returnwx.MessageDialog(parent,_(u"This retweet is over 140 characters. Would you like to post it as a mention to the poster with your comments and a link to the original tweet?"),,wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(parent,_(u"Do you really want to delete this tweet? It will be deleted from Twitter as well."),_(u"Delete"),wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO).ShowModal()
wx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"{0} must be restarted for these changes to take effect.").format(,),_("Restart {0}").format(,),wx.OK).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"Are you sure you want to delete this user from the database? This user will not appear in autocomplete results anymore."),_(u"Confirm"),wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION).ShowModal()
dlg=wx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"Do you really want to empty this buffer? It's items will be removed from the list but not from Twitter"),_(u"Empty buffer"),wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO)
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"This is a protected Twitter user, which means you can't open a timeline using the Streaming API. The user's tweets will not update due to a twitter policy. Do you want to continue?"),_(u"Warning"),wx.ICON_WARNING|wx.YES_NO).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"This is a protected user account, you need to follow this user to view their tweets or likes."),_(u"Error"),wx.ICON_ERROR).ShowModal()
dlg=wx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"If you like {0} we need your help to keep it going. Help us by donating to the project. This will help us pay for the server, the domain and some other things to ensure that {0} will be actively maintained. Your donation will give us the means to continue the development of {0}, and to keep {0} free. Would you like to donate now?").format(,_(u"We need your help"),wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO)
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"This user has no tweets. {0} can't create a timeline.").format(,_(u"Error"),wx.ICON_ERROR).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"This user has no favorited tweets. {0} can't create a timeline.").format(,_(u"Error"),wx.ICON_ERROR).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"This user has no followers. {0} can't create a timeline.").format(,_(u"Error"),wx.ICON_ERROR).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"This user has no friends. {0} can't create a timeline.").format(,_(u"Error"),wx.ICON_ERROR).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"TWBlue has detected that you're running windows 10 and has changed the default keymap to the Windows 10 keymap. It means that some keyboard shorcuts could be different. Please check the keystroke editor by pressing Alt+Win+K to see all available keystrokes for this keymap."),_(u"Information"),wx.OK).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"You have been blocked from viewing this content"),_(u"Error"),wx.OK).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"You have been blocked from viewing someone's content. In order to avoid conflicts with the full session, TWBlue will remove the affected timeline."),_(u"Error"),wx.OK).ShowModal()
returnwx.MessageDialog(None,_(u"TWBlue cannot load this timeline because the user has been suspended from Twitter."),_(u"Error"),wx.OK).ShowModal()