# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() import logging log = logging.getLogger("mysc.thread_utils") import threading import wx from pubsub import pub from twython import TwythonRateLimitError import time def call_threaded(func, *args, **kwargs): #Call the given function in a daemonized thread and return the thread. def new_func(*a, **k): try: func(*a, **k) except TwythonRateLimitError: pass except: log.exception("Thread %d with function %r, args of %r, and kwargs of %r failed to run." % (threading.current_thread().ident, func, a, k)) # pass thread = threading.Thread(target=new_func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread def stream_threaded(func, *args, **kwargs): def new_func(*a, **k): try: func(**k) except Exception as msg: log.error("Error in stream with args: %r" % (a,)) log.error(msg.message) pub.sendMessage("stream-error", session=a[0]) thread = threading.Thread(target=new_func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread