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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import wx
import widgetUtils
class attachDialog(widgetUtils.BaseDialog):
def __init__(self, voice_messages=False):
super(attachDialog, self).__init__(None, title=_("Add an attachment"))
panel = wx.Panel(self)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
lbl1 = wx.StaticText(panel, wx.NewId(), _("Attachments"))
self.attachments = widgetUtils.list(panel, _("Type"), _("Title"), style=wx.LC_REPORT)
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
box.Add(lbl1, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
box.Add(self.attachments.list, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
sizer.Add(box, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
2019-01-28 05:36:51 -06:00
static = wx.StaticBoxSizer(parent=panel, orient=wx.HORIZONTAL, label=_("Add attachments")) = wx.Button(static.GetStaticBox(), wx.NewId(), _("&Photo")) = wx.Button(static.GetStaticBox(), wx.NewId(), _("Audio file"))
self.document = wx.Button(static.GetStaticBox(), wx.NewId(), _("Document"))
if voice_messages:
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self.voice_message = wx.Button(static.GetStaticBox(), wx.NewId(), _("Voice message"))
self.remove = wx.Button(static.GetStaticBox(), wx.NewId(), _("Remove attachment"))
2019-01-28 05:36:51 -06:00
static.Add(, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
static.Add(, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
static.Add(self.document, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
if voice_messages:
2019-01-28 05:36:51 -06:00
static.Add(self.voice_message, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
sizer.Add(static, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
ok = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK)
cancelBtn = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_CANCEL)
btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer()
btnSizer.Add(ok, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
btnSizer.Add(cancelBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
sizer.Add(btnSizer, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
def get_image(self):
openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Select the picture to be uploaded"), "", "", _("Image files (*.png, *.jpg, *.gif)|*.png; *.jpg; *.gif"), wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
if openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
return None
dsc = self.ask_description()
return (openFileDialog.GetPath(), dsc)
def ask_description(self):
dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _("please provide a description"), _("Description"))
result = dlg.GetValue()
return result
def get_audio(self):
openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Select the audio file to be uploaded"), "", "", _("Audio files (*.mp3)|*.mp3"), wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
if openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
return None
return openFileDialog.GetPath()
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def get_document(self):
openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Select the file to be uploaded. All extensions are allowed except .mp3 and .exe."), "", "", _("All files (*.*)|*.*"), wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
if openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
return None
return openFileDialog.GetPath()
def invalid_attachment(self):
return wx.MessageDialog(None, _("The file you are trying to upload contains an extension that is not allowed by VK."), _("Error"), style=wx.ICON_ERROR).ShowModal()