# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Module to perform session actions such as adddition, removal or display of the global settings dialogue. """ import shutil import time import os import logging import widgetUtils import sessions import output import paths import config_utils import config from pubsub import pub from tweepy.errors import TweepyException from controller import settings from sessions.twitter import session as TwitterSession from sessions.mastodon import session as MastodonSession from . import manager from . import wxUI as view log = logging.getLogger("sessionmanager.sessionManager") class sessionManagerController(object): def __init__(self, started: bool = False): """ Class constructor. Creates the SessionManager class controller, responsible for the accounts within TWBlue. From this dialog, users can add/Remove accounts, or load the global settings dialog. :param started: Indicates whether this object is being created during application startup (when no other controller has been instantiated) or not. It is important for us to know this, as we won't show the button to open global settings dialog if the application has been started. Users must choose the corresponding option in the menu bar. :type started: bool """ super(sessionManagerController, self).__init__() log.debug("Setting up the session manager.") self.started = started # Initialize the manager, responsible for storing session objects. manager.setup() self.view = view.sessionManagerWindow() pub.subscribe(self.manage_new_account, "sessionmanager.new_account") pub.subscribe(self.remove_account, "sessionmanager.remove_account") if self.started == False: pub.subscribe(self.configuration, "sessionmanager.configuration") else: self.view.hide_configuration() # Store a temporary copy of new and removed sessions, so we will perform actions on them during call to on_ok. self.new_sessions = {} self.removed_sessions = [] def fill_list(self): """ Fills the session list with all valid sessions that could be found in config path. """ sessionsList = [] reserved_dirs = ["dicts"] log.debug("Filling the sessions list.") self.sessions = [] for i in os.listdir(paths.config_path()): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(paths.config_path(), i)) and i not in reserved_dirs: log.debug("Adding session %s" % (i,)) strconfig = "%s/session.conf" % (os.path.join(paths.config_path(), i)) config_test = config_utils.load_config(strconfig) if len(config_test) == 0: try: log.debug("Deleting session %s" % (i,)) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(paths.config_path(), i)) continue except: output.speak("An exception was raised while attempting to clean malformed session data. See the error log for details. If this message persists, contact the developers.",True) os.exception("Exception thrown while removing malformed session") continue if config_test.get("twitter") != None: name = _("{account_name} (Twitter)").format(account_name=config_test["twitter"]["user_name"]) if config_test["twitter"]["user_key"] != "" and config_test["twitter"]["user_secret"] != "": sessionsList.append(name) self.sessions.append(dict(type="twitter", id=i)) elif config_test.get("mastodon") != None: name = _("{account_name} (Mastodon)").format(account_name=config_test["mastodon"]["user_name"]) if config_test["mastodon"]["instance"] != "" and config_test["mastodon"]["access_token"] != "": sessionsList.append(name) self.sessions.append(dict(type="mastodon", id=i)) else: try: log.debug("Deleting session %s" % (i,)) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(paths.config_path(), i)) except: output.speak("An exception was raised while attempting to clean malformed session data. See the error log for details. If this message persists, contact the developers.",True) os.exception("Exception thrown while removing malformed session") self.view.fill_list(sessionsList) def show(self): """ Displays the session manager dialog. """ if self.view.get_response() == widgetUtils.OK: self.do_ok() # else: self.view.destroy() def do_ok(self): log.debug("Starting sessions...") for i in self.sessions: # Skip already created sessions. Useful when session manager controller is not created during startup. if sessions.sessions.get(i.get("id")) != None: continue # Create the session object based in session type. if i.get("type") == "twitter": s = TwitterSession.Session(i.get("id")) elif i.get("type") == "mastodon": s = MastodonSession.Session(i.get("id")) s.get_configuration() if i.get("id") not in config.app["sessions"]["ignored_sessions"]: try: s.login() except TweepyException: self.show_auth_error(s.settings["twitter"]["user_name"]) continue sessions.sessions[i.get("id")] = s self.new_sessions[i.get("id")] = s # self.view.destroy() def show_auth_error(self, user_name): error = view.auth_error(user_name) def manage_new_account(self, type): # Generic settings for all account types. location = (str(time.time())[-6:]) log.debug("Creating %s session in the %s path" % (type, location)) if type == "twitter": s = TwitterSession.Session(location) elif type == "mastodon": s = MastodonSession.Session(location) manager.manager.add_session(location) s.get_configuration() s.authorise() self.sessions.append(dict(id=location, type=type)) self.view.add_new_session_to_list() s.settings.write() def remove_account(self, index): selected_account = self.sessions[index] self.view.remove_session(index) self.removed_sessions.append(selected_account.get("id")) self.sessions.remove(selected_account) shutil.rmtree(path=os.path.join(paths.config_path(), selected_account.get("id")), ignore_errors=True) def configuration(self): """ Opens the global settings dialogue.""" d = settings.globalSettingsController() if d.response == widgetUtils.OK: d.save_configuration()