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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import paths
import time
import logging
import webbrowser
import wx
2022-02-24 12:43:06 -06:00
import mastodon
import config
import config_utils
import output
import application
2022-11-08 13:22:27 -06:00
from mastodon import MastodonError, MastodonNotFoundError, MastodonUnauthorizedError
from pubsub import pub
from mysc.thread_utils import call_threaded
from sessions import base
2022-11-18 16:29:53 -06:00
from sessions.mastodon import utils, streaming
log = logging.getLogger("sessions.mastodonSession")
2022-11-15 16:13:16 -06:00
class Session(base.baseSession):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Session, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.config_spec = "mastodon.defaults"
self.supported_languages = []
2022-02-24 16:08:29 -06:00
self.type = "mastodon"
self.db["pagination_info"] = dict()
self.char_limit = 500
self.post_visibility = "public"
self.expand_spoilers = False
pub.subscribe(self.on_status, "mastodon.status_received")
pub.subscribe(self.on_status_updated, "mastodon.status_updated")
pub.subscribe(self.on_notification, "mastodon.notification_received")
def login(self, verify_credentials=True):
if self.settings["mastodon"]["access_token"] != None and self.settings["mastodon"]["instance"] != None:
log.debug("Logging in to Mastodon instance {}...".format(self.settings["mastodon"]["instance"]))
2022-11-15 16:13:16 -06:00
self.api = mastodon.Mastodon(access_token=self.settings["mastodon"]["access_token"], api_base_url=self.settings["mastodon"]["instance"], mastodon_version=MASTODON_VERSION)
if verify_credentials == True:
credentials = self.api.account_verify_credentials()
self.db["user_name"] = credentials["username"]
self.db["user_id"] = credentials["id"]
self.settings["mastodon"]["user_name"] = credentials["username"]
self.logged = True
self.counter = 0
except IOError:
log.error("The login attempt failed.")
self.logged = False
self.logged = False
raise Exceptions.RequireCredentialsSessionError
def authorise(self):
if self.logged == True:
raise Exceptions.AlreadyAuthorisedError("The authorisation process is not needed at this time.")
authorisation_dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _("Please enter your instance URL."), _("Mastodon instance"))
answer = authorisation_dialog.ShowModal()
instance = authorisation_dialog.GetValue()
if answer != wx.ID_OK:
client_id, client_secret = mastodon.Mastodon.create_app("TWBlue", api_base_url=authorisation_dialog.GetValue(), website="https://twblue.es")
temporary_api = mastodon.Mastodon(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, api_base_url=instance, mastodon_version=MASTODON_VERSION)
auth_url = temporary_api.auth_request_url()
except MastodonError:
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _("We could not connect to your mastodon instance. Please verify that the domain exists and the instance is accessible via a web browser."), _("Instance error"), wx.ICON_ERROR)
verification_dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _("Enter the verification code"), _("PIN code authorization"))
answer = verification_dialog.ShowModal()
code = verification_dialog.GetValue()
if answer != wx.ID_OK:
access_token = temporary_api.log_in(code=verification_dialog.GetValue())
except MastodonError:
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _("We could not authorice your mastodon account to be used in TWBlue. This might be caused due to an incorrect verification code. Please try to add the session again."), _("Authorization error"), wx.ICON_ERROR)
self.settings["mastodon"]["access_token"] = access_token
self.settings["mastodon"]["instance"] = instance
return True
def get_user_info(self):
""" Retrieves some information required by TWBlue for setup."""
# retrieve the current user's UTC offset so we can calculate dates properly.
offset = time.timezone if (time.localtime().tm_isdst == 0) else time.altzone
offset = offset / 60 / 60 * -1
self.db["utc_offset"] = offset
instance = self.api.instance()
if len(self.supported_languages) == 0:
self.supported_languages = instance.languages
# determine instance custom characters limit.
if hasattr(instance, "configuration") and hasattr(instance.configuration, "statuses") and hasattr(instance.configuration.statuses, "max_characters"):
self.char_limit = instance.configuration.statuses.max_characters
# User preferences for some things.
preferences = self.api.preferences()
self.post_visibility = preferences.get("posting:default:visibility")
self.expand_spoilers = preferences.get("reading:expand:spoilers")
def get_lists(self):
""" Gets the lists that the user is subscribed to and stores them in the database. Returns None."""
self.db["lists"] = self.api.lists()
def get_muted_users(self):
### ToDo: Use a function to retrieve all muted users.
self.db["muted_users"] = self.api.mutes()
def get_user_alias(self, user):
aliases = self.settings.get("user-aliases")
if aliases == None:
log.error("Aliases are not defined for this config spec.")
return user.name
user_alias = aliases.get(user.id_str)
if user_alias != None:
return user_alias
return user.name
def order_buffer(self, name, data, ignore_older=False):
num = 0
last_id = None
if self.db.get(name) == None:
self.db[name] = []
objects = self.db[name]
if ignore_older and len(self.db[name]) > 0:
if self.settings["general"]["reverse_timelines"] == False:
last_id = self.db[name][0].id
last_id = self.db[name][-1].id
for i in data:
if ignore_older and last_id != None:
if i.id < last_id:
log.error("Ignoring an older tweet... Last id: {0}, tweet id: {1}".format(last_id, i.id))
if utils.find_item(i, self.db[name]) == None:
if self.settings["general"]["reverse_timelines"] == False: objects.append(i)
else: objects.insert(0, i)
num = num+1
self.db[name] = objects
return num
2022-11-08 13:22:27 -06:00
def update_item(self, name, item):
if name not in self.db:
return False
items = self.db[name]
if type(items) != list:
return False
# determine item position in buffer.
item_position = next((x for x in range(len(items)) if items[x].id == item.id), None)
if item_position != None:
self.db[name][item_position] = item
2022-11-25 17:43:03 -06:00
return item_position
return False
2022-11-08 13:22:27 -06:00
def api_call(self, call_name, action="", _sound=None, report_success=False, report_failure=True, preexec_message="", *args, **kwargs):
finished = False
tries = 0
if preexec_message:
output.speak(preexec_message, True)
while finished==False and tries < 25:
val = getattr(self.api, call_name)(*args, **kwargs)
finished = True
except MastodonError as e:
val = None
if type(e) != MastodonNotFoundError and type(e) != MastodonUnauthorizedError :
tries = tries+1
elif report_failure:
output.speak(_("%s failed. Reason: %s") % (action, str(e)))
finished = True
# except:
# tries = tries + 1
# time.sleep(5)
if report_success:
output.speak(_("%s succeeded.") % action)
if _sound != None: self.sound.play(_sound)
return val
2022-11-08 17:53:59 -06:00
def send_post(self, reply_to=None, users=None, visibility=None, posts=[]):
2022-11-08 17:53:59 -06:00
""" Convenience function to send a thread. """
in_reply_to_id = reply_to
for obj in posts:
text = obj.get("text")
2022-11-08 17:53:59 -06:00
if len(obj["attachments"]) == 0:
item = self.api_call(call_name="status_post", status=text, _sound="tweet_send.ogg", in_reply_to_id=in_reply_to_id, visibility=visibility, sensitive=obj["sensitive"], spoiler_text=obj["spoiler_text"])
if item != None:
in_reply_to_id = item["id"]
2022-11-08 17:53:59 -06:00
media_ids = []
poll = None
if len(obj["attachments"]) == 1 and obj["attachments"][0]["type"] == "poll":
poll = self.api.make_poll(options=obj["attachments"][0]["options"], expires_in=obj["attachments"][0]["expires_in"], multiple=obj["attachments"][0]["multiple"], hide_totals=obj["attachments"][0]["hide_totals"])
for i in obj["attachments"]:
img = self.api_call("media_post", media_file=i["file"], description=i["description"])
item = self.api_call(call_name="status_post", status=text, _sound="tweet_send.ogg", in_reply_to_id=in_reply_to_id, media_ids=media_ids, visibility=visibility, poll=poll, sensitive=obj["sensitive"], spoiler_text=obj["spoiler_text"])
if item != None:
in_reply_to_id = item["id"]
def get_name(self):
instance = self.settings["mastodon"]["instance"]
instance = instance.replace("https://", "")
user = self.settings["mastodon"]["user_name"]
2022-11-18 16:29:53 -06:00
return "Mastodon: {}@{}".format(user, instance)
def start_streaming(self):
if config.app["app-settings"]["no_streaming"]:
listener = streaming.StreamListener(session_name=self.get_name(), user_id=self.db["user_id"])
self.user_stream = self.api.stream_user(listener, run_async=True)
self.direct_stream = self.api.stream_direct(listener, run_async=True)
2022-11-18 16:29:53 -06:00
def stop_streaming(self):
if config.app["app-settings"]["no_streaming"]:
# if hasattr(self, "user_stream"):
# self.user_stream.close()
# log.debug("Stream stopped for accounr {}".format(self.db["user_name"]))
# if hasattr(self, "direct_stream"):
# self.direct_stream.close()
# log.debug("Stream stopped for accounr {}".format(self.db["user_name"]))
2022-11-18 16:29:53 -06:00
def check_streams(self):
if config.app["app-settings"]["no_streaming"]:
if not hasattr(self, "user_stream"):
2022-11-18 16:29:53 -06:00
if self.user_stream.is_alive() == False or self.user_stream.is_receiving() == False or self.direct_stream.is_alive() == False or self.direct_stream.is_receiving() == False:
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def check_buffers(self, status):
buffers = []
if status.account.id == self.db["user_id"]:
return buffers
def on_status(self, status, session_name):
# Discard processing the status if the streaming sends a tweet for another account.
if self.get_name() != session_name:
buffers = self.check_buffers(status)
for b in buffers[::]:
num = self.order_buffer(b, [status])
if num == 0:
pub.sendMessage("mastodon.new_item", session_name=self.get_name(), item=status, _buffers=buffers)
def on_status_updated(self, status, session_name):
# Discard processing the status if the streaming sends a tweet for another account.
if self.get_name() != session_name:
2022-11-25 17:43:03 -06:00
buffers = {}
for b in list(self.db.keys()):
updated = self.update_item(b, status)
2022-11-25 17:43:03 -06:00
if updated != False:
buffers[b] = updated
pub.sendMessage("mastodon.updated_item", session_name=self.get_name(), item=status, _buffers=buffers)
def on_notification(self, notification, session_name):
# Discard processing the notification if the streaming sends a tweet for another account.
if self.get_name() != session_name:
buffers = []
obj = None
if notification.type == "mention":
buffers = ["mentions"]
obj = notification.status
elif notification.type == "follow":
buffers = ["followers"]
obj = notification.account
for b in buffers[::]:
num = self.order_buffer(b, [obj])
if num == 0:
pub.sendMessage("mastodon.new_item", session_name=self.get_name(), item=obj, _buffers=buffers)
# Now, add notification to its buffer.
num = self.order_buffer("notifications", [notification])
if num > 0:
pub.sendMessage("mastodon.new_item", session_name=self.get_name(), item=notification, _buffers=["notifications"])