# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Session object for Socializer. A session is the only object to call VK API methods, save settings and access to the cache database and sound playback mechanisms. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import logging import warnings import languageHandler import paths import config import sound from requests.exceptions import ProxyError, ConnectionError from pubsub import pub from vk_api.exceptions import LoginRequired, VkApiError from vk_api import upload from .config_utils import Configuration, ConfigurationResetException from . import vkSessionHandler from . import utils log = logging.getLogger("session") sessions = {} # Save possible set of identifier keys for VK'S data types # see https://vk.com/dev/datatypes for more information. # I've added the Date identifier (this is a field in unix time format), for special objects (like friendship indicators) because these objects don't have an own identifier. identifiers = ["aid", "gid", "uid", "pid", "id", "post_id", "nid", "date"] # Different VK post types, present in the newsfeed buffer. This is useful for filtering by post and remove deleted posts. post_types = dict(audio="audio", friend="friends", video="video", post="post_type", audio_playlist="audio_playlist") def find_item(list, item): """ Find an item in a list by taking an identifier. @list list: A list of dict objects. @ item dict: A dictionary containing at least an identifier. """ # determine the kind of identifier that we are using global identifiers identifier = None for i in identifiers: if i in item: identifier = i break if identifier == None: # if there are objects that can't be processed by lack of identifier, let's print keys for finding one. log.exception("Can't find an identifier for the following object: %r" % (item,)) return False for i in list: if identifier in i and i[identifier] == item[identifier]: return True return False class vkSession(object): """ The only session available in socializer. Manages everything related to a model in an MVC app: calls to VK, sound handling, settings and a cache database.""" def order_buffer(self, name, data, show_nextpage): """ Put new items on the local cache database. @name str: The name for the buffer stored in the dictionary. @data list: A list with items and some information about cursors. returns the number of items that have been added in this execution""" global post_types # When this method is called by friends.getOnlyne, it gives only friend IDS so we need to retrieve full objects from VK. # ToDo: It would be nice to investigate whether reusing some existing objects would be a good idea, whenever possible. if name == "online_friends": newdata = self.vk.client.users.get(user_ids=",".join([str(z) for z in data]), fields="last_seen") data = newdata first_addition = False num = 0 if (name in self.db) == False: self.db[name] = {} self.db[name]["items"] = [] first_addition = True # Handles chat messages case, as the buffer is inverted if name.endswith("_messages") and show_nextpage == True: show_nextpage = False for i in data: if "type" in i and (i["type"] == "wall_photo" or i["type"] == "photo_tag" or i["type"] == "photo" or i["type"] == False or i["type"] == True): log.debug("Skipping unsupported item... %r" % (i,)) continue # for some reason, VK sends post data if the post has been deleted already. # Example of this behaviour is when you upload an audio and inmediately delete the audio, VK still sends the post stating that you uploaded an audio file, # But without the audio data, making socializer to render an empty post. # Here we check if the post contains data of the type it advertises. if i.get("type") != None and isinstance(i["type"], str) and post_types.get(i["type"]) not in i: log.error("Detected invalid or unsupported post. Skipping...") log.error(i) continue if find_item(self.db[name]["items"], i) == False: # if i not in self.db[name]["items"]: if first_addition == True or show_nextpage == True: if self.settings["general"]["reverse_timelines"] == False: self.db[name]["items"].append(i) else: self.db[name]["items"].insert(0, i) else: if self.settings["general"]["reverse_timelines"] == False: self.db[name]["items"].insert(0, i) else: self.db[name]["items"].append(i) num = num+1 log.debug("There are %d items in the %s buffer" % (len(self.db[name]["items"]), name)) return num def __init__(self, session_id): self.session_id = session_id self.logged = False self.settings = None self.vk = vkSessionHandler.vkObject() self.db = {} self.db["users"] = {} self.db["groups"] = {} self.db["group_info"] = {} @property def is_logged(self): return self.logged def get_configuration(self): """ Gets settings for a session.""" file_ = "%s/session.conf" % (self.session_id,) # try: log.debug("Creating config file %s" % (file_,)) self.settings = Configuration(os.path.join(paths.config_path(), file_), os.path.join(paths.app_path(), "session.defaults")) self.soundplayer = sound.soundSystem(config.app["sound"]) pub.subscribe(self.play_sound, "play-sound") pub.subscribe(self.post, "post") # except: # log.exception("The session configuration has failed.") def play_sound(self, sound): self.soundplayer.play(sound) def login(self): """ Logging in VK.com. This is basically the first method interacting with VK. """ # If user is already logged in, we should skip this method. if self.logged == True: return try: config_filename = os.path.join(paths.config_path(), self.session_id, "vkconfig.json") self.vk.login(self.settings["vk"]["user"], self.settings["vk"]["password"], token=self.settings["vk"]["token"], secret=self.settings["vk"]["secret"], device_id=self.settings["vk"]["device_id"], alt_token=self.settings["vk"]["use_alternative_tokens"], filename=config_filename) self.settings["vk"]["token"] = self.vk.session_object.token["access_token"] try: self.settings["vk"]["secret"] = self.vk.session_object.secret self.settings["vk"]["device_id"] = self.vk.session_object.device_id except AttributeError: pass self.settings.write() self.logged = True self.get_my_data() except VkApiError as error: if error.code == 5: # this means invalid access token. self.settings["vk"]["user"] = "" self.settings["vk"]["password"] = "" self.settings["vk"]["token"] = "" self.settings["vk"]["secret"] = "" self.settings["vk"]["device_id"] = "" self.settings.write() pub.sendMessage("authorisation-failed") else: # print out error so we we will handle it in future versions. log.exception("Fatal error when authenticating the application.") log.exception(error.code) log.exception(error.message) except (ProxyError, ConnectionError): pub.sendMessage("connection_error") def post_wall_status(self, message, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a post to an user, group or community wall.""" log.debug("Making a post to the user's wall with the following params: %r" % (kwargs,)) response = self.vk.client.wall.post(message=message, *args, **kwargs) def get_newsfeed(self, name="newsfeed", show_nextpage=False, endpoint="", *args, **kwargs): log.debug("Updating news feed...") if show_nextpage == True and "cursor" in self.db[name]: log.debug("user has requested previous items") kwargs["start_from"] = self.db[name]["cursor"] log.debug("Params for sending to vk: %r" % (kwargs,)) data = getattr(self.vk.client.newsfeed, "get")(*args, **kwargs) if data != None: self.process_usernames(data) num = self.order_buffer(name, data["items"], show_nextpage) log.debug("Keys of the returned data for debug purposes: %r" % (list(data.keys()),)) if "next_from" in data: self.db[name]["cursor"] = data["next_from"] log.debug("Next cursor saved for data: {cursor}".format(cursor=data["next_from"])) return num def get_page(self, name="", show_nextpage=False, endpoint="", *args, **kwargs): data = None if "audio" in endpoint and self.settings["vk"]["use_alternative_tokens"]: log.info("Using alternative audio methods.") c = self.vk.client_audio else: c = self.vk.client formatted_endpoint = "" if "parent_endpoint" in kwargs: p = kwargs["parent_endpoint"] formatted_endpoint = kwargs["parent_endpoint"] if "audio" in p and self.settings["vk"]["use_alternative_tokens"]: log.info("Using alternative audio methods.") c = self.vk.client_audio kwargs.pop("parent_endpoint") try: p = getattr(c, p) except AttributeError: p = c if name in self.db and "offset" in self.db[name] and show_nextpage == True: kwargs.update(offset=self.db[name]["offset"]) else: kwargs.update(offset=0) formatted_endpoint = "{formatted_endpoint}.{new_path}".format(formatted_endpoint=formatted_endpoint, new_path=endpoint) log.debug("Calling endpoint %s with params %r" % (formatted_endpoint, kwargs,)) data = getattr(p, endpoint)(*args, **kwargs) if data != None: if "count" not in kwargs: kwargs["count"] = 100 # Let's handle a little exception when dealing with conversation buffers. # the first results of the query should be reversed before being sent to order_buffer. if type(data) == dict and "items" in data and endpoint == "getHistory" and kwargs["offset"] == 0: data["items"].reverse() if type(data) == dict: num = self.order_buffer(name, data["items"], show_nextpage) self.db[name]["offset"] = kwargs["offset"]+kwargs["count"] if len(data["items"]) > 0 and "first_name" in data["items"][0]: data2 = {"profiles": [], "groups": []} for i in data["items"]: data2["profiles"].append(i) self.process_usernames(data2) if "profiles" in data and "groups" in data: self.process_usernames(data) else: num = self.order_buffer(name, data, show_nextpage) self.db[name]["offset"] = kwargs["offset"]+kwargs["count"] return num def get_messages(self, name="", *args, **kwargs): data = self.vk.client.messages.getHistory(*args, **kwargs) data["items"].reverse() if data != None: num = self.order_buffer(name, data["items"], False) return num def get_users(self, user_ids=None, group_ids=None): log.debug("Getting user information from the VK servers") if user_ids != None: u = self.vk.client.users.get(user_ids=user_ids, fields="uid, first_name, last_name") for i in u: self.db["users"][i["id"]] = dict(nom="{0} {1}".format(i["first_name"], i["last_name"])) if group_ids != None: g = self.vk.client.groups.getById(group_ids=group_ids, fields="name") for i in g: self.db["groups"][i["id"]] = dict(nom=i["name"], gen=i["name"], dat=i["name"], acc=i["name"], ins=i["name"], abl=i["name"]) def get_user(self, user_id, key="user1"): if user_id > 0: if user_id in self.db["users"]: user_data = {} user_fields = "nom, gen, ins, dat, abl, acc".split(", ") for i in user_fields: k = "{key}_{case}".format(key=key, case=i) v = "{first_name} {last_name}".format(first_name=self.db["users"][user_id]["first_name_"+i], last_name=self.db["users"][user_id]["last_name_"+i]) user_data[k] = v return user_data # if User_id is not present in db. else: user = dict(id=user_id) self.process_usernames(data=dict(profiles=[user], groups=[])) return self.get_user(user_id) else: if abs(user_id) in self.db["groups"]: user_data = {} user_fields = "nom, gen, ins, dat, abl, acc".split(", ") for i in user_fields: k = "{key}_{case}".format(key=key, case=i) v = self.db["groups"][abs(user_id)][i] user_data[k] = v else: group = self.vk.client.groups.getById(group_ids=-1*user_id)[0] self.process_usernames(data=dict(profiles=[], groups=[group])) return self.get_user(user_id=user_id, key=key) return user_data def process_usernames(self, data): """ processes user IDS and saves them in a local storage system. Every function wich needs to convert from an ID to user or community name will have to call the get_user_name function in this session object. Every function that needs to save a set ot user ids for a future use needs to pass a data dictionary with a profiles key being a list of user objects. It gets first and last name for people in the 6 russian cases and saves them for future reference.""" log.debug("Adding usernames to the local database...") ids = "" for i in data["profiles"]: if (i["id"] in self.db["users"]) == False: ids = ids + "{0},".format(i["id"],) gids = "" for i in data["groups"]: if i["id"] not in self.db["groups"]: self.db["groups"][i["id"]] = dict(nom=i["name"], gen=i["name"], dat=i["name"], acc=i["name"], ins=i["name"], abl=i["name"]) gids = "{0},".format(i["id"],) user_fields = "first_name_nom, last_name_nom, first_name_gen, last_name_gen, first_name_ins, last_name_ins, first_name_dat, last_name_dat, first_name_abl, last_name_abl, first_name_acc, last_name_acc, sex" user_fields_list = user_fields.split(", ") if ids != "": users = self.vk.client.users.get(user_ids=ids, fields=user_fields) for i in users: if i["id"] not in self.db["users"]: userdata = {} for field in user_fields_list: if field in i: userdata[field] = i[field] self.db["users"][i["id"]] = userdata def get_my_data(self): log.debug("Getting user identifier...") user = self.vk.client.users.get(fields="uid, first_name, last_name") self.user_id = user[0]["id"] def post(self, parent_endpoint, child_endpoint, attachments_list=[], post_arguments={}): """ Generic function to be called whenever user wants to post something to VK. This function should be capable of uploading all attachments before posting, and send a special event in case the post has failed, So the program can recreate the post and show it back to the user.""" attachments = "" if len(attachments_list) > 0: attachments = self.upload_attachments(attachments_list) # VK generally defines all kind of messages under "text", "message" or "body" so let's try with all of those possible_message_keys = ["text", "message", "body"] for i in possible_message_keys: if post_arguments.get(i): urls = utils.find_urls_in_text(post_arguments[i]) if len(urls) != 0: if len(attachments) == 0: attachments = urls[0] else: attachments += urls[0] post_arguments[i] = post_arguments[i].replace(urls[0], "") # After modifying everything, let's update the post arguments if needed. if len(attachments) > 0: post_arguments.update(attachments=attachments) # Determines the correct functions to call here. parent_endpoint = getattr(self.vk.client, parent_endpoint) endpoint = getattr(parent_endpoint, child_endpoint) post = endpoint(**post_arguments) print(post) def upload_attachments(self, attachments): """ Upload attachments to VK before posting them. Returns attachments formatted as string, as required by VK API.""" # To do: Check the caption and description fields for this kind of attachments. local_attachments = "" uploader = upload.VkUpload(self.vk.session_object) for i in attachments: if i["from"] == "online": local_attachments += "{0}{1}_{2},".format(i["type"], i["owner_id"], i["id"]) elif i["from"] == "local" and i["type"] == "photo": photos = i["file"] description = i["description"] r = uploader.photo_wall(photos, caption=description) id = r[0]["id"] owner_id = r[0]["owner_id"] local_attachments += "photo{0}_{1},".format(owner_id, id) elif i["from"] == "local" and i["type"] == "audio": audio = i["file"] title = "untitled" artist = "unnamed" if "artist" in i: artist = i["artist"] if "title" in i: title = i["title"] r = uploader.audio(audio, title=title, artist=artist) id = r["id"] owner_id = r["owner_id"] local_attachments += "audio{0}_{1},".format(owner_id, id) elif i["from"] == "local" and i["type"] == "document": document = i["file"] title = i["title"] r = uploader.document(document, title=title, to_wall=True) id = r["doc"]["id"] owner_id = r["doc"]["owner_id"] local_attachments += "doc{0}_{1},".format(owner_id, id) return local_attachments