# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import wx def retweet_question(parent): return wx.MessageDialog(parent, _(u"Would you like to add a comment to this tweet?"), _("Retweet"), wx.YES_NO|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_QUESTION).ShowModal() def delete_tweet_dialog(parent): return wx.MessageDialog(parent, _(u"Do you really want to delete this message? It will be eliminated from Twitter as well."), _(u"Delete"), wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO).ShowModal() def exit_dialog(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _(u"Do you really want to close TW Blue?"), _(u"Exit"), wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION) return dlg.ShowModal() def needs_restart(): wx.MessageDialog(None, _(u"The application requires to be restarted to save these changes. Press OK to do it now."), _("Restart TW Blue"), wx.OK).ShowModal() def delete_user_from_db(): return wx.MessageDialog(None, _(u"Are you sure you want to delete this user from the database? This user will not appear on the autocomplete results anymore."), _(u"Confirm"), wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION).ShowModal() def get_ignored_client(): entry = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _(u"Enter the name of the client here"), _(u"Add a new ignored client")) if entry.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: return entry.GetValue() return None def clear_list(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _(u"Do you really want to empty this buffer? It's items will be removed from the list but not from Twitter"), _(u"Empty buffer"), wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO) return dlg.ShowModal() def remove_buffer(): return wx.MessageDialog(None, _(u"Do you really want to delete this timeline?"), _(u"Attention"), style=wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO).ShowModal()