# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################ # Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Manuel Eduardo Cortéz Vallejo # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################ from __future__ import print_function import logging import requests import keys from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session from sessions.twitter import utils log = logging.getLogger("long_tweets.twishort") def get_twishort_uri(url): """ Takes A twishort URl and returns the twishort ID. url str: an url like http://twishort.com/id. returns a twishort ID if the URL is valid, False otherwise.""" try: return url.split("twishort.com/")[1] except ValueError: return False def is_long(tweet): """ Check if the passed tweet is made with Twishort. returns True if is a long tweet, False otherwise.""" long = False for url in range(0, len(tweet["entities"]["urls"])): try: if tweet["entities"]["urls"][url] != None and "twishort.com" in tweet["entities"]["urls"][url]["expanded_url"]: long = get_twishort_uri(tweet["entities"]["urls"][url]["expanded_url"]) except IndexError: pass # sometimes Twitter returns URL's with None objects, so let's take it. # see https://github.com/manuelcortez/TWBlue/issues/103 except TypeError: pass if long == False and "retweeted_status" in tweet: for url in range(0, len(tweet["retweeted_status"]["entities"]["urls"])): try: if tweet["retweeted_status"]["entities"]["urls"][url] != None and "twishort.com" in tweet["retweeted_status"]["entities"]["urls"][url]["expanded_url"]: long = get_twishort_uri(tweet["retweeted_status"]["entities"]["urls"][url]["expanded_url"]) except IndexError: pass except TypeError: pass return long def get_full_text(uri): """ Get Twishort's full text. uri str: Twishort's identifier. returns the contents of the tweet.""" try: r = requests.get("http://api.twishort.com/1.1/get.json", params={"uri": uri, "api_key": keys.keyring.get("twishort_api_key")}) msg = r.json()["text"] # Try to parse possible HTML entities. from sessions.twitter.compose import StripChars msg = StripChars(msg) return msg except: return False def create_tweet(user_token, user_secret, text, media=0): """ Send a tweet to be extended by using Twishort. user_token, user_secret str: Twitter user access key and secret, used by TWBlue to authorise against Twitter. text str: Tweet text, max 10000 characters. media int: Not used currently. Returns text to be placed in the Tweet if the post has been succeeded, 0 otherwise.""" twitter = OAuth1Session(keys.keyring.get("api_key"), client_secret=keys.keyring.get("api_secret"), resource_owner_key=user_token, resource_owner_secret=user_secret) twishort_key=keys.keyring.get("twishort_api_key") x_auth_service_provider = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json" twishort_post_url = "http://api.twishort.com/1.1/post.json" twishort_update_ids_url = "http://api.twishort.com/1.1/update_ids.json" r=requests.Request('GET', x_auth_service_provider) prep=twitter.prepare_request(r) resp=twitter.send(prep) twitter.headers={ 'X-Auth-Service-Provider':x_auth_service_provider, 'X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization':prep.headers['Authorization'], } data = {'api_key':twishort_key, "text": text.encode("utf-8"), "media": media} response = twitter.post(twishort_post_url, data=data) try: return response.json()["text_to_tweet"] except: print("There was a problem creating a long tweet") return 0