2022-11-07 09:54:09 -06:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2022-11-08 12:41:04 -06:00
import logging
2022-11-07 09:54:09 -06:00
from pubsub import pub
from sessions . twitter import utils
2022-11-08 12:41:04 -06:00
log = logging . getLogger ( " controller.mastodon.handler " )
2022-11-07 09:54:09 -06:00
class Handler ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
super ( Handler , self ) . __init__ ( )
def create_buffers ( self , session , createAccounts = True , controller = None ) :
session . get_user_info ( )
if createAccounts == True :
pub . sendMessage ( " core.create_account " , name = session . db [ " user_name " ] , session_id = session . session_id )
root_position = controller . view . search ( session . db [ " user_name " ] , session . db [ " user_name " ] )
2022-11-08 12:41:04 -06:00
for i in session . settings [ ' general ' ] [ ' buffer_order ' ] :
if i == ' home ' :
pub . sendMessage ( " createBuffer " , buffer_type = " BaseBuffer " , session_type = session . type , buffer_title = _ ( " Home " ) , parent_tab = root_position , start = False , kwargs = dict ( parent = controller . view . nb , function = " timeline_home " , name = " home_timeline " , sessionObject = session , account = session . db [ " user_name " ] , sound = " tweet_received.ogg " ) )
elif i == ' local ' :
pub . sendMessage ( " createBuffer " , buffer_type = " BaseBuffer " , session_type = session . type , buffer_title = _ ( " Local " ) , parent_tab = root_position , start = False , kwargs = dict ( parent = controller . view . nb , function = " timeline_local " , name = " local_timeline " , sessionObject = session , account = session . db [ " user_name " ] , sound = " tweet_received.ogg " ) )
elif i == ' federated ' :
pub . sendMessage ( " createBuffer " , buffer_type = " BaseBuffer " , session_type = session . type , buffer_title = _ ( " Federated " ) , parent_tab = root_position , start = False , kwargs = dict ( parent = controller . view . nb , function = " timeline_public " , name = " federated_timeline " , sessionObject = session , account = session . db [ " user_name " ] , sound = " tweet_received.ogg " ) )
2022-11-08 15:45:12 -06:00
elif i == ' sent ' :
pub . sendMessage ( " createBuffer " , buffer_type = " BaseBuffer " , session_type = session . type , buffer_title = _ ( " Sent " ) , parent_tab = root_position , start = False , kwargs = dict ( parent = controller . view . nb , function = " account_statuses " , name = " sent " , sessionObject = session , account = session . db [ " user_name " ] , sound = " tweet_received.ogg " , id = session . db [ " user_id " ] ) )
2022-11-07 09:54:09 -06:00
# elif i == 'mentions':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="BaseBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Mentions"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="mentions_timeline", name="mentions", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], sound="mention_received.ogg", include_ext_alt_text=True, tweet_mode="extended"))
# elif i == 'dm':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="DirectMessagesBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Direct messages"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_direct_messages", name="direct_messages", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], bufferType="dmPanel", compose_func="compose_direct_message", sound="dm_received.ogg"))
# elif i == 'sent_dm':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="SentDirectMessagesBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Sent direct messages"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function=None, name="sent_direct_messages", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], bufferType="dmPanel", compose_func="compose_direct_message"))
# elif i == 'sent_tweets':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="BaseBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Sent tweets"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="user_timeline", name="sent_tweets", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], screen_name=session.db["user_name"], include_ext_alt_text=True, tweet_mode="extended"))
2022-11-09 17:08:48 -06:00
elif i == ' favorites ' :
pub . sendMessage ( " createBuffer " , buffer_type = " BaseBuffer " , session_type = session . type , buffer_title = _ ( " Favorites " ) , parent_tab = root_position , start = False , kwargs = dict ( parent = controller . view . nb , function = " favourites " , name = " favorites " , sessionObject = session , account = session . db [ " user_name " ] , sound = " favourite.ogg " ) )
2022-11-07 09:54:09 -06:00
# elif i == 'followers':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="PeopleBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Followers"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_followers", name="followers", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], sound="update_followers.ogg", screen_name=session.db["user_name"]))
# elif i == 'friends':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="PeopleBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Following"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_friends", name="friends", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], screen_name=session.db["user_name"]))
# elif i == 'blocks':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="PeopleBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Blocked users"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_blocks", name="blocked", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"]))
# elif i == 'muted':
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="PeopleBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Muted users"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_mutes", name="muted", sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"]))
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="EmptyBuffer", session_type="base", buffer_title=_("Timelines"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, name="timelines", account=session.db["user_name"]))
# timelines_position =controller.view.search("timelines", session.db["user_name"])
# for i in session.settings["other_buffers"]["timelines"]:
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="BaseBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_(u"Timeline for {}").format(i,), parent_tab=timelines_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="user_timeline", name="%s-timeline" % (i,), sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], sound="tweet_timeline.ogg", bufferType=None, user_id=i, include_ext_alt_text=True, tweet_mode="extended"))
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="EmptyBuffer", session_type="base", buffer_title=_("Likes timelines"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, name="favs_timelines", account=session.db["user_name"]))
# favs_timelines_position =controller.view.search("favs_timelines", session.db["user_name"])
# for i in session.settings["other_buffers"]["favourites_timelines"]:
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="BaseBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Likes for {}").format(i,), parent_tab=favs_timelines_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_favorites", name="%s-favorite" % (i,), sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], bufferType=None, sound="favourites_timeline_updated.ogg", user_id=i, include_ext_alt_text=True, tweet_mode="extended"))
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="EmptyBuffer", session_type="base", buffer_title=_("Followers timelines"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, name="followers_timelines", account=session.db["user_name"]))
# followers_timelines_position =controller.view.search("followers_timelines", session.db["user_name"])
# for i in session.settings["other_buffers"]["followers_timelines"]:
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="PeopleBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Followers for {}").format(i,), parent_tab=followers_timelines_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_followers", name="%s-followers" % (i,), sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], sound="new_event.ogg", user_id=i))
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="EmptyBuffer", session_type="base", buffer_title=_("Following timelines"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, name="friends_timelines", account=session.db["user_name"]))
# friends_timelines_position =controller.view.search("friends_timelines", session.db["user_name"])
# for i in session.settings["other_buffers"]["friends_timelines"]:
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="PeopleBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_(u"Friends for {}").format(i,), parent_tab=friends_timelines_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="get_friends", name="%s-friends" % (i,), sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], sound="new_event.ogg", user_id=i))
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="EmptyBuffer", session_type="base", buffer_title=_("Lists"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, name="lists", account=session.db["user_name"]))
# lists_position =controller.view.search("lists", session.db["user_name"])
# for i in session.settings["other_buffers"]["lists"]:
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="ListBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_(u"List for {}").format(i), parent_tab=lists_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="list_timeline", name="%s-list" % (i,), sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], bufferType=None, sound="list_tweet.ogg", list_id=utils.find_list(i, session.db["lists"]), include_ext_alt_text=True, tweet_mode="extended"))
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="EmptyBuffer", session_type="base", buffer_title=_("Searches"), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, name="searches", account=session.db["user_name"]))
# searches_position =controller.view.search("searches", session.db["user_name"])
# for i in session.settings["other_buffers"]["tweet_searches"]:
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="SearchBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_(u"Search for {}").format(i), parent_tab=searches_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, function="search_tweets", name="%s-searchterm" % (i,), sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], bufferType="searchPanel", sound="search_updated.ogg", q=i, include_ext_alt_text=True, tweet_mode="extended"))
# for i in session.settings["other_buffers"]["trending_topic_buffers"]:
# pub.sendMessage("createBuffer", buffer_type="TrendsBuffer", session_type=session.type, buffer_title=_("Trending topics for %s") % (i), parent_tab=root_position, start=False, kwargs=dict(parent=controller.view.nb, name="%s_tt" % (i,), sessionObject=session, account=session.db["user_name"], trendsFor=i, sound="trends_updated.ogg"))
2022-11-08 12:41:04 -06:00
def start_buffer ( self , controller , buffer ) :
try :
2022-11-08 13:49:15 -06:00
buffer . start_stream ( play_sound = False )
2022-11-08 12:41:04 -06:00
except Exception as err :
log . exception ( " Error %s starting buffer %s on account %s , with args %r and kwargs %r . " % ( str ( err ) , buffer . name , buffer . account , buffer . args , buffer . kwargs ) )