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2020-07-12 21:57:53 -05:00
#! /usr/bin/env python
Important note: for this script to work, the following conditions should be met:
* There must be ftp server data, via environment variables (FTP_SERVER, FTP_USERNAME and FTP_PASSWORD) or via arguments to the script call (in the prior order). Connection to this server is done via default ftp port via TLS.
* this code assumes it's going to connect to an FTP via TLS.
* If the version to upload is alpha, there's not need of an extra variable. Otherwise, CI_COMMIT_TAG should point to a version as vx.x, where v is a literal and x are numbers, example may be v0.18, v0.25, v0.3. This variable should be set in the environment.
* Inside the ftp server, the following directory structure will be expected: manuelcortez.net/static/files/music_dl. The script will create the <version> folder or alpha if needed.
* The script will upload all .exe, .zip and .json files located in the root directory from where it was called. The json files are uploaded to manuelcortez.net/static/files/music_dl/update and other files are going to manuelcortez.net/static/files/music_dl/<version>.
import sys
import os
import glob
import ftplib
class MyFTP_TLS(ftplib.FTP_TLS):
"""Explicit FTPS, with shared TLS session"""
def ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest=None):
conn, size = ftplib.FTP.ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest)
if self._prot_p:
conn = self.context.wrap_socket(conn,
session=self.sock.session) # this is the fix
return conn, size
def convert_bytes(n):
K, M, G, T, P = 1 << 10, 1 << 20, 1 << 30, 1 << 40, 1 << 50
if n >= P:
return '%.2fPb' % (float(n) / T)
elif n >= T:
return '%.2fTb' % (float(n) / T)
elif n >= G:
return '%.2fGb' % (float(n) / G)
elif n >= M:
return '%.2fMb' % (float(n) / M)
elif n >= K:
return '%.2fKb' % (float(n) / K)
return '%d' % n
def callback(progress):
global transferred
transferred = transferred+len(progress)
print("Uploaded {}".format(convert_bytes(transferred),))
ftp_server = os.environ.get("FTP_SERVER") or sys.argv[1]
ftp_username = os.environ.get("FTP_USERNAME") or sys.argv[2]
ftp_password = os.environ.get("FTP_PASSWORD") or sys.argv[3]
version = os.environ.get("CI_COMMIT_TAG") or "alpha"
version = version.replace("v", "")
print("Uploading files to the Socializer server...")
connection = MyFTP_TLS(ftp_server)
print("Connected to FTP server {}".format(ftp_server,))
connection.login(user=ftp_username, passwd=ftp_password)
print("Logged in successfully")
if version not in connection.nlst():
print("Creating version directory {} because does not exists...".format(version,))
if "update" not in connection.nlst():
print("Creating update info directory because does not exists...")
print("Moved into version directory")
files = glob.glob("*.zip")+glob.glob("*.exe")+glob.glob("*.json")
print("These files will be uploaded into the version folder: {}".format(files,))
for file in files:
transferred = 0
print("Uploading {}".format(file,))
with open(file, "rb") as f:
if file.endswith("json"):
connection.storbinary('STOR ../update/%s' % file, f, callback=callback, blocksize=1024*1024)
connection.storbinary('STOR %s' % file, f, callback=callback, blocksize=1024*1024)
print("Upload completed. exiting...")