
2309 lines
74 KiB

# Translations template for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2020 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-07 17:19-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.0\n"
msgid "# Changelog"
msgstr ""
msgid "## News in this version"
msgstr ""
msgid "## new additions"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* the spelling correction module is able to add words to the dictionary "
"so it will learn which words should start to ignore."
msgstr ""
msgid "### bugfixes"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to perform authentication in accounts using two "
"factor verification again. This issue was caused due to a recent change "
"in the VK workflow for two factor verification processes."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Changes"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* The spelling correction module has been rewritten to take advantage of "
"the newest enchant Python module which is more stable and can be added "
"properly to the distribution, as opposed to the first enchant module we "
"have tried."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Better performance on Socializer should be noticed for users with many "
"conversations opened. Before, socializer could freeze while loading all "
"messages in conversations. Now that should work more efficiently and the "
"application should not stop responding."
msgstr ""
msgid "## News in Version 0.24"
msgstr ""
msgid "### New additions"
msgstr ""
msgid "* Socializer will ask for confirmation before closing the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In all audio buffers, there is a new item in the context menu that "
"allows downloading of the audio directly from the buffer. If there are "
"multiple audios selected, socializer will ask for a folder where all "
"audios should be placed. When downloading multiple audios, socializer "
"will name those automatically by following the template \"song title - "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In all audio buffers, there are two new menu items for selecting and "
"deselecting all items in the buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added displaying of articles as attachments in wall posts. When opened,"
" Socializer will open the article in the web browser."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Starting from Version 0.24, there will be an installer for the Alpha "
"version of socializer, always available from our downloads page."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error that was making socializer unable to render correctly "
"certain Links containing uppercase letters (such as yandex.disk shared "
"links). Before, those links were giving 404 errors when pressed, now they"
" should work normally. This error was present in wall posts, comments, "
"topics and chat messages."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error related to chat notifications in Socializer. Before, the"
" \"online now\" notification could break the Socializer interface, making"
" it unable to load the chat in real time."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed a small inconsistency when marking a conversation as read. "
"Before, if two messages were sent by the recipient, only the last message"
" was marked as read and the previous was making the unread sound all the "
"time. Now that issue should be handled properly."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer will not be marked as Virus by most antivirus softwares due "
"to a new build tool which is cleaner and less prone to be flagged by "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer is distributed with the Microsoft C++ redistributable "
"package, so everyone will be able to use the software without needing to "
"install any extra package."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Replaced the underlying library we were using for spelling correction "
"as is no longer in development. Instead, we started to use a new approach"
" in socializer, which, in theory, should allow us to switch language for "
"spelling correction and other benefits a bit later. For now, available "
"languages are Russian, Ukranian, English, Polish and Spanish, but more "
"languages can be added by request."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When downloading a file (such as an audio file or document), the "
"download process should be relatively faster due to some optimizations "
"made in the function."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer now uses just the first name of users in typing "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* socializer should be able to inform users about common errors when "
"sending chat messages (such as sending messages to people in the current "
"user's blacklist or banned from VK). Later, more errors related to posts "
"will be added."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* The application will load up to 100 audio albums instead of the default"
" 10."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes in Version 0.23 (11.11.2019)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer is now more tolerant to internet issues. When attempting to "
"create a wall post, comment, topic or send a chat message, if the data is"
" unable to be posted to VK, socializer will allow you to try to post it "
"again, giving you the opportunity to edit or copy the text of the post in"
" case you want to save it for later."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Switching accounts is now supported in socializer. In the application "
"menu, there is an option called \"manage accounts\" which allows you to "
"add or remove an account. Socializer will take changes after a restart of"
" the application. In case of having multiple accounts, every time "
"Socializer starts, you will see a dialog from where is possible to choose"
" the account for logging in."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* when selecting multiple audio files in audio buffers, multiple actions "
"can be performed in all items, these actions are present in the "
"contextual menu of the buffer (namely play, add/remove from the library "
"and move to a different playlist). This means you can select all the "
"audios you want and Socializer will perform the selected options in all "
"items, making it a bit easier to operate with multiple songs."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to like and see who liked a comment when displaying "
"it individually. This applies to comments in wall posts and topics."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to choose how many items Socializer will load in "
"conversation buffers, from the General tab in the preferences dialog. The"
" default value is 50 items, and the maximum value is 200."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* There is a new tab called buffer settings, in the preferences dialog. "
"Settings related to how many items should be loaded in certain buffer "
"types have been moved to this tab, so it will separate better the "
"configuration options in the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added management of the Blacklist on VK. Users can be blocked from "
"people buffers (friends, online, or any buffer inside friend requests). "
"You can access the blacklist from the application menu, located in the "
"menu bar. From there, you can unblock any previously blocked user."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In the new timeline dialog, it is possible to create video buffers by "
"selecting the \"video\" radio button as buffer type."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error that was causing socializer to not update the \"Online "
"friends\" buffer if chat notifications were disabled."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error that was making Socializer unable to attach audio files "
"from the computer, if the file does not include correct ID3 TAGS."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed a traceback that was being logged when attempting to load an "
"image but cancel the dialog for attaching it."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error that was making Socializer to fail when loading the "
"newsfeed buffer, thus not loading any other buffers. This error was "
"caused due to VK sending a new object type representing push "
"subscriptions. The item is ignored by Socializer so it will not break the"
" newsfeed buffer anymore."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error that was making the status bar to not fit the full size "
"of the Window. This was cutting the messages placed on it, now, all "
"messages are displayed properly again."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* fixed an unhandled condition when playing a song and voice message at "
"the same time, that was potentially making Socializer to stop loading "
"certain buffers."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* fixed an error that was making socializer unable to parse video data, "
"thus video buffers were impossible to be loaded."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Less confidential user data will be send to the logs, so it will be "
"much safer to pass logs publicly."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* automatic update checks will be disabled if using socializer from the "
"source code."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* it is possible to post in an user's wall by using the post button "
"located next to the user, in people buffers. This applies only to online "
"users and list of friends."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When displaying a profile, information about mobile and home phone is "
"displayed in the basic information tab."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In wall posts, all comments, including replies, will be displayed in "
"the same list. Before, you had to open a comment to read its replies. "
"When a new comment is posted by the current user, the list of comments "
"will be reloaded and new additions will be fetched and sorted properly."
msgstr ""
msgid "## changes in Versions 0.21 and 0.22 (14.07.2019)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added \"post in groups\" feature. In order to do so, you need to load "
"the posts for the group where you want to send something. Once loaded, go"
" to the post button in the group's wall and select whether you want to "
"post in the group's behalf or as yourself."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In all audio buffers, it is possible to select individual tracks to be "
"played together. In order to do so, you need to press space to start the "
"selection of items. When selected, the item will emit a sound to indicate"
" the change. Press space in all items you want to select/unselect. When "
"you're focusing an already selected item it will play a sound to indicate"
" that it is already selected. Once you're done with your selection, "
"pressing enter in the list of tracks will start the playback of the list "
"of items you have selected. This is a very experimental feature. More "
"actions can be supported based in this selection method if it proves to "
"be useful."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In conversation buffers, it is possible to display and open wall posts "
"sent as attachments in messages."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In people buffers, it is possible to create a new timeline by using the"
" context menu while focusing an user. This method will create the buffer "
"for the selected user, as opposed to creating the buffer from the menu "
"bar, where you have to type the username or find it in a list."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error with two factor authentication in the recent socializer "
"version. Now it works reliably again."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error when trying to attach a photo to a wall post. The error "
"was fixed in the [vk_api]( module and"
" the fix was sent to the developer of the library, so he will be able to "
"merge it in the next version. In the meantime, socializer already "
"includes the fix for this method, so you can upload photos to wall posts "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error retrieving some group information for the current "
msgstr ""
msgid "* When posting in a topic, links will be posted properly."
msgstr ""
msgid "* the audio player module has received some improvements:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" - When there is something being played, the label of the \"play\" "
"button, located in all audio buffers, will change automatically to "
"\"pause\". When pressed, it will pause the song instead of starting the "
"playback again since the beginning."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" - The last change will work also in the dialog for displaying audio "
"information. Now it's possible to play and pause an audio from such "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" - When playing a voice message, if a song is playing already "
"socializer will decrease the volume so you can hear the voice message "
"well enough. Some seconds after the message has finished, the song's "
"volume will be restored."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In audio buffers, you will play the focused audio when pressing enter "
"in the item, instead of opening the audio information dialog."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Removed some old keystrokes in socializer buffers due to better "
"alternatives. The reason for this change is that currently you don't need"
" to be focusing an item in a buffer for being able to use the alternative"
" keystrokes, which makes those a better implementation."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" - Control+Enter and control+Shift+Enter: superseeded by Control+P for"
" playing (and pausing) the currently focused audio."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" - F5 and F6: superseeded by Alt+down and up arrows for modifying "
msgstr ""
msgid "## changes in version 0.20 (25.04.2019)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* For users with multiple soundcards, there is a new tab in the "
"preferences dialogue of Socializer, called sound. From there, you can "
"define which soundcard will be used for input and output. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* the audio player can seek positions in the currently playing track. You"
" can use the menu items (located in the main menu) or use the new "
"available keystrokes dedicated to the actions. Seeking will be made in 5 "
"second intervals."
msgstr ""
msgid " * Alt+Shift+Left arrow: Seek 5 seconds backwards."
msgstr ""
msgid " * Alt+Shift+Right arrow: Seek 5 seconds forwards."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* it is possible to select the language used in socializer from the "
"preferences dialog. When changing the language, the application must be "
"restarted for the changes to take effect."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* A new option, called open in, has been added in the context menu"
" for almost all objects (items in home timeline, walls, documents, "
"people, group topics and in buffers for conversations). This option will "
"open the selected item in the VK website."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* when opening the list of friends added by an user, you can display the "
"context menu from an item on the list and view the user profile, open it "
"in, among other actions. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When displaying a post, if you press enter in the button indicating how"
" many people liked or shared the post, Socializer will display the listt "
"of people who have liked or shared it. You can use the context menu in "
"the list to do certain actions. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* it is possible to retrieve more items for conversation buffers. Due to "
"API limitations, it is possible to load up to the last 600 messages for "
"every conversation. Take into account that the process of loading more "
"items takes some time. You will hear a message when the process is done."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to delete entire conversations from the buffer's tree, "
"by using the menu key and selecting \"delete conversation\". The "
"conversation will be removed from VK."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When loading a topic in a group, socializer will display the latest 100"
" messages. In order to load more messages, you will find a button that "
"will load the previous 100 messages present in the topic, or the amount "
"of messages not loaded yet."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* All spelling dictionaries are included by default for the following "
"languages: Russian, English, German, French, italian, Polish, spanish and"
" Turkish. Before, some dictionaries were missing and the spelling checker"
" was failing."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error in the default configuration template used for new "
"sessions in the application. This error was making Socializer to fail "
"when loading any conversation buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error in the algorithm to detect friends disconnecting from "
"VK. This problem was interrupting the connection with the chat server "
"every time it was happening, thus chat server's connection should be more"
" reliable now."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* The audio player should behave better in situations where a song is "
"interrupted. Before, if you pressed \"next song\" while the currently "
"playing sound was interrupted due to internet connection issues, two or "
"more songs were played at the same time."
msgstr ""
msgid "* The bug reporting feature works normally again."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Updated method for accessing audio files due to the latest changes on "
"VK apps."
msgstr ""
#, python-format
msgid ""
"* When changing volume of the playing audio, it will decrease or increase"
" the volume by 2% instead of 5%. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Read confirmations will be sent to VK as soon as you read the message. "
"Before, read confirmations were being sent every 3 minutes to the social "
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes in version 0.19 (13.03.2019)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added a new buffer called documents. When loading the buffer, it will "
"contain all documents owned by the current user. The context menu of any "
"item will allow you to download the document to your computer or remove "
"it from VK."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* A new buffer, called online, has been added in the friends section. It "
"contains friends currently connected to VK. Items in this buffer will be "
"added as soon as new friends are online in the social network, and will "
"be removed when friends are offline. This buffer needs a lot of testing. "
"Please report any possible inconsistency on this method."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added new options to open the config and logs folder, these options are"
" located in the help menu and may be useful during error reporting."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added experimental support to \"subscribers\" buffer, inside frienship "
"requests. This shows friend requests that have been declined by the "
"current user."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* the message when an user is typing in conversation buffers will be "
"announced only if the socializer window is focused."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In \"my audios\" buffer, there is a button that allows a direct audio "
"upload from your computer. The audio will be placed in your library."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Added experimental support to user and community polls:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * If the poll is already closed or the user has send a vote to the "
"poll previously, it will display only the results of the poll."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * Otherwise it will display a dialog from where the user can vote in "
"the current poll."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error in Socializer that was making it unable to detect unread"
" messages properly."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer should save all tracebacks directly to error.log instead of "
"displaying an error message during exit. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When displaying user profiles, fixed an error where a married person "
"without specifing relation partner would cause an error in the program. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer will load all conversations during startup, not only "
"conversations with unread messages."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Added new global keystrokes, available in the main window."
msgstr ""
msgid " * Alt + up/down arrows: Increase / decrease volume."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * Alt + Left/down arrows: Play previous and next song if playing an "
"audios buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid " * Control + P: Play/pause."
msgstr ""
msgid " * control+Shift+P: Play all."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error in the audio player that was skipping the first track if"
" you were in the last song and pressed \"play next\" in the menu bar or "
"via the keystroke."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Chats with unread messages will be placed at the top of the chats "
"section. When a chat buffer receives a new message, socializer will move"
" the buffer to the first position in the chats list. This should make "
"easier for everyone to determine which chats contain unread items. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In dialogs for displaying posts and comments, and also in the two edit "
"boxes present in chat buffers, it is possible to select all by pressing "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to remove friends directly from the friends buffer. "
"There is a new option for this purpose in the context menu for the "
"focused friend. After being removed, the person will be placed in the "
"subscribers buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Deleted posts will display an error message when trying to view details"
" about those. Before, the dialog was created and left blank."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Improvements in audio features present in Socializer:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * The audio search feature has received improvements: Now it is "
"possible to indicate wether the search will be performed by title or "
"artist, and select to sort the results by duration, popularity or date of"
" addition to VK."
msgstr ""
msgid " * Now it is possible to create and delete audio albums again."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * Fixed errors when moving songs to albums. Now everything works as "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added documents to the list of supported files when adding attachments "
"to a wall post or private message."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to enable or disable proxy from the preferences dialog. "
"The application must be restarted for this change to take effect."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error that was making Socializer unable to display the "
"changelog properly, when opened from the help menu. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When receiving chat messages and in some other situations, socializer "
"will display all characters properly. Before, usernames were rendered "
"using the internal code VK uses for them, and some unicode characters "
"were displaying their HTML representation."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to retrieve previous items for the home buffer and walls"
" (current user's wall and any other timeline):"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * For the home buffer, only a limited amount of items (around 700) "
"can be loaded, supposedly due to VK API limits."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * For walls, all posts should be possible to be loaded, however, "
"testing with walls containing more than 2000 posts are not performed yet."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Added improvements to groups:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * It is possible to load topics, audios, videos and documents for a "
"group. In order to do so, you need to go to the group buffer and press "
"the menu key, or right mouse click, in the tree item representing the "
"group. New buffers will be created inside the current group's buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * You can create or delete all buffers for groups by pressing the "
"menu key or right mouse click in the \"communities\" buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * There is support for group topics. When opening them, they will be"
" displayed as a list of posts. You can like or reply to such posts, as "
"well as adding new posts in the topic."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Authentication errors should be handled gracefully by the application:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * When there is a password change, Socializer must be reauthorized "
"again. An error message will indicate this if the user forgot to do that."
" After the error, the app will be restarted, prompting the user to "
"introduce the new data for authorizing the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * If the user introduced incorrect or invalid data, Socializer will "
"display an error and prompt the user again for valid information."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * If there is a connection problem when opening Socializer, it will "
"display an error and inform the user about the issue."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes in version 0.18 (21.01.2019)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Changed authentication tokens in Socializer. It is mandatory to "
"download a fresh copy of socializer and start a new configuration for "
"your account."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Stable versions of Socializer are built with Python 3. Previous "
"versions are built with Python 2, however support for Python 2 will be "
"dropped very soon."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* There is an installer file for Socializer, available in our downloads "
"page. Installed version of Socializer will be more confortable for some "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* For users from countries where VK is not allowed, Socializer includes a"
" proxy to bypass country restrictions. The first time you start "
"socializer, it will ask you whether you need a proxy or not. It is "
"suggested to use a proxy only if you need it."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to post in someone else's wall. When viewing a "
"timeline of an user, the \"post\" button will post in his/her wall. To "
"post in your own wall, you'll need to go to the newsfeed or your own wall"
" and press the post button."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* If you are not allowed to post in someone's wall, the post button will "
"not be visible."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* A new option for deleting wall posts has been added to the context menu"
" in newsfeed and walls (current user's wall and timelines). This option "
"will be visible only if the current user is allowed to delete the focused"
" post."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer will be able to handle all users correctly. Before, if an "
"user that was not present in the local storage system was needed, the "
"program was displaying \"no specified user\". "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to use user domains (short names for users) to create "
"timelines. Just write @username and the program will create the needed "
"timeline, regardless if the user is present in your friend list. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When displaying someone's profile, the dialog should be loaded "
"dramatically faster than before. A message will be spoken when all data "
"of the profile is loaded."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When opening a timeline, if the current user is not allowed to do it, "
"an error message should be displayed and the buffer will not be created. "
"Before the buffer was partially created in the main window. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added basic support to handle group chats. At the current moment it is "
"possible to receive and reply to chat messages only. Chat groups will be "
"placed inside the conversations section. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to delete a conversation buffer from the buffer menu. "
"Deleting a conversation will only dismiss the buffer, no data is deleted "
"at VK."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* During the first start of Socializer, an invitation will be shown to "
"join the Socializer's group in case the current user is not already a "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to see how many people has read a wall post when showing"
" it in the dialog. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* A new tab has been added to the preferences dialog. From the new "
"section, it is possible to control whether socializer should create "
"buffers for the first 1000 audio albums, video albums and communities "
"when starting."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Added functionality regarding comments in wall posts:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * when reading a post, you can press enter in any comment to display "
"a dialog from where it is possible to view attachments, translate, check "
"spelling or reply to the thread. If there are replies made to this "
"comment, these will be visible in a section called replies. Pressing "
"enter in a reply will also open the same dialog."
msgstr ""
msgid " * A new \"replies\" field has been added to the comments' list."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * When writing a comment, it is possible to do the same actions "
"available for a post (translate, spell checking and adding attachments)."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes in version 0.17 (01.01.2019)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added support for Two factor authentication (2FA). "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added update channels in socializer. You can subscribe to the "
"\"stable\" or \"alpha\" channel from the preferences dialog and you will "
"receive updates published for those:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * The stable channel will have releases every month, approximately, "
"and is the channel where the code will be more tested and with less bugs."
" All support and help will be provided for the stable versions only."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" * The alpha channel will have releases every time a change is added "
"to socializer, it may even include several releases in the same day, but "
"we will try to release only a new version every day. Support will not be "
"provided for alpha versions, as they will be used to test the latest code"
" in the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to send voice messages from socializer. Voice "
"messages are available from the \"add\" button in any conversation "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* tokens generated by socializer will never expire. "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In order to use all methods available in VK, socializer will use tokens"
" of kate mobile for Android. It means you may receive an email by saying "
"that you've authorised Kate for accessing your account from an Android "
msgstr ""
msgid "* Audio albums are loaded correctly."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to play audios added by friends appearing in the news "
msgstr ""
msgid "* Adding and removing an audio file to your library works."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Unread messages will play a sound when focused."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Unread messages will be marked as read when user focuses them."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer will handle restricted audio tracks. Restricted songs are "
"not allowed to be played in the user's country. Before, playing a "
"restricted track was generating an exception and playback could not "
"resume. Now, playing an audio track will display an error notification."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error when people were trying to open a post in an empty "
"buffer, or accessing the menu when there are no posts in the buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Now Socializer will not send a notification every 5 minutes."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* the chat widget now is a multiline text control. It means it is "
"possible to add a new line by pressing shift+Enter, and send the message "
"by pressing enter."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Socializer should handle connection errors when loading items in "
"buffers and retry in 2 minutes. Also, connection errors in the chat "
"server are handled and chat should be able to reconnect by itself."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When trying to add an audio or video to an album, if the current user "
"does not have any album, it will display an error instead of a traceback."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added popular and suggested songs. This will not work when using "
"alternative tokens."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to update the status message, located in your "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it is possible to upload an audio from your computer when adding "
"attachments in a wall post. When adding attachments to a post or message "
"in a conversation, you will have two options: upload from your computer "
"and add a file from your VK profile."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Updated Russian translation: thanks to Дарья Ратникова."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed some conditions, especially when rendering items in feeds, that "
"were making the client to crash."
msgstr ""
msgid "* new versions will include documentation and changelog."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* A new option for reporting issues directly from the help menu has been "
"added. Issues will be publicly available in the [Project Issues "
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes in version 0.16 (13.12.2018)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added two more buffers: \"Pending requests\" and \"I follow\", located "
"in the people buffer, under \"friendship requests\"."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added an experimental photo viewer. Will show options for displaying "
"the next and previous photo if the current post contains multiple images."
" Fullscreen button still doesn't work."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Improved the chat features present in the application. Read "
"documentation to get a full understanding about how it works now."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added video management (my videos, video albums and video search). For "
"playing videos, you will be redirected to a website in your browser due "
"to the VK'S policy."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added a setting that allows you to specify if you want socializer to "
"load images when you are opening posts. It could be useful for slow "
"connections or those who don't want images to be loaded."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added basic tagging for users in posts and comments. You can tag only "
"people in your friends buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Added a basic user profile viewer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added support for listening voice messages in chats. Currently it is "
"not possible to send them."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Fixed an error that was making Socializer unable to display chat "
"history properly. It was showing the first 200 items in a conversation "
"instead the last 200 items. Now chat will be displayed accordingly."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Changed the chat history widget from list of items to a read only text "
"box, similar to how it was displayed in skype. Now the widget should be "
"fully visible and messages will work in the same way."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It is possible to play songs sent in a chat message by opening them "
"from the attachments panel."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Reimplemented most of the audio playback methods (audio albums buffer "
"still not working)."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added some notifications and chat notifications when friends are online"
" and offline. Most notifications can be configured from settings."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes in build 2016.07.08 (08/07/2016)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Removed platform from \"last seen\" column in the friends list as it "
"could cause some problems and it was being not so exact."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now deleted audios are not parsed and displayed as \"audio removed from"
" library\". They are silently ignored."
msgstr ""
msgid "* It's possible to open a friends timeline for others."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Fixed some strange bugs in the built version."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Deactivated accounts will not cause problems in friends lists. They "
"will be displayed as deactivated, wich means that it'll be impossible to "
"interact with those accounts."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When opened, the client will set online for the user account, it'll "
"inform VK that this user is currently online. This parameter will be "
"updated every 15 minutes, as stated in the API documentation."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* When opened, socializer will try to create chat buffers for all unread "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Update some information on certain posts when an item is selected. For "
"example, update the date of a post."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Read messages will be marked as read in the social network, so it'll "
"cause that your friends could see that you have read the message and "
"socializer will not load chat buffers with read messages at startup."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Included a brief manual in the help menu. Currently available only in"
" English."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Included a context menu in list items. Currently there are functions "
"not available. Menu for chat buffers is not implemented yet."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Implemented audio album load (in the music buffer), creation (in the "
"application menu) and deletion (in the application menu, too)."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* audios can be moved to albums by pressing the menu key or doing a right"
" click in the item, and selecting \"move to album\". Audios will be added"
" to the album in the next update (there is a programmed update every 3 "
"minutes), or you can update the buffer manually (from the buffer menu in "
"the menu bar). This option will be available in audio buffers (searches, "
"popular and recommended audio buffers, and audio timelines)."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Albums will be empty at startup. In order to get the album's audios, "
"you'll have to navigate to the album and press the button \"load\". It'll"
" load the needed information for displaying and playing the added songs "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* If the config is invalid (for example you changed email or phone in the"
" VK site and didn't changed that in Socializer, or just entered invalid "
"credentials), the program will display an error with instructions for "
"fixing the problem."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now is possible to press enter in the password or email/phone field and"
" it'll do the action of the OK button."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* If you have set russian as the main language in the VK site, you'll see"
" names in genitive and instrumental cases in certain phrases."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Updated russian and spanish translations."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes on build 2016.05.25"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added grouped controls in the audio searches dialogue. It will be more "
"accessible so screen readers could detect and read the label for radio "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added documents to the list of supported attachments in the post "
"viewer. The action for this kind of attachments is to open the default "
"web browser, pointing to the URL address of that file."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now It's possible to add photos to the wall, by uploading files to the "
"VK servers. Check the attachments button in the new post dialogue for "
"this. Basically it is possible to add some photos and when the post is "
"sent, photos will start to be uploaded before. At the moment it is not "
"possible to add descriptions to photos. Take in to account that photos "
"will be uploaded when the send button is pressed and the post could take "
"some time before being posted."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added a new option to the menu bar: new timeline. It allows to create a"
" special buffer for a selected user. This buffer could be an audio or "
"wall buffer, when created, the buffer will be updated with items for the "
"specified user or community."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added an user selection control. In dialogues where an user must be "
"selected, there will be an edit box with a selected name. You need to "
"start writing for changing this name, or just press the down arrow for "
"looking in the users' database. You can start writing and then press the "
"down arrow, so you will see the closest result to the name you was "
"writing. For example if you want to write manuel, you could write m, a, "
"n, u, and press the down arrow, and you will see the full name in the "
"edit box. Take in to account that you have to make sure that you write a "
"valid user name in the box, otherwise you will see an error."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Posts from twitter are displayed in a better way (newline characters (\n"
") are handled properly instead being displayed)."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* In the play all function, everything should be cleaned before start the"
" new playback."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now links included in text of a comment are included as attachments "
"(links are \"untitled\" because it isn't possible to retrieve information"
" for every link without performance issues). This is especially useful "
"when someone posts a link from Twitter."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Chat support: There is a new kind of buffer, named chat buffer, wich "
"allows you to have a conversation with someone of your friends. If you "
"receive a message while socializer is opened it will create a chat buffer"
" under chats with the last 200 messages between you and your friend. You "
"can send a message by writing in the edit box and pressing send or enter."
" At the moment chats buffers can't be removed. Will be added this "
"possibility in the near future."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added your friendlist as a buffer. You can create chats from there by "
"using the send message button."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Changes for build 2016.04.5 (5/04/2016)"
msgstr ""
msgid "* Fixed minor bugs in the likes button for posts."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Now it's possible to open wall posts by pressing enter, as newsfeeds' "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* It's possible to see reposts in the news and wall buffers, and the post"
" displayer (when you press enter in a post) shows the full post story."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added \"load previous items\" in the main menu. It should work for wall"
" and news feed. This feature is not available in audio buffers due to API"
" limits."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added more options in the search audio dialog. Now users could use "
"more parameters and searches will be more precise."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added a new attachments' list. When a post is opened, this list will "
"show up if there are attachments in the current post (attachments are "
"audio, photos, video and links). You will be able to interact with the "
"supported data (at the moment only photos, videos, audio and links are "
"supported, more will be added in future)."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Added a changelog file which could be opened from the help menu."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Added a preferences dialogue and a new application menu in the menu "
"bar. From this dialogue you can change the number of items to be loaded "
"for every buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid "# Socializer's manual "
msgstr ""
msgid "## Introduction"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Socializer is an application to use []( in an easy "
"and accessible way with minimal CPU resource usage. Socializer will allow"
" you to interact with the VK social network by giving you access to the "
"most relevant features such as:"
msgstr ""
msgid "* Supports two factor authentication (2FA)."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Post creation in user and community walls."
msgstr ""
msgid "* audio support."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Post comments."
msgstr ""
msgid "* like, unlike and repost other's posts."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Open other's timelines so you could track their friends, posts, audio "
"or video files."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Basic chat features."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Usage"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"In order to use socializer, you must have an account in the "
"[VK]( website. The process for registering an account is "
"very accessible and is not covered in this manual. In the documentation, "
"it is assumed you have a registered account on VK and you are able to "
"sign in in the website by providing your phone number or email address, "
"and a password. You will require this data for signing in the application"
" later."
msgstr ""
msgid "## authorising the application"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"First of all, it's necessary to authorise the application so it can "
"access your VK account and act on your behalf. The authorisation process "
"is quite simple, and will be required only once. In order to start the "
"authorisation process, you just need to run the executable file called "
"\"socializer.exe\" (on some computers it will appear only as socializer, "
"depending if windows explorer is set to display file extensions or not). "
"You may like to place a Windows shortcut in your desktop for an easier "
"access to the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If this is the first time you have launched socializer, you will see a "
"message asking you whether socializer should connect through a proxy "
"server, already configured in the application, or use the system network "
"settings. This allows people from countries where VK is blocked to use "
"the social network without having to look for a proxy server themselves. "
"It is highly adviced to use the proxy server only if you are in need of "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"After the proxy message, you will see a new message dialog asking you to "
"proceed with the account authorisation process. It consists in providing "
"the authentication data you normally use to sign in VK. It is very "
"important to know that this data will be stored in a folder called "
"config, located in the same folder where the socializer files are. Your "
"config folder is a very important storage for your authentication data, "
"so you must be sure you never will share it with anyone, mostly because "
"your data is stored as plain text (this will be fixed in a future release"
" and your data will be properly encrypted). Socializer will need your "
"authentication data for acting in your behalf and offering you a better "
"experience that what it could do with a simple access token. You must "
"provide your phone number or email address in the first text box, and "
"your password in the second. When pressing OK, your data will be saved "
"and the application will start to retrieve all the required information "
"for showing your buffers. If you have two factor authentication "
"configured in your account, you will see an additional dialog where you "
"have to type the code provided by VK via SMS."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"It is worth saying that whenever you change your password in the VK "
"website, you will need to authorize Socializer again. When you open "
"socializer after changing your password, you will see a message informing"
" you of the problem and the application will be restarted, allowing you "
"to write your new data and start the authorization again."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Once started, the application will start loading your data (posts, audio "
"files, conversations, friends). When done, it will show you a "
"notification indicating that the program is ready."
msgstr ""
msgid "## General concepts"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Before starting to describe Socializer's usage, we'll explain some "
"concepts that will be used extensively throughout this manual."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Buffer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"A buffer is a list of items that will manage the data which arrives from "
"VK, after being processed by the application. When you configure your "
"account on Socializer and start it, many buffers are created. Each of "
"them may contain some of the items which this program works with: "
"Newsfeed posts, wall posts, audio and video files, documents, friendship "
"requests and conversations. According to the buffer you are focusing, you"
" will be able to do different actions with these items."
msgstr ""
msgid "All buffers will be updated in one of the following ways:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Periodically: Most buffers containing posts, audio or video files and "
"people, will be updated periodically to reflect the new additions to "
"them. Updates will be every 2 minutes for every buffer, so if you posted "
"something and did not see the post in the buffer, you may need to wait a "
"moment. There is an option, located in the buffer menu on the menu bar, "
"which allows you to trigger a manual update in the current buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Real time: Conversation buffers will be updated every time someone "
"sends a message to you. When an user sends you a message, if there is not"
" a conversation buffer created to receive the message, a new conversation"
" buffer will be opened automatically and the message will be placed on "
"it. If you already have an opened conversation for the user sending the "
"message, the message will be placed at the end of the buffer. A different"
" sound will indicate whether a new conversation has been opened or an "
"existing buffer gets updated. Socializer will sort conversation buffers "
"by placing buffers with unread messages at the top of the conversations "
"section. When a buffer gets a new message, it will be moved automatically"
" to the first place in the conversations category."
msgstr ""
msgid "### item"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"An item is an element representing some data provided by VK. Items are "
"separated in buffers which stores items of the same type: Audio buffers "
"will contain only audio files, wall buffers will be full of wall posts. "
"The only exception to this rule is the newsfeed buffer, which can contain"
" different kind of items. Actions are available in a per-item basis, "
"allowing certain items to be treated differently than others and showing "
"different dialogs, depending in the kind of data VK sends for them. All "
"items show a menu with their available actions by focusing them in the "
"list and pressing the menu key or a right mouse click."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The following is a brief description of the kind of items socializer can "
"work with, and what actions are available for those."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Newsfeed post: It represents a post displayed in your \"home\" page on "
"VK. It may contain a variety of information based in what you or your "
"friends do. A newsfeed item may contain information about new audios "
"added to your friend's library, new people added to friends, wall posts, "
"reposts and new photos added. Depending on the kind of data VK has "
"supplied, the item can open a dialog showing information about the post, "
"a list displaying the people added to friends, or a dialog displaying "
"information for every audio added to library. If a wall post contains a "
"long message, only the first 140 characters will be displayed. You can "
"open the post to read the full message in the dialog. Available options "
"for this item are different depending in the information the item "
"contains. You can open or view the profile of the user that generated the"
" item, like, dislike or add a comment to a post."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Wall post: Represents a post in an user's wall. This post will be "
"similar to wall posts displayed in the newsfeed. If a wall post contains "
"a long message, only the first 140 characters will be displayed. You can "
"open the post to read the full message in the dialog. When opened (by "
"pressing enter or the open option in the associated menu), it will show a"
" dialogue where you can read the message, see how many times the post has"
" been viewed by other users, interact with attachment files (by searching"
" the list and pressing enter in the focused attachment to open it), see "
"the photos included in the post, read information related to likes and "
"times the post has been shared, read and reply to comments. Additionally,"
" you can share the post, indicate you like it, or add a comment. You can "
"cycle through every item in the dialog by pressing tab."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Audio: It represents an audio uploaded to the VK'S platform. Actions "
"available for this item are opening the audio in a dialog, add or remove "
"it from your library, move the audio to a playlist, and play it. When "
"opened, it will be displayed in a dialog allowing you to read the title "
"of the song, artist name, duration and a few buttons: play, add or remove"
" from your library and download. You can control playback of audio items "
"from the buffer by using the player menu on the menu bar or the "
"corresponding keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, it is possible to select "
"multiple audios in the same buffer to perform specific actions on them, "
"such as play, remove or add the selected audios to a playlist. In order "
"to select multiple audios, press the spacebar in every audio item you "
"want to select. You will hear a sound when an item is selected, and when "
"you focus a selected audio. When you're done, press enter to play all the"
" selected audios or use the context menu to see available actions. All "
"actions will be applied in the selected audios."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Video: It represents a video uploaded to the VK'S platform. Actions "
"available for this item are opening the video in your default web browser"
" and move it to a video album. When opened, it will open a web browser "
"and play the video automatically due to VK limitations in access to video"
" files."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* person: It contains information about a VK user, this item is present "
"in all buffers under the \"people\" category. Actions available for this "
"item are view user profile, send message and create a timeline, which is "
"a special buffer to track all posts, friends, audios or videos owned by "
"the user. When opened, it will display the profile of this user in a "
"dialog and will provide actions to send a message to the user, or view "
"other sections of her/his profile."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Message: A message appears only in conversation buffers and represents "
"a chat message. It may include a list of attached files that will be "
"displayed in a separated list. You can tab to that list (from the "
"history) and press enter in the attached file you want to open. Chat "
"items are marked as read automatically as soon as they are focused."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Main interface"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The graphical user interface of Socializer consists of a window "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* a menu bar accomodating five menus (application, Me, buffer, player and"
" help),"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* One tree view, where you can press the menu key or right mouse click to"
" display a context menu which contains actions you can apply in the "
"selected buffer,"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* One list of items, which also accepts the menu key to display actions "
"available for the selected item,"
msgstr ""
msgid "* Some buttons, depending which is the focused buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid "The actions that are available for every item will be described later."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"In summary, the GUI contains two core components. These are the controls "
"you will find while pressing the Tab key within the program's interface, "
"and the different elements present on the menu bar."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Buttons in the application"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Post: this button opens up a dialogue box to write a post in the wall "
"of the focused user. For example, if you are in the \"my wall\" buffer "
"you will send a post to your own wall, but if you are in an user timeline"
" the post will be sent to the owner of the timeline. You can upload an "
"attachment by pressing the \"attach\" button and choosing between "
"uploading a photo, audio file or document in the dialog which will "
"appear, check spelling or translate your message by selecting one of the "
"available buttons in the dialogue box. In addition, you can tag a friend "
"in your post by pressing the corresponding button for that purpose. Also "
"it is possible to configure the privacy settings for your post by "
"allowing all users or just your friends to read it. Press the send "
"button to send the post."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Load buffer: Some buffers are created but not loaded in VK. These "
"special buffers need to be loaded manually by pressing the load button. "
"Once loaded, this kind of buffers will behave in the same way other "
"buffers do. Examples of these buffers are audio and video albums, "
"community walls, and the current user's documents"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Play: In audio buffers, plays the focused song. In video buffers, this "
"button will open a web browser for playing the focused video, due to a "
"limitation VK placed to third party developers with videos."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Play all: In audio buffers, play all songs starting from the focused "
"buffer, until the last item in the list."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Send message: Send a message to a friend, which will open a "
"conversation buffer if it does not exist already. Conversation buffers "
"contain a full conversation, accommodating chat messages, between the "
"current user and someone else. You can type your message in the provided "
"box and press enter to send it to your friend. Additionally, You can "
"upload an attachment by pressing the \"attach\" button and choosing "
"between uploading a photo, audio file or record a voice message in the "
"dialog which will appear, and open attachments sent in the focused "
"message by pressing tab and finding them in the attachments list."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Bear in mind that buttons will appear according to which actions are "
"possible on the list you are browsing."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Menus"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Visually, Towards the top of the main application window, A menu bar can "
"be found which contains many of the same functions as listed in the "
"previous section, together with some additional items. To access the menu"
" bar, press the alt key. You will find five menus listed: application, "
"Me, buffer, player and help. This section describes the items on each one"
" of them."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Application menu"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Create: opens a menu where you can create a new album. At the moment, "
"only audio and video albums are supported."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Delete: opens a menu where you can delete an already existing album "
"owned by yourself. Only audio and video albums are supported at this "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* blacklist: Opens a dialog which allows you to manage blocked people on "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Manage accounts: Opens up a dialogue from where you are able to add or "
"delete an account in socializer. If you have more than an account, you "
"will be asked at startup for the account you want to use in the "
"application. You can use an account at once, but it is possible to have "
"multiple accounts and switch between them by restarting the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Preferences: Opens a dialogue which lets you configure settings for the"
" entire application."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Me menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "* Profile: Opens a menu with several options to do in your profile:"
msgstr ""
msgid " * View profile: Displays your profile in a dialog in the application."
msgstr ""
msgid " * Open in browser: Redirects you to your profile in"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Set status message: Opens up a dialog where you can write your status "
"message. The status message is displayed in your profile and can contain "
"up to 140 characters."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Buffer menu"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* New timeline: Lets you open an user's timeline by choosing the user in "
"a dialog box. You can choose which items you want to track: wall posts, "
"videos, friends or audio items. It is created when you press enter. If "
"you invoke this option relative to a user that has no items of the kind "
"you specified, the operation will fail. If you try creating an existing "
"timeline the program will warn you and will not create it again."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Search: Shows a menu where you can search for audios or videos on VK. "
"Search results will be created in a new buffer inside \"music\" or "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Update buffer: Performs a manual update operation in the buffer, which "
"will retrieve all new items present in the social network since the last "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Load previous items: This allows more items to be loaded for the "
"specified buffer. Bear in mind that not all buffers support this setting."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Remove buffer: dismisses the list you're on, if possible."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Player menu"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Play: Plays the currently focused audio item, if the current buffer "
"contains audio files. If not, plays the focused audio in the \"my music\""
" buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Play all: Plays all audio items in the current buffer or the \"my "
"music\" buffer, starting by the currently focused audio item until the "
"last audio in the list."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Stop: Stops audio playback."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Previous: Plays the previous audio in the buffer or the last item in "
"the list, if the current audio was the first on the buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Next: Plays the Next audio in the buffer or the first item in the list,"
" if the current audio was the last on the buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Shuffle: Plays all audios in the current buffer or the \"my music\" "
"buffer shuffled."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Volume up: Increases volume by 5%."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Volume down: decreases volume by 5%."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Mute: Mutes audio playback, setting volume to 0%."
msgstr ""
msgid "### help menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "* About Socializer: shows the credits of the program."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Documentation: opens up this file, where you can read some useful "
"program concepts."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Check for updates: every time you open the program it automatically "
"checks for new versions. If an update is available, it will ask you if "
"you want to download the update. If you accept, the updating process will"
" commence. When complete, Socializer will be restarted. This item checks "
"for new updates without having to restart the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Changelog: opens up a document with the list of changes from the "
"current version to the earliest."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Open logs directory: Opens windows explorer in the logs directory, "
"useful to include your logs in a bug report."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Open config directory: Opens Windows explorer in your config directory."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Report an error: opens up a dialogue box to report a bug by completing "
"a small number of fields. Pressing enter will send the report. If the "
"operation doesn't succeed the program will display a warning."
msgstr ""
msgid "## Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Socializer includes some keyboard shortcuts, available from any buffer. "
"Here you have the list of the available shortcuts:"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Enter: Execute the default action for the focused item. It may be "
"opening a post, view friends added by someone else, view audio details or"
" opening an user profile. You need to be in the items list for using this"
" key."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Alt+Up/down: Increase and decrease audio volume by 5%."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Control+P: Play/pause. If this is the firt time you press this "
"keystroke, it will automatically play all items present in the focused "
"buffer or in your audios."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* control+Shift+P: Play all audio tracks. If the currently focused buffer"
" does not contain audio items, it will play all items present in your "
"audios buffer."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Alt+Left: Play the previous song."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Alt+Right: Play the next song."
msgstr ""
msgid "## configuration"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"As described above, this application has a preferences dialogue "
"accessible under the application menu. Here you have a brief description "
"of the settings present in this dialogue."
msgstr ""
msgid "### General tab"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Language: allows you to switch the interface language for socializer. "
"The application must be restarted after changing the language."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Load images in posts: Allows you to specify whether you want socializer"
" to display all images when opening a post, or not. This can be useful "
"for people with slow connections or not needing images."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Use proxy: for countries where Vk is blocked by the internet providers,"
" this settings allows socializer to connect via a proxy server already "
"included in the application."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Update channel: allows you to specify how often you will receive "
"updates for the program. There are two update channels available: Alpha "
"channel, which contains unstable versions of the application and gets "
"updates almost dayly, and stable, which contain tested and more stable "
"versions of the program, but gets updates once in a month, approximately."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Buffer settings tab"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Number of items to load for newsfeed and wall buffers: Allows you to "
"specify how many items should be retrieved from VK in the newsfeed buffer"
" and when opening walls for other users. Default is 50 items, and maximum"
" is 100."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Number of items to load in video buffers: Allows you to specify how "
"many items should be retrieved from VK in video buffers. Default is 50, "
"maximum value is 200."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Number of items to load in conversation buffers: allows you to specify "
"how many messages Socializer will retrieve when loading a conversation. "
"Default is 50, maximum value is 200."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Chat settings tab"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Show notifications when users are online/offline: These two checkboxes "
"allows you to specify if you want socializer to notify you when someone "
"is connected or disconnected in the VK network."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"* Notification type: This setting allows you to specify the notification "
"type you prefer to use in socializer. The options are native and custom. "
"Native notifications send a system notification every time someone is "
"online or offline, while custom notifications play a sound and announce "
"the notification in the screen reader only."
msgstr ""
msgid "### Optional buffers tab"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This section allows you to specify which buffers should be precreated "
"every time socializer starts. This kind of buffers, namely audio "
"playlists, video albums and communities, have a special way of being "
"created. When a buffer of the previously mentioned types is created, the "
"buffer is added to the corresponding section but no data is loaded from "
"VK. In order to load the data for one of these buffers you have to press "
"the load button present in the buffer. From this tab you can mark and "
"unmark the buffers Socializer will create when it starts. By default, "
"buffers for audio playlists, video albums and communities are not created"
" automatically when Socializer starts."
msgstr ""
msgid "## License and source code"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Socializer is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL license, either "
"version 2 or, at your option, any later version. You can view the license"
" in the file named license.txt, or online at <"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The source code of the program is available at "
msgstr ""
msgid "## Contact"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If you still have questions after reading this document, if you wish to "
"collaborate to the project in some other way, or if you simply want to "
"get in touch with the team, [join the Socializer's community in "
"VK.]( You can also visit [The project "
msgstr ""
msgid "## Credits"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Socializer is developed and maintained by [Manuel "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"We would also like to thank the translators of Socializer, who have "
"allowed the spreading of the application."
msgstr ""
msgid "* English: Manuel Cortéz."
msgstr ""
msgid "* Russian: Дарья Ратникова."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Special thanks to Дарья Ратникова, as she also manages the Socializer's "
"community in VK, translates the website and the documentation into "
msgstr ""