2022-12-08 11:14:14 -06:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import wx
import widgetUtils
from wxUI . dialogs import baseDialog
# As some panels are the same than those used in Twitter sessions, let's import them directly.
from wxUI . dialogs . configuration import reporting , other_buffers
from multiplatform_widgets import widgets
class generalAccount ( wx . Panel , baseDialog . BaseWXDialog ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
super ( generalAccount , self ) . __init__ ( parent )
sizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
userAutocompletionBox = wx . StaticBox ( self , label = _ ( " User autocompletion settings " ) )
self . userAutocompletionScan = wx . Button ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Scan account and add followers and following users to the user autocompletion database " ) )
self . userAutocompletionManage = wx . Button ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Manage autocompletion database " ) )
autocompletionSizer = wx . StaticBoxSizer ( userAutocompletionBox , wx . HORIZONTAL )
autocompletionSizer . Add ( self . userAutocompletionScan , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
autocompletionSizer . Add ( self . userAutocompletionManage , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
sizer . Add ( autocompletionSizer , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
2023-02-05 19:09:27 -06:00
self . disable_streaming = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Disable Streaming API endpoints " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . disable_streaming , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
2022-12-08 11:14:14 -06:00
self . relative_time = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Relative timestamps " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . relative_time , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
2022-12-23 13:58:10 -06:00
self . read_preferences_from_instance = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Read preferences from instance (default visibility when publishing and displaying sensitive content) " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . read_preferences_from_instance , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
2022-12-08 11:14:14 -06:00
itemsPerCallBox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL )
itemsPerCallBox . Add ( wx . StaticText ( self , - 1 , _ ( " Items on each API call " ) ) , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . itemsPerApiCall = wx . SpinCtrl ( self , wx . ID_ANY )
self . itemsPerApiCall . SetRange ( 0 , 40 )
self . itemsPerApiCall . SetSize ( self . itemsPerApiCall . GetBestSize ( ) )
itemsPerCallBox . Add ( self . itemsPerApiCall , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
sizer . Add ( itemsPerCallBox , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . reverse_timelines = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Inverted buffers: The newest items will be shown at the beginning while the oldest at the end " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . reverse_timelines , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . ask_before_boost = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Ask confirmation before boosting a post " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . ask_before_boost , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . show_screen_names = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Show screen names instead of full names " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . show_screen_names , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . hide_emojis = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " hide emojis in usernames " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . hide_emojis , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
PersistSizeLabel = wx . StaticText ( self , - 1 , _ ( " Number of items per buffer to cache in database (0 to disable caching, blank for unlimited) " ) )
self . persist_size = wx . TextCtrl ( self , - 1 )
sizer . Add ( PersistSizeLabel , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
sizer . Add ( self . persist_size , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . load_cache_in_memory = wx . CheckBox ( self , wx . NewId ( ) , _ ( " Load cache for items in memory (much faster in big datasets but requires more RAM) " ) )
self . SetSizer ( sizer )
class templates ( wx . Panel , baseDialog . BaseWXDialog ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent , post_template , conversation_template , person_template ) :
super ( templates , self ) . __init__ ( parent )
sizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
self . post = wx . Button ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Edit template for posts. Current template: {} " ) . format ( post_template ) )
sizer . Add ( self . post , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . conversation = wx . Button ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Edit template for conversations. Current template: {} " ) . format ( conversation_template ) )
sizer . Add ( self . conversation , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . person = wx . Button ( self , wx . ID_ANY , _ ( " Edit template for persons. Current template: {} " ) . format ( person_template ) )
sizer . Add ( self . person , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . SetSizer ( sizer )
class sound ( wx . Panel ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent , input_devices , output_devices , soundpacks ) :
wx . Panel . __init__ ( self , parent )
sizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
volume = wx . StaticText ( self , - 1 , _ ( u " Volume " ) )
self . volumeCtrl = wx . Slider ( self )
# Connect a key handler here to handle volume slider being inverted when moving with up and down arrows.
# see https://github.com/manuelcortez/TWBlue/issues/261
widgetUtils . connect_event ( self . volumeCtrl , widgetUtils . KEYPRESS , self . on_keypress )
self . volumeCtrl . SetRange ( 0 , 100 )
self . volumeCtrl . SetSize ( self . volumeCtrl . GetBestSize ( ) )
volumeBox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL )
volumeBox . Add ( volume , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
volumeBox . Add ( self . volumeCtrl , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
sizer . Add ( volumeBox , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . session_mute = wx . CheckBox ( self , - 1 , _ ( u " Session mute " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . session_mute , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
output_label = wx . StaticText ( self , - 1 , _ ( u " Output device " ) )
self . output = wx . ComboBox ( self , - 1 , choices = output_devices , style = wx . CB_READONLY )
self . output . SetSize ( self . output . GetBestSize ( ) )
outputBox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL )
outputBox . Add ( output_label , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
outputBox . Add ( self . output , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
sizer . Add ( outputBox , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
input_label = wx . StaticText ( self , - 1 , _ ( u " Input device " ) )
self . input = wx . ComboBox ( self , - 1 , choices = input_devices , style = wx . CB_READONLY )
self . input . SetSize ( self . input . GetBestSize ( ) )
inputBox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL )
inputBox . Add ( input_label , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
inputBox . Add ( self . input , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
sizer . Add ( inputBox , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
soundBox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
soundpack_label = wx . StaticText ( self , - 1 , _ ( u " Sound pack " ) )
self . soundpack = wx . ComboBox ( self , - 1 , choices = soundpacks , style = wx . CB_READONLY )
self . soundpack . SetSize ( self . soundpack . GetBestSize ( ) )
soundBox . Add ( soundpack_label , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
soundBox . Add ( self . soundpack , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
sizer . Add ( soundBox , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . indicate_audio = wx . CheckBox ( self , - 1 , _ ( " Indicate audio or video in posts with sound " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . indicate_audio , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . indicate_img = wx . CheckBox ( self , - 1 , _ ( " Indicate posts containing images with sound " ) )
sizer . Add ( self . indicate_img , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . SetSizer ( sizer )
def on_keypress ( self , event , * args , * * kwargs ) :
""" Invert movement of up and down arrow keys when dealing with a wX Slider.
See https : / / github . com / manuelcortez / TWBlue / issues / 261
and http : / / trac . wxwidgets . org / ticket / 2068
keycode = event . GetKeyCode ( )
if keycode == wx . WXK_UP :
return self . volumeCtrl . SetValue ( self . volumeCtrl . GetValue ( ) + 1 )
elif keycode == wx . WXK_DOWN :
return self . volumeCtrl . SetValue ( self . volumeCtrl . GetValue ( ) - 1 )
event . Skip ( )
def get ( self , control ) :
return getattr ( self , control ) . GetStringSelection ( )
class extrasPanel ( wx . Panel ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent , ocr_languages = [ ] , translation_languages = [ ] ) :
super ( extrasPanel , self ) . __init__ ( parent )
mainSizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
OCRBox = wx . StaticBox ( self , label = _ ( u " Language for OCR " ) )
self . ocr_lang = wx . ListBox ( self , - 1 , choices = ocr_languages )
self . ocr_lang . SetSize ( self . ocr_lang . GetBestSize ( ) )
ocrLanguageSizer = wx . StaticBoxSizer ( OCRBox , wx . HORIZONTAL )
ocrLanguageSizer . Add ( self . ocr_lang , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
mainSizer . Add ( ocrLanguageSizer , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . SetSizer ( mainSizer )
class configurationDialog ( baseDialog . BaseWXDialog ) :
def set_title ( self , title ) :
self . SetTitle ( title )
def __init__ ( self ) :
super ( configurationDialog , self ) . __init__ ( None , - 1 )
self . panel = wx . Panel ( self )
self . sizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL )
self . notebook = wx . Notebook ( self . panel )
def create_general_account ( self ) :
self . general = generalAccount ( self . notebook )
self . notebook . AddPage ( self . general , _ ( u " General " ) )
self . general . SetFocus ( )
def create_reporting ( self ) :
self . reporting = reporting ( self . notebook )
self . notebook . AddPage ( self . reporting , _ ( u " Feedback " ) )
def create_other_buffers ( self ) :
self . buffers = other_buffers ( self . notebook )
self . notebook . AddPage ( self . buffers , _ ( u " Buffers " ) )
def create_templates ( self , post_template , conversation_template , person_template ) :
self . templates = templates ( self . notebook , post_template = post_template , conversation_template = conversation_template , person_template = person_template )
self . notebook . AddPage ( self . templates , _ ( " Templates " ) )
def create_sound ( self , output_devices , input_devices , soundpacks ) :
self . sound = sound ( self . notebook , output_devices , input_devices , soundpacks )
self . notebook . AddPage ( self . sound , _ ( u " Sound " ) )
def create_extras ( self , ocr_languages = [ ] , translator_languages = [ ] ) :
self . extras = extrasPanel ( self . notebook , ocr_languages , translator_languages )
self . notebook . AddPage ( self . extras , _ ( u " Extras " ) )
def realize ( self ) :
self . sizer . Add ( self . notebook , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
ok_cancel_box = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL )
ok = wx . Button ( self . panel , wx . ID_OK , _ ( u " Save " ) )
ok . SetDefault ( )
cancel = wx . Button ( self . panel , wx . ID_CANCEL , _ ( u " Close " ) )
self . SetEscapeId ( cancel . GetId ( ) )
ok_cancel_box . Add ( ok , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
ok_cancel_box . Add ( cancel , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . sizer . Add ( ok_cancel_box , 0 , wx . ALL , 5 )
self . panel . SetSizer ( self . sizer )
self . SetClientSize ( self . sizer . CalcMin ( ) )
def get_value ( self , panel , key ) :
p = getattr ( self , panel )
return getattr ( p , key ) . GetValue ( )
def set_value ( self , panel , key , value ) :
p = getattr ( self , panel )
control = getattr ( p , key )
getattr ( control , " SetValue " ) ( value )