# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals import languageHandler import paths import wx from builtins import range toolkit = "wx" ### Code responses for WX dialogs. # this is when an user presses OK on a dialogue. OK = wx.ID_OK # This is when an user presses cancel on a dialogue. CANCEL = wx.ID_CANCEL # This is when an user closes the dialogue or an id to create the close button. CLOSE = wx.ID_CLOSE # The response for a "yes" Button pressed on a dialogue. YES = wx.ID_YES # This is when the user presses No on a default dialogue. NO = wx.ID_NO ###events # This is raised when the application must be closed. CLOSE_EVENT = wx.EVT_CLOSE # This is activated when a button is pressed. BUTTON_PRESSED = wx.EVT_BUTTON # This is raised when a checkbox changes its status. CHECKBOX = wx.EVT_CHECKBOX # This is activated when an user enter text on an edit box. ENTERED_TEXT = wx.EVT_TEXT # This is raised when a user activates a menu. MENU = wx.EVT_MENU # This is raised when a user presses any key in the control. KEYPRESS = wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK # This is raised when a user releases a key in the control. KEYUP = wx.EVT_KEY_UP # This happens when a notebook tab is changed, It is used in Treebooks too. NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED = wx.EVT_TREEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED # This happens when a radiobutton group changes its status. RADIOBUTTON = wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON # Taskbar mouse clicks. #TASKBAR_RIGHT_CLICK = wx.EVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN #TASKBAR_LEFT_CLICK = wx.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN LISTBOX_CHANGED = wx.EVT_LISTBOX LISTBOX_ITEM_ACTIVATED = wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED def exit_application(): """ Closes the current window cleanly. """ wx.GetApp().ExitMainLoop() def connect_event(parent, event, func, menuitem=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Connects an event to a function. parent wx.window: The widget that will listen for the event. event widgetUtils.event: The event that will be listened for the parent. The event should be one of the widgetUtils events. function func: The function that will be connected to the event.""" if menuitem == None: return getattr(parent, "Bind")(event, func, *args, **kwargs) else: return getattr(parent, "Bind")(event, func, menuitem, *args, **kwargs) def connectExitFunction(exitFunction): """ This connect the events in WX when an user is turning off the machine.""" wx.GetApp().Bind(wx.EVT_QUERY_END_SESSION, exitFunction) wx.GetApp().Bind(wx.EVT_END_SESSION, exitFunction) class BaseDialog(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseDialog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_response(self): return self.ShowModal() def get(self, control): if hasattr(self, control): control = getattr(self, control) if hasattr(control, "GetValue"): return getattr(control, "GetValue")() elif hasattr(control, "GetLabel"): return getattr(control, "GetLabel")() else: return -1 else: return 0 def set(self, control, text): if hasattr(self, control): control = getattr(self, control) if hasattr(control, "SetValue"): return getattr(control, "SetValue")(text) elif hasattr(control, "SetLabel"): return getattr(control, "SetLabel")(text) elif hasattr(control, "ChangeValue"): return getattr(control, "ChangeValue")(text) else: return -1 else: return 0 def destroy(self): self.Destroy() def set_title(self, title): self.SetTitle(title) def get_title(self): return self.GetTitle() def enable(self, control): getattr(self, control).Enable(True) def disable(self, control): getattr(self, control).Enable(False) class mainLoopObject(wx.App): def __init__(self): self.app = wx.App() self.lc = wx.Locale() lang=languageHandler.getLanguage() wxLang=self.lc.FindLanguageInfo(lang) if not wxLang and '_' in lang: wxLang=self.lc.FindLanguageInfo(lang.split('_')[0]) self.lc.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(paths.locale_path()) if wxLang: self.lc.Init(wxLang.Language) def run(self): self.app.MainLoop() class list(object): def __init__(self, parent, *columns, **listArguments): self.columns = columns self.listArguments = listArguments self.create_list(parent) def set_windows_size(self, column, characters_max): self.list.SetColumnWidth(column, characters_max*2) def set_size(self): self.list.SetSize((self.list.GetBestSize()[0], 1000)) def create_list(self, parent): self.list = wx.ListCtrl(parent, -1, **self.listArguments) for i in range(0, len(self.columns)): self.list.InsertColumn(i, "%s" % (self.columns[i])) def insert_item(self, reversed, *item): """ Inserts an item on the list.""" if reversed == False: items = self.list.GetItemCount() else: items = 0 self.list.InsertItem(items, item[0]) for i in range(1, len(self.columns)): self.list.SetItem(items, i, item[i]) def remove_item(self, pos): """ Deletes an item from the list.""" if pos > 0: self.list.Focus(pos-1) self.list.DeleteItem(pos) def clear(self): self.list.DeleteAllItems() def get_selected(self): return self.list.GetFocusedItem() def select_item(self, pos): self.list.Focus(pos) def get_count(self): selected = self.list.GetItemCount() if selected == -1: return 0 else: return selected def Enable(self, value): return self.list.Enable(value)