""" Unittests for fixers applied in some cases. """
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import unittest
import winpaths
from fixes import fix_requests

# Let's import the reload function
if sys.version[0] == "3":
	from imp import reload

class fixesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

	def test_winpaths_error_in_python3(self):
		""" Testing the winpaths error happening only in Python 3 due to changes introduced to ctypes. """
		# If this test fails, it means winpaths has been updated to fix the ctypes issue already.
		# Therefore this test and the corresponding issue should be removed.
		if sys.version[0] != "3":
		# A reload of winpaths is needed to rever the fix of winpaths, if has been applied before
		self.assertRaises(AttributeError, winpaths.get_appdata)

	def test_requests_fix(self):
		""" Testing the requests fix and check if the certificates file exists in the provided path. """

if __name__ == "__main__":