focused buffer: Opens a dialogue where "
"you can search for items in the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Mute: Mutes notifications of a particular buffer so you will not hear "
"when new tweets arrive."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* autoread: When enabled, the screen reader or SAPI 5 Text to Speech "
"voice (if enabled) will read the text of incoming tweets. Please note "
"that this could get rather chatty if there are a lot of incoming tweets."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Clear buffer: Deletes all items from the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Destroy: dismisses the list you're on."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "##### Audio menu"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Play/pause: try to play audio for the selected item (if available), or "
"stop the currently played audio."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Seek back 5 seconds: If an audio is being played, seek 5 seconds back "
"in the playback. This will work only in audio files. This feature cannot "
"be used in radio stations or other streamed files."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Seek forward 5 seconds: If an audio is being played, seek 5 seconds "
"forward in the playback. This feature cannot be used in radio stations "
"or other streamed files."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "##### Help menu"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Documentation: opens up this file, where you can read some useful "
"program concepts."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Sounds tutorial: Opens a dialog box where you can familiarize yourself "
"with the different sounds of the program."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* What's new in this version?: opens up a document with the list of "
"changes from the current version to the earliest."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Check for updates: every time you open the program it automatically "
"checks for new versions. If an update is available, it will ask you if "
"you want to download the update. If you accept, the updating process will"
" commence. When complete, TWBlue will be restarted. This item checks for "
"new updates without having to restart the application."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* TWBlue's website: visit our [home page]( where you can"
" find all relevant information and downloads for TWBlue and become a part"
" of the community."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Get soundpacks for TWBlue: "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Make a Donation: Opens a website from which you can donate to the "
"TWBlue project. Donations are made through paypal and you don't need an "
"account to donate."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* About TWBlue: shows the credits of the program."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### The invisible user interface"
msgstr ""
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msgid ""
"The invisible interface, as its name suggests, has no graphical window "
"and works directly with screen readers such as JAWS for Windows, NVDA and"
" System Access. This interface is disabled by default, but you can enable"
" it by pressing Control + M. It works similarly to TheQube and Chicken "
"Nugget. Its shortcuts are similar to those found in these two clients. In"
" addition, the program has builtin support for the keymaps for these "
"applications, configurable through the global settings dialogue. By "
"default, you cannot use this interface's shortcuts in the GUI, but you "
"can configure this in the global settings dialogue."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"The next section contains a list of keyboard shortcuts for both "
"interfaces. Bear in mind that we will only describe the default keymap."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### Shortcuts of the graphical user interface (GUI)"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Enter: Open URL."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Enter: Play audio."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + M: Hide the GUI."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + N: Compose a new tweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + R: Reply / mention."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Shift + R: Retweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + D: Send a direct message."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* control + F: Add tweet to likes."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Shift + F: Remove a tweet from likes."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + S: Open the user actions dialogue."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Shift + V: Show tweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Q: Quit this program."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + I: Open user timeline."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Shift + i: Destroy buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* F5: Increase volume by 5%."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* F6: Decrease volume by 5%."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + P: Edit your profile."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Delete: Delete a tweet or direct message."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Shift + Delete: Empty the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### Shortcuts of the invisible interface (default keymap)"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"The invisible interface of TWBlue can be customised by using a keymap. "
"Every keymap defines a set of keystrokes to be used along with the "
"invisible interface. You can change the keymap in the global settings "
"dialogue, under the application menu in the menu bar, and check or edit "
"keystrokes for the selected keymap in the keystroke editor, also "
"available in the application menu."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Up Arrow: moves to the previous item in the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Down Arrow: moves to the next item in the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Left Arrow: Move to the previous buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Right Arrow: Move to the next buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + Left: Focus the previous session."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + Right: Focus the next session."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + C: View conversation."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Enter: Open URL."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + ALT + Enter: Play audio."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + M: Show or hide the GUI."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + N: New tweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + R: Reply / Mention."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + R: Retweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + D: Send direct message."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Windows+ Alt + F: Like a tweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Alt + Windows + Shift + F: Remove from likes."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + S: Open the user actions dialogue."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Alt + N: See user details."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + V: Show tweet."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + F4: Quit TWBlue."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + I: Open user timeline."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + I: Destroy buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Alt + Up: Increase volume by 5%."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Alt + Down: Decrease volume by 5%."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Control + Windows + Home: Jump to the first element of the current "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + End: Jump to the last element of the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + PageUp: Jump 20 elements up in the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Control + Windows + PageDown: Jump 20 elements down in the current "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Windows + Alt + P: Edit profile."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Delete: Delete a tweet or direct message."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + Delete: Empty the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Space: Repeat last item."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + C: Copy to clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows+ A: Add user to list."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + A: Remove user from list."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + Shift + M: Mute / unmute the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Windows + Alt + M: Mute / unmute the current session."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Control + Windows + E: Toggle the automatic reading of incoming tweets "
"in the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + -: Search on Twitter."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + K: Show the keystroke editor."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + L: Show lists for a specified user."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Windows + Alt + PageUp: Load previous items for the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + G: Get geolocation."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Control + Windows + Shift + G: Display the tweet's geolocation in a "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + T: Create a trending topics' buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Control + Windows + {: Find a string in the current buffer."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Alt + Windows + O: Extracts text from the picture and display the "
"result in a dialog."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## Configuration"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"As described above, this application has two configuration dialogues, the"
" global settings dialogue and the account settings dialogue."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### The account settings dialogue"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### General tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Autocompletion settings: Allows you to configure the autocompletion "
"database. You can add users manually or let TWBlue add your followers, "
"friends or both."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Relative timestamps: Allows you to configure whether the application "
"will calculate the time the tweet or direct message was sent or received "
"based on the current time, or simply say the time it was received or "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* API calls: Allows you to adjust the number of API calls to be made to "
"Twitter by this program."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Items on each API call: Allows you to specify how many items should be "
"retrieved from Twitter for each API call (default and maximum is 200)."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Inverted buffers: Allows you to specify whether the buffers should be "
"inverted, which means that the oldest items will show at the end of them "
"and the newest at the beginning."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Retweet mode: Allows you to specify the behaviour when posting a "
"retweet: you can choose between retweeting with a comment, retweeting "
"without comment or being asked."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Number of items per buffer to cache in database: This allows you to "
"specify how many items TWBlue should cache in a database. You can type "
"any number, 0 to cache all items, or leave blank to disable caching "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### buffers tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"This tab displays a list for each buffer you have available in TWBlue, "
"except for searches, timelines, likes' timelines and lists. You can show,"
" hide and move them."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### The ignored clients tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "In this tab, you can add and remove clients to be ignored by the program."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### Sound tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"In this tab, you can adjust the sound volume, select the input and output"
" device and set the soundpack used by the program."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### Audio service tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"In this tab, you can enter your SndUp API key (if you have one) to upload"
" audio to SndUp with your account. Note that if account credentials are "
"not specified you will upload anonimously."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "### Global settings"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"This dialogue allows you to configure some settings which will affect the"
" entire application."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### General tab {#general-tab_1}"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Language: This allows you to change the language of this program. "
"Currently supported languages are arabic, Catalan, German, English, "
"Spanish, Basque, Finnish, French, Galician, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian,"
" Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Turkish."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Ask before exiting TWBlue: This checkbox allows you to control "
"whetherthe program will ask for confirmation before exiting."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Play a sound when TWBlue launches: This checkbox allows you to "
"configure whether the application will play a sound when it has finished "
"loading the buffers."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Speak a message when TWBlue launches: This is the same as the previous "
"option, but this checkbox configures whether the screen reader will say "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Use the invisible interface's shortcuts in the GUI: As the invisible "
"interface and the Graphical User Interface have their own shortcuts, you "
"may want to use the invisible interface's keystrokes all the time. If "
"this option is checked, the invisible interface's shortcuts will be "
"usable in the GUI."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Activate SAPI5 when any other screen reader is not being run: This "
"checkbox allows to activate SAPI 5 TTS when no other screen reader is "
"being run."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Hide GUI on launch: This allows you to configure whether TWBlue will "
"start with the GUI or the invisible interface."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Keymap: This option allows you to change the keymap used by the program"
" in the invisible interface. The shipped keymaps are Default, Qwitter, "
"Windows 10 and Chicken Nugget. The keymaps are in the \"keymaps\" folder,"
" and you can create new ones. Just create a new \".keymap\" file and "
"change the keystrokes associated with the actions, as it is done in the "
"shipped keymaps."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "#### Proxi tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"In this tab you can configure TWBlue to use a Proxy server by completing "
"the fields displayed (type, server, port, user and password)."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## License, source code and donations"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"Tw Blue is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL license, either "
"version 2 or, at your option, any later version. You can view the license"
" in the file named license.txt, or online at <"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"The source code of the program is available on GitHub at "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"If you want to donate to the project, you can do so at "
"<>. Thank you for your support!"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## Contact"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"If you still have questions after reading this document, if you wish to "
"collaborate to the project in some other way, or if you simply want to "
"get in touch with the application developer, follow the Twitter account "
"[@tw\\_blue2]( or "
"[@manuelcortez00.]( You can also visit"
" [our website]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "## Credits"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"TWBlue is developed and maintained by [Manuel "
"Cortéz]( and [José Manuel "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"We would also like to thank the translators of TWBlue, who have allowed "
"the spreading of the application."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Arabic: [Mohammed Al Shara,]( [Hatoun "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Basque: [Sukil Etxenike]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Catalan: [Francisco Torres]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Croatian: [Zvonimir Stanečić]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* English: [Manuel Cortéz]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Finnish: [Jani Kinnunen]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* French: [Rémy Ruiz]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Galician: [Juan Buño]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* German: [Steffen Schultz]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Hungarian: Robert Osztolykan."
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Italian: [Christian Leo Mameli]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Japanese: [Riku]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Polish: [Pawel Masarczyk.]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Portuguese: [Odenilton Júnior Santos.]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Romanian: [Florian Ionașcu]( and "
"[Nicușor Untilă]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"* Russian: [Наталья Хедлунд]( and [Валерия"
" Кузнецова]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Serbian: [Aleksandar Đurić]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Spanish: [Manuel Cortéz]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "* Turkish: [Burak Yüksek]("
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid ""
"Many thanks also to the people who worked on the documentation. "
"Initially, [Manuel Cortez]( did the "
"documentation in Spanish, and translated to English by [Bryner "
"Villalobos](, [Robert "
"Spangler](, [Sussan "
"Rey](, [Anibal "
"Hernandez](, and [Holly Scott-"
"Gardner]( It was updated by [Sukil "
"Etxenike](, with some valuable corrections "
"by [Brian Hartgen]( and [Bill "
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
msgstr ""
#: ../doc/
msgid "Copyright © 2013-2021. Manuel Cortéz"
msgstr ""