from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk toolkit = "gtk" # Code responses for GTK +3 dialogs. # this is when an user presses OK on a dialogue. OK = Gtk.ResponseType.OK # This is when an user presses cancel on a dialogue. CANCEL = Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL # This is when an user closes the dialogue or an id to create the close button. CLOSE = Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE # The response for a "yes" Button pressed on a dialogue. YES = Gtk.ResponseType.YES # This is when the user presses No on a default dialogue. NO = Gtk.ResponseType.NO #events # This is raised when the application must be closed. CLOSE_EVENT = "delete-event" # This is activated when a button is pressed. BUTTON_PRESSED = "clicked" # This is activated when an user enter text on an edit box. #ENTERED_TEXT = wx.EVT_TEXT MENU = "activate" #KEYPRESS = wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK #NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED = wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED def exit_application(): """ Closes the current window cleanly. """ Gtk.main_quit() def connect_event(parent, event, func, menuitem=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Connects an event to a function. parent Gtk.widget: The widget that will listen for the event. event widgetUtils.event: The event that will be listened for the parent. The event should be one of the widgetUtils events. function func: The function that will be connected to the event.""" if menuitem == None: return getattr(parent, "connect")(event, func, *args, **kwargs) else: return getattr(menuitem, "connect")(event, func, *args, **kwargs) class list(object): def __init__(self, *columns, **listArguments): self.columns = columns self.list_arguments = listArguments self.create_list() def create_list(self): columns = [] [columns.append(str) for i in self.columns] = Gtk.ListStore(*columns) self.list = Gtk.TreeView( renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() for i in range(0, len(self.columns)): column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(self.columns[i], renderer, text=0) column.set_sort_column_id(i) self.list.append_column(column) def insert_item(self, *item): def get_selected(self): tree_selection = self.list.get_selection() (model, pathlist) = tree_selection.get_selected_rows() return pathlist[0] def select_item(self, item): tree_selection = self.list.get_selection() tree_selection.select_path(item) def get_count(self): return len(