# music-dl [![pipeline status](https://code.manuelcortez.net/manuelcortez/music-dl/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://code.manuelcortez.net/manuelcortez/music-dl/commits/master) [![coverage report](https://code.manuelcortez.net/manuelcortez/music-dl/badges/master/coverage.svg)](https://code.manuelcortez.net/manuelcortez/music-dl/commits/master) MusicDL is an app for downloading music directly from services like Youtube, zaycev.net, mail.ru and others. I made it for practicing a few skills I have learnt about scraping the web and tools like python's beautifulsoup library, plus all of the new stuff provided with Python 3. More info in this [blog post](https://manuelcortez.net/blog/post/my-new-project-musicdl-simple-music-downloader.html) [Visit the project's website](https://manuelcortez.net/music_dl) ## Requirements See the requirements.txt, located in the root of this repository. Additionally, take into account the following. * In case you want to create your own distributable version with Python 2, you'll need py2exe. ## running Run the file main.py, located in the src directory. ## Building ### Python 3 I have provided a main.spec file for pyinstaller, so you should be able to do something like: > C:\python3\scripts\pyinstaller.exe main.spec And start building. Check the dist folder for results. ### Python 2 If you are using Python 2.x and want to build MusicDL, there is a setup.py file made for pyinstaller aswell. Just run it the usual way: > C:\python2\python.exe setup.py py2exe And You will get a distributable version of MusicDL.