# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import url_shortener import audio_services import os import logging as original_logger log = original_logger.getLogger("sound") import paths import sound_lib import subprocess import platform import output system = platform.system() from mysc.repeating_timer import RepeatingTimer from mysc.thread_utils import call_threaded import application import tempfile import glob URLPlayer = None def setup(): global URLPlayer if not URLPlayer: log.debug("creating stream URL player...") URLPlayer = URLStream() def recode_audio(filename, quality=4.5): global system if system == "Windows": subprocess.call(r'"%s" -q %r "%s"' % (paths.app_path('oggenc2.exe'), quality, filename)) def recording(filename): # try: val = sound_lib.recording.WaveRecording(filename=filename) # except sound_lib.main.BassError: # sound_lib.input.Input() # val = sound_lib.recording.WaveRecording(filename=filename) return val class soundSystem(object): def check_soundpack(self): """ Checks if the folder where live the current soundpack exists.""" self.soundpack_OK = False if os.path.exists(paths.sound_path(self.config["current_soundpack"])): self.path = paths.sound_path(self.config["current_soundpack"]) self.soundpack_OK = True elif os.path.exists(paths.sound_path("default")): log.error("The soundpack does not exist, using default...") self.path = paths.sound_path("default") self.soundpack_OK = True else: log.error("The current soundpack could not be found and the default soundpack has been deleted, " + application.name + " will not play sounds.") self.soundpack_OK = False def __init__(self, soundConfig): """ Sound Player.""" self.config = soundConfig # Set the output and input default devices. try: self.output = sound_lib.output.Output() self.input = sound_lib.input.Input() except: pass # Try to use the selected device from the configuration. It can fail if the machine does not has a mic. try: log.debug("Setting input and output devices...") self.output.set_device(self.output.find_device_by_name(self.config["output_device"])) self.input.set_device(self.input.find_device_by_name(self.config["input_device"])) except: log.error("Error in input or output devices, using defaults...") self.config["output_device"] = "Default" self.config["input_device"] = "Default" self.files = [] self.cleaner = RepeatingTimer(60, self.clear_list) self.cleaner.start() self.check_soundpack() def clear_list(self): log.debug("Cleaning sounds... Total sounds found: %i" % len(self.files)) if len(self.files) == 0: return try: for i in range(0, len(self.files)): if self.files[i].is_playing == False: self.files[i].free() self.files.pop(i) except IndexError: pass log.debug("Files used now: %i" % len(self.files)) def play(self, sound, argument=False): if self.soundpack_OK == False: return if self.config["session_mute"] == True: return sound_object = sound_lib.stream.FileStream(file="%s/%s" % (self.path, sound)) sound_object.volume = float(self.config["volume"]) self.files.append(sound_object) sound_object.play() class URLStream(object): def __init__(self,url=None): self.url = url self.prepared = False log.debug("URL Player initialized") def prepare(self, url): log.debug("Preparing URL: %s" % (url,)) self.prepared = False self.url = url_shortener.unshorten(url) log.debug("Expanded URL: %s" % (self.url,)) if self.url != None: transformer = audio_services.find_url_transformer(self.url) self.url = transformer(self.url) log.debug("Transformed URL: %s. Prepared" % (self.url,)) self.prepared = True else: self.url = url log.debug("Transformed URL: %s. Prepared" % (self.url,)) self.prepared = True def seek(self,step): pos=self.stream.get_position() pos=self.stream.bytes_to_seconds(pos) pos+=step pos=self.stream.seconds_to_bytes(pos) if pos<0: pos=0 self.stream.set_position(pos) def playpause(self): if self.stream.is_playing==True: self.stream.pause() else: self.stream.play() def play(self, url=None, volume=1.0, stream=None,announce=True): if announce: output.speak(_(u"Playing...")) log.debug("Attempting to play an URL...") if url != None: self.prepare(url) elif stream != None: self.stream=stream if self.prepared == True: self.stream = sound_lib.stream.URLStream(url=self.url) if hasattr(self,'stream'): self.stream.volume = float(volume) self.stream.play() log.debug("played") # call_threaded(self.delete_when_done) def stop_audio(self,delete=False): if hasattr(self, "stream"): output.speak(_(u"Stopped."), True) try: self.stream.stop() log.debug("Stopped audio stream.") except: log.exception("Exception while stopping stream.") if delete: del self.stream log.debug("Deleted audio stream.") return True else: return False @staticmethod def delete_old_tempfiles(): for f in glob(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tmp*.wav')): try: os.remove(f) except: pass